Go to the documentation of this file.
20 #define VIIRSSCANS 203
25 #define VSWATH_B VELEMS
28 #define MODISSCANS 203
33 #define MSWATH_B MELEMS
36 #define PACESCANS 1721
41 #define PSWATH_B PELEMS
43 #define NUM_PACE_RSB 60
44 #define NUM_PACE_SWIR 9
47 #define NUM_DB_BANDS 12
48 #define DB_RFL_BANDS 9
52 #define NUM_BT_BANDS 5
53 #define NUM_EM_BANDS 5
54 #define NUM_RF_BANDS 11
55 #define NUM_SW_BANDS 3
56 #define NUM_DT_QUALS 2
57 #define NUM_LAND_SOL3 3
58 #define NUM_LAND_SOL4 4
60 static constexpr
int DD_SUCCESS = 0;
61 static constexpr
int DD_FAIL = 1;
const std::string INPUT_GEO
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_6
const std::string INPUT_LAND_W0645
const std::string INPUT_AERO_LAND_FINE
const std::string PRODUCT_XML
const std::string INPUT_BATHYMETRY
const std::string INPUT_AERO_LAND_DUST
const std::string LEAP_SEC_PATH
const std::string INPUT_NVALX_412
const std::string INPUT_LANDMASK
const std::string INPUT_RATIO_CH19_TO_CH2
const std::string LUT_GRIB
list(APPEND LIBS ${PGSTK_LIBRARIES}) add_executable(atteph_info_modis atteph_info_modis.c) target_link_libraries(atteph_info_modis $
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_SMALL4
void add_options(clo_optionList_t *list)
const std::string NETCDF_LUT_PATH
const std::string LUT_RAYLEIGH
const std::string INPUT_GDAS2
const std::string LUT_MODIS_SWIR
const std::string LUT_NVALX21
const std::string INPUT_AERO_OCEAN_MARI
const std::string BOOL_SURF_410
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_5
int get_bool(const std::string &name)
const std::string INPUT_DPIX
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_BIG3
const std::string BOOL_NDVI
const std::string BOOL_GEOLOCATION
const std::string BOOL_AOT_1240
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_BIG4
const std::string INPUT_PAR
const std::string INPUT_IFFSVM
const std::string INPUT_SENSOR_INFO
const std::string INPUT_NC4_LUT
const std::string LUT_OCEAN_AEROSOL_MARI
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_2
const std::string INPUT_GAS_CORRECTION
const std::string BOOL_STATISTICS
const std::string INPUT_MODIS_SURF_REFL
const std::string INPUT_SEASONAL_DESERTS
const std::string INPUT_DLINE
std::string get_group(const std::string &group)
const std::string BOOL_SURF_670
const std::string LUT_OCEAN_AEROSOL_FINE
const std::string BOOL_SCATTER_ANGLE
const std::string LUT_GAS_CORRECTION
int get_option_int(const std::string &name)
const std::string INPUT_LAND_W0466
const std::string INPUT_GDAS
const std::string BOOL_OBSERVATIONS
const std::string BOOL_PROCESS
const std::string INPUT_NVALX_470
const std::string BOOL_AEROSOL_TYPE
const std::string INPUT_EPIX
const std::string BOOL_ADD_LT_NOISE
const std::string BOOL_ANGSTROM
const std::string OUTPUT_NC4
const std::string LUT_GEOZONE
const std::string LUT_CHL
const std::string BOOL_AOT_1610
std::string get_history(int argc, char *argv[])
const std::string BOOL_AOT_865
const std::string BOOL_FLAGS
std::string get_option(const std::string &name)
const std::string INPUT_GRIB
const std::string INPUT_MODIS_XCAL_470
const std::string LUT_LAND_AEROSOL
const std::string INPUT_CLDMASK
const std::string BOOL_SURF_2250
const std::string ALGORITHM
const std::string INPUT_NVALX21
const std::string LUT_NVALX
const std::string INPUT_GDAS1
const std::string LUT_LAND_AEROSOL_DUST
const std::string BOOL_CHLOROPHYLL
const std::string LUT_SWIR
const std::string LUT_OCEAN_AEROSOL
const std::string INPUT_VIIRS_SURF_REFL
clo_optionList_t * get_optionList()
const std::string INPUT_LT_NOISE_SCALE
const std::string BOOL_L2_FLAGS
const std::string INPUT_VEG_LANDCOVER
const std::string INPUT_RAYL_470
const std::string BOOL_MASK_CLOUD
const std::string INPUT_DB_NC4_LUT
const std::string INPUT_OZONE
const std::string BOOL_ANCILLARY
const std::string INPUT_NVALX_650
const std::string BOOL_GAS_CORRECTION
void init_options(clo_optionList_t *list, const char *softwareVersion)
const std::string BOOL_NAVIGATION
const std::string BOOL_SCANS
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_SMALL1
float * get_option_floats(const std::string &name, int *count)
const std::string INPUT_VIIRS_XCAL_670
const std::string BOOL_CLOUD_MASK
const std::string BOOL_DATA
const std::string LUT_VIIRS_SURFACE_REFL
const std::string LUT_OCEAN_AEROSOL_DUST
const std::string INPUT_LAND_MAP
const std::string INPUT_CHL
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_4
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_3
const std::string LUT_OCEAN_AEROSOL_MIX
const std::string INPUT_SAT_ID
const std::string INPUT_SWIR
const std::string INPUT_VIIRS_XCAL_412
const std::string INPUT_GAIN_412
const std::string BOOL_SURF_490
const std::string INPUT_AERO_OCEAN_DUST
const std::string INPUT_LINES_PER_RW
void read_options(clo_optionList_t *list, int argc, char *argv[])
const std::string INPUT_SURF_COEFF
const std::string BOOL_AOT_2250
const std::string INPUT_RAYL_412
const std::string BOOL_RESIDUAL_ERROR
const std::string BOOL_SENSOR
const std::string BOOL_AOT_550
const std::string LUT_WATER_VAPOR
const std::string INPUT_MODIS_GEOZONE
const std::string BOOL_SHORT_FORMAT
const std::string BOOL_QUALITY_FLAG
const std::string INPUT_SPIX
const std::string INPUT_LAND_W0554
const std::string LUT_BATHYMETRY
const std::string INPUT_DT_NC4_LUT
const std::string INPUT_LER_TABLE
const std::string BOOL_AOT_410
const std::string LUT_LAND_AEROSOL_FINE
const std::string BOOL_AOT_670
const std::string INPUT_VIIRS_XCAL_488
const std::string INPUT_WEIGHT_TABLE
const std::string INPUT_GEOZONE
const std::string INPUT_RAYL_650
const std::string LUT_LER_TABLES
void set_optionList(clo_optionList_t *list)
const std::string BOOL_AOT_380
const std::string INPUT_LAND_W2113
const std::string INPUT_SURFACE_PRESSURE
const std::string INPUT_VEG_21SFC
const std::string INPUT_GAIN_470
const std::string INPUT_TRANSM_H2O_1
const std::string INPUT_AERO_OCEAN_MIX
const std::string INPUT_AERO_OCEAN_FINE
const std::string INPUT_MODIS_SWIR
const std::string LUT_SURFACE_COEFF
const std::string BOOL_MASK_GLINT
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_SMALL2
const std::string BOOL_FMF_550
const std::string LUT_SURFACE_PRESSURE
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_BIG1
const std::string INPUT_MISSION
const std::string INPUT_REFL_CH2
const std::string INPUT_DBDT_REGIONS
const std::string INPUT_L1B
const std::string LUT_LANDCOVER
const std::string INPUT_LANDCOVER
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_SMALL3
const std::string INPUT_GLOBAL_IGBP
const std::string INPUT_ELINE
const std::string BOOL_AOT_490
const std::string BOOL_WAVELENGTHS
const std::string INPUT_BRDF
const std::string INPUT_MODIS_XCAL_412
const std::string LUT_MODIS_CORRECTIONS
const std::string INPUT_SLINE
const std::string INPUT_OCEAN_BIG2
const std::string LUT_DESERTS
const std::string LUT_MODIS_SURFACE_REFL