AR011 vs SR052 Aqua R1.1 vs SeaWiFS R5.2, 8-Day Trends
AT02 vs ST01 Current standard production
AT02 vs ST02 Relative to revised prelaunch SeaWiFS calibration
AT03 vs ST03 Revised coccolithophore masking
AT04 vs ST04 Additional masking for absorbing aerosols
AT05 vs ST01 Updated MODIS L1B LUT
AT06 vs ST01 Modeled polarization sensitivities
AT08 vs ST06 Revised out-of-band correction on nLw
AT09 vs ST06 Switch to version 5 OC3 for MODIS
AT11 vs ST10 Vicarious cal with expanded MOBY dataset (baselines)
AT11 vs ST19 Revised SeaWiFS calibration
AT11 vs ST19 Limit MODIS to 54-deg senz
AT16 vs ST22 No nLw OOB correction
AT17 vs ST23 Revised nLw OOB correction (w/Cioti)
AT22 vs ST31 Operational processing (R1.1 vs R5.2)
AT22 vs ST33 Add cal offset to SeaWiFS 765
AT22 vs ST35 Add cal offset to SeaWiFS 865
AT19 vs ST34 Add BRDF correction to diffuse trans.
AT21 vs ST36 Vicarous calibration with gain and offset in vis/nir
AT24 vs ST44 New baseline, internal MOBY cal
AT25 vs ST45 No f/Q correction
AT26 vs ST46 Updated OOB correction
AT27 vs ST52 New Rayleigh etc.
AT28 vs ST53 New set01 aerosol models
AT29 vs ST53 Shift modis 551 to 547
AT31 vs ST53 Shift modis 551 to 547 and recalibrate
AT32 vs ST54 Set02 aerosol models
AT33 vs ST55 Set03 aerosol models
AT34 vs ST55 Updated MODIS LUT to current operational
AT35 vs ST55 Updated MODIS LUT to MCST OC
AT36 vs ST62 MODISA Standard LUT to new SeaWiFS baseline
AT37 vs ST62 MODISA MCST_OC LUT to new SeaWiFS baseline
AT38 vs ST64 New NIR cal, whitecap, ozone SW cal
AT39 vs ST65 New NIR Lw, adjusted MODISA NIR gain
AT40 vs ST69 New MODISA repro baseline, SeaWiFS before straylight filtering
AT40 vs ST70 New MODISA repro baseline, SeaWiFS after straylight filtering
AT41 vs ST73 SeaWiFS R2009 vs latest MODISA baseline
AT42 vs ST73 SeaWiFS R2009 vs latest MODISA baseline (recalibrated)
AT43 vs ST73 SeaWiFS R2009 vs MODISA with revised striping and RVS LUT
AT44 vs ST73 SeaWiFS R2009 vs MODISA with standard C6 LUT
AT45 vs ST74 SeaWiFS R2009.1 vs MODISA w/Alt MCST LUT
AT46 vs ST74 SeaWiFS R2009.1 vs MODISA w/MCST LUT w/ det-dep removed by OBPG
AT47 vs ST74 SeaWiFS R2009.1 vs MODISA w/MCST LUT (time-dep NIR RVS) + polcor update
AT48 vs ST74 SeaWiFS R2009.1 vs MODISA w/AT46 LUT + xcal for 412 and 667/678 RVS
AR2009.1 vs SR2009.1 SeaWiFS R2009.1 vs MODISA 2009.1
AT63 vs ST76 Operational 4-day comparison
AT63 vs ST77 add SeaWiFS post-reprocessing algorithm changes (rhoamin, bbp, etc.)
AT63 vs ST78 add revised SeaWiFS calibration in blue, post 2007.
AT63 vs ST79 add revised SeaWiFS calibration in blue765 (gain 3), post 2007.
AT63 vs ST79b remove all pre-2007 SeaWiFS changes
AT64 vs ST76 revised MODIS xcal fit, post 2009, to seawifs operational
AT64 vs ST77 revised MODIS xcal fit, post 2009, to seawifs w/updated algorithms
AT63 vs ST83 MODIS R2009.1 vs SeaWiFS R2010.0 reprocessing config.
R2009.1 vs R2010.0 SeaWiFS R2010.0 vs MODISA 2009.1