OCBAM Agenda
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
8:00 Continental Breakfast, Penobscot Room foyer
9:00 Welcoming remarks -
9:15 Overview talks
10:30 Break
11:00 Framework
12 noon - Lunch (NEC dining room)
1:30 Algorithms
- The GSM algorithm - Stephane Maritorena
- The UTOPIA algorithm - Mark Dowell
- Linear matrix inversion: advantages and disadvantages - Paul Lyon
- Algorithms optimized for Long Island Sound - Dirk Aurin
3:00 Break
3:30 Discussion of the questions that need to be answered - led by Janet and Stephane
This session will identify questions that can be answered during the workshop
Group dinner: Location - The Blue Mermaid Restaurant, Portsmouth, NH
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
8:00 Continental Breakfast, Penobscot Room foyer
8:30 Feedback from yesterday's discussion
9:00 Inversion methods and other issues
10:00 Break
10:30 Inversion methods and other issues - continued
12 noon - Lunch (NEC Dining Room)
1:30 Reaching consensus
- Discussion: Have we reached consensus as to whether to change the chlorophyll algorithm? If so, how should it be changed?
- What further analyses should be conducted by participants?
3:00 Break
3:30 Next steps
- Reporting on our workshop: plans for submitting a poster to Ocean Sciences
- Reactions of the OBPG to recommendations - Chuck McClain
5:30 Adjourn