Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine flxtop
2 c
3 c subroutine flxtop computes the upward diffused flux at the
4 c top of the atmosphere for rg=0. also, it checks for flux balance
5 c***********************************************************************
6 c.....include common blocks
7  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
8  include 'common_all.cmn'
9 c***********************************************************************
10 c
11  sum = 0.0
12  do j = jjj,nmum1
13  psum = 0.0
14  do k = 1,2
15  psum=fio(k,j,1)+fio(k,j,jpart)+psum
16  enddo
17  do k=1,2
18  do i=2,noph2
19  psum=psum+2.*fio(k,j,i)
20  enddo
21  enddo
22  sum=sum+psum*dmus2(j)*6.2831854d0/dfloat(nophi)
23  enddo
24  sumup=abs(sum)
25  sumpi=sumup*pi
26  amufac = amuo*factr
27  amufpi = amufac*pi
28  amzz=amuo
29  if(kzz.eq.2) amzz=1.0
30  if(iref.eq.0)then
31  flxbln=(sumup+(1.0-refl)*(sumdwn+amuo*(factr)))/amzz
32  endif
33 c if(kzz.eq.1)write(6,7574)
34 c if(kzz.eq.2)write(6,7575)
35 c write(6,7576)
36 c write(6,7577) amufac,amufpi
37 c write(6,2008) sumdwn,sumdpi
38 c write(6,2007) sumup,sumpi
39 c if(iref .eq. 0) write(6,2015) flxbln
40 c if(iref.eq.1 .or. iref.eq.2)then
41 c write(6,2011) sumc,sumcpi,calb
42 c endif
43 c if(iref.eq.3)then
44 c write(6,2012) sumc,sumcpi,calb
45 c endif
46 c write(6,2025)jpass
47 c if(iref.eq.0)then
48 c flxb(jpass)=flxbln
49 c endif
50 c******format statements************************************************
51 2007 format('upward diffused flux (top)',t35,'=',1pe12.4,
52  1 2x,'( * pi = ',1pe12.4,' )' )
53 2008 format( 'downward diffused flux (bottom)', t35, '=' ,1pe12.4,
54  1 2x,'( * pi = ',1pe12.4,' )' )
55 2015 format('flux balance ',t35,'=',1pe12.4)
56 2011 format('upward diff. flux (above ocean)',t35,'=',1pe12.4,
57  1 2x,'( * pi = ',1pe12.4,' )' //
58  2 ,'ocean albedo ',t35,'=',1pe12.4 )
59 2012 format('upward diff. flux (above ocean)',t35,'=',1pe12.4,
60  1 2x,'( * pi = ',1pe12.4,' )' //
61  2 ,'surf. albedo ',t35,'=',1pe12.4 )
62 2025 format(/ t40,'***** end of iteration no. ', i5,
63  1 ' *****' / )
64 7574 format(/'illumination from top, f0=1')
65 7575 format(/'illumination from below')
66 7576 format(/'summary of flux calculations' )
67 7577 format( 'direct downward flux',t35,'=',1pe12.4,
68  1 2x,'( * pi = ', 1pe12.4,' )' )
69 c***********************************************************************
70  return
71  end
72 c***********************************************************************
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23
subroutine flxtop
Definition: flxtop.f:2
Definition: RsViirs.h:71
#define abs(a)
Definition: misc.h:90