OB.DAAC User Working Group

OB.DAAC User Working Group

The OB DAAC User Working Group (UWG) is an external advisory group tasked to:

The UWG meets once per year to review the status of OB DAAC operations and to provide recommendations. Additional information about the responsibilities of the UWG can be found in the OB DAAC UWG Charter.

Meeting Information

Upcoming: UWG May, 2024

For details on upcoming and past meetings information visit the OB.DAAC User Working Group homepage.

UWG Members

Toggle Accordion Title

2022-2025 Cohort

NAME (ordered by last name) AFFILIATION SPECIALTY
Brian Barnes University of South Florida Satellite Remote Sensing, Ocean Optics, Coastal Water Quality, Atmospheric correction, Benthic Classification
Guillaume Bourdin University of Maine Oceanography, Marine Science, Ocean Optics
Robert Frouin Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Radiation transfer theory; Satellite remote sensing; Inverse problems related to light scattering; Air-sea interactions; Ocean color; Carbon cycle; Climate change
Jason Graff Oregon State University Phytoplankton ecology and physiology, bacteria-phytoplankton interactions, developing and improving methods for investigating marine phytoplankton from the cellular to global scale.
Brice Grunert
Cleveland State University Dissolved organic carbon; Water quality; Ecosystem processes
Erin Hestir University of California, Merced Aquatic ecosystems under threat from competing pressures to meet societal needs for water and food security while sustaining biodiversity and other ecosystem services; expertise in geospatial analytics, hyperspectral and satellite remote sensing, and sensor networks in inland and coastal waters and wetlands
Sasha Kramer Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute Phytoplankton community structure in the surface ocean using in-water measurements and satellite remote sensing.
Wesley Moses U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Costal water quality
Rick Reynolds Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego Ocean optics; Phytoplankton physiology and ecology; Remote-sensing of ocean color and biogeochemistry; Polar ecosystems
Knut Stamnes Stevens Institute of Technology Atmospheric/Space Research
Jessie Turner University of Connecticut coastal waters, sediments, water clarity, water quality
Xiaodong Zhang University of Southern Mississippi Optical Oceanography, Ocean Optics, Ocean Color, Remote Sensing

User Working Group Ex Officio Members

Laura Lorenzoni Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry Program Scientist NASA HQ
Sandra Blevins ESDIS OB.DAAC Engineer NASA GSFC
Sean Bailey OB.DAAC Manager NASA GSFC
Alicia Scott OB.DAAC Deputy Manager NASA GSFC
Guoqing Wang OB.DAAC Scientist NASA GSFC

Non-voting Members

Jeremy Werdell PACE Project Scientist NASA GSFC
Bryan Franz MODIS/VIIRS Ocean Discipline Lead NASA GSFC
Aynur Abdurazik SeaDAS Lead NASA GSFC
Chris Proctor SeaBASS Lead NASA GSFC