Inversion Methods

Inversion Methods

Analysis Definition

To address Question #2 for the IOP Workshop. i.e.:

(2) What is the optimization or inversion method used?

* How critical is the choice of inversion method (can others be used)?
* What are the sensitivities of the available inversion methods?
* Does the reliability of the methods vary based on location or trophic level?

in situ and SeaWiFS data have been processed using a fixed algorithm (GSM) with 4 different inversion methods:

Note that LUD is only valid for a square matrix (equal number of bands and model parameters), so for standard GSM, only the 3-Band case was inverted using LUD.

Satellite processing was performed with l2gen->l2bin->l3bin (the OBPG operational data processing stream). The in situ processing for NOMAD was performed using IDL-based code, independently implemented and analyzed. Global satellite data was processed to 9.2-km monthly means for March, June, September, and December of 2005, and common bins were evaluated over several water classification subsets. i.e.:

Analysis Results

Observations and conclusions:

Discussion and Revision

A lively group discussion ensued. Additional analysis suggested that the sensitivity differences between SVD and (LM,AMB) in the over-determined case were due in part to the way the problem was formulated. The linearization scheme was revised as per the group discussion and the analyses were re-evaluated.