Meeting Agenda
Meeting Objectives:
1. Report Project Office status, progress, and plans
2. Report of Science Team on activities and plans.
3. Prepare for OCTS ILAC processing (review methods & algorithms,
processing schedule, data access and archival, etc.)
4. Review plans for the coming year (priorities, field studies, team
support, team coordination, coordination with International SIMBIOS, etc.)
5. Explore ways of improving communication and collaboration between team
members and the Project Office, expediting publication of results, and
enhancing team and Project Office capabilities.
Tuesday, 9/22
8:30 Welcome: C. McClain & G. Mitchell
8:45 SIMBIOS and SeaWiFS Project Overviews: C. McClain
9:15 MODIS Status: Wayne Esaias
9:30 SIMBIOS Contract Status Report: Bob Caffrey
Satellite Data and Processing Status Reports
9:45 Satellite Data Processing Overview: G. Feldman
10:00 BREAK
10:15 Satellite Data Processing: Algorithms & Analyses
M. Wang
B. Franz
A. Isaacman
W. Gregg
R. Frouin
11:30 LUNCH
1:00 Team Reports (10 minutes each)
Data Merger
W. Gregg
D. Siegel
B. Balch
J. Brock & C. Brown
D. Capone (A. Subramaniam)
K. Carder
F. Chavez
G. Cota
T. Dickey
D. Eslinger
R. Frouin
R. Green
M. He
H. Li (N. Kuo)
R. Miller (R. Leathers)
G. Mitchell
J. Mueller
F. Muller-Karger
S. Saitoh (H. Fukushima)
D. Siegel
R. Zaneveld
Atmospheric Corrections
P. Flatau (G. Mitchell)
M. Miller
J. Porter
K. Stamnes (B. Chen)
Wednesday, 9/23
8:30 SeaWiFS Calibration & Validation:
Calibration Strategy: C. McClain (15 min.)
MOBY Status: D. Clark (30 min.)
Solar & Lunar Data Analysis: G. Eplee (15 min.)
MOBY Vicarious Calibration: G. Eplee (15 min.)
Bio-optical Match-up Comparisons: B. Schieber (15 min.)
Atmospheric Match-up Comparisons: S. Bailey (15 min.)
10:30 Calibration Round-Robin
SIRREX Results & Plans: T. Riley (20 min.)
SQM-II Update: T. Riley (10 min.)
Sun Photometer Calibration: C. Pietras (15 min.)
11:15 Bio-optical Algorithms and Measurements
SeaBASS Status: B. Schieber
Update on the SeaWiFS Chl a Algorithm: S. Maritorena
1:00 Atmospheric Algorithms and Measurements
SeaWiFS Operational Atmospheric Algorithms: M. Wang (30 min.)
Recent modifications (aerosol models, foam correction, etc.)
AERONET Augmentation Status: T. Riley (15 min.)
(Instrument mods, deployment locations, ship board systems)
1:45 Parallel Break-out Sessions: (1) Bio-optical and (2) Atmospheric
Measurements, Algorithms & Analyses
Bio-optical Topics (Chair: B. Balch)
IOPs: R. Zaneveld
RRS: J. Mueller
ap: G. Mitchell
Pigments: D. Clark
Match-up analyses: B. Schieber
Others: TBD
Atmospheric Topics (Chair: J. Porter)
AERONET data processing: C. Pietras
CIMEL configuration options (e.g.,polarization): C. Pietras
Atmospheric Correction Algorithm Evaluations
M. Wang
K. Stamnes (B. Chen)
J. Porter
M. Miller
4:30 Additional Break-out Sessions
1. Break-out session on interactive diagnostic processing tools: J. Mueller
The purpose is to determine what software tools can be made available
and what input/output design features are needed by those doing
diagnostic analyses beyond what SeaDAS, etc. provides.
2. Break-out session on SeaWiFS Products: C. McClain
Are there strong recommendations on revision of the product suite from
the SIMBIOS team? If so, a formal request should be drafted for
circulation to the SeaWiFS Executive Council and the SeaWiFS Science
Team for consideration.
Thursday, 9/24
8:30 Break-out session reports & discussion
(Key issues, recommendations, etc. by Chairs)
9:30 Instrument Pool Status (inc. calibrations) & Discussion: S. Bailey
10:00 SIMBIOS Team Support Activities for 1999 Launches: C. McClain
(1999 launches include ROCSAT, KOMPSAT, and MODIS)
10:30 BREAK
10:45 Closing Plenary
Report and Publication Policy Issues
(authorship, acknowledgements, etc.)
SeaBASS Data Access Policy
1999 Research Plans & Schedules
NASA Review Policy for SIMBIOS renewal (circa 1999 NRA)
12:00 Adjourn