Brian Barnes |
University of South Florida |
Satellite Remote Sensing, Ocean Optics, Coastal Water Quality, Atmospheric correction, Benthic Classification |
Guillaume Bourdin |
University of Maine |
Oceanography, Marine Science, Ocean Optics |
Robert Frouin |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego |
Radiation transfer theory; Satellite remote sensing; Inverse problems related to light scattering; Air-sea interactions; Ocean color; Carbon cycle; Climate change |
Jason Graff |
Oregon State University |
Phytoplankton ecology and physiology, bacteria-phytoplankton interactions, developing and improving methods for investigating marine phytoplankton from the cellular to global scale. |
Brice Grunert
Cleveland State University |
Dissolved organic carbon; Water quality; Ecosystem processes |
Erin Hestir |
University of California, Merced |
Aquatic ecosystems under threat from competing pressures to meet societal needs for water and food security while sustaining biodiversity and other ecosystem services; expertise in geospatial analytics, hyperspectral and satellite remote sensing, and sensor networks in inland and coastal waters and wetlands |
Sasha Kramer |
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute |
Phytoplankton community structure in the surface ocean using in-water measurements and satellite remote sensing. |
Wesley Moses |
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory |
Costal water quality |
Rick Reynolds |
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego |
Ocean optics; Phytoplankton physiology and ecology; Remote-sensing of ocean color and biogeochemistry; Polar ecosystems |
Knut Stamnes |
Stevens Institute of Technology |
Atmospheric/Space Research |
Jessie Turner |
University of Connecticut |
coastal waters, sediments, water clarity, water quality |
Xiaodong Zhang |
University of Southern Mississippi |
Optical Oceanography, Ocean Optics, Ocean Color, Remote Sensing |