Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * File: ancnrt_proto.h
3  * Author: dshea
4  *
5  * Created on February 16, 2011, 11:49 AM
6  */
8 #ifndef ANCNRT_PROTO_H
9 #define ANCNRT_PROTO_H
11 #include <stdint.h>
13 #ifdef __cplusplus
14 extern "C" {
15 #endif
17 /* fortran prototypes */
18 void rdgrid_();
19 void gregor_(int *julday, int *year, int *month, int *day);
21 int readgrib2(char *file, int npix, int nlin, int rgmode,
22  float *data);
23 int grib2_t(char *grib2_t_str, int *year, int *doy, int *hour, int *npix,
24  int *nlin, int *h_fcst);
25 int readgrib2_3d(char *file, char *grib2_t_str, int npix, int nlin,
26  float *data, int nprfl, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour);
27 int count_annot(char *filename);
28 void shift_180(float *in, int npix, int nlin, float fact, float *out);
31 /* prototypes from ANCroutines.c */
32 int startHDF(char *outfile, int32_t *sdfid, int32_t *fid, int32_t mode);
33 int32_t setupGrid(int32_t fid, char *grpname);
34 int32_t gridToGrid(int32_t outergridid, int32_t innergridid);
35 int32_t writeGeom(int32_t fid, int32_t gridid, char *geomname, int32_t bin_meth,
36  int32_t registration, float vsize, float hsize,
37  float max_north, float max_south, float max_west,
38  float max_east);
39 int32_t findGeomId(int32_t fid, char *geomname);
40 int32_t linkGeom(int32_t gridid, int32_t geomid);
41 int32_t detachGeom(int32_t geomid);
42 int addAttr(int32_t sdsid, char *dataattr, int32_t datatype, char *dataunit);
43 int setSDSref(int32_t sdsid, int32_t gridid);
44 int deattachHDFgrid(int32_t gridid);
45 int closeHDFstructs(int32_t sdfid, int32_t fid);
46 int32_t wrtsds(int32_t sdfid, int rank, int32_t *shape, int32_t datatype,
47  char *datalabel, void *data);
48 int32_t rewrtsds(int32_t sdsid, int32_t *shape, void *data);
49 int rdsds(char *filename, char *vgname, char *sdsname, int32_t *dimsizes,
50  void *inData);
51 int wrtattr(int32_t dfile, struct annotation *annot, int numannarr);
52 int32_t SDSinFile(char *sdsname, char *longname, char *units, char *datafmt,
53  int32_t datatype, int32_t sdfid, int32_t rank, int32_t *shape, void *data, int32_t gridid);
56 void pexit(char *string);
57 int pwarning(char *string);
60 #ifdef __cplusplus
61 }
62 #endif
64 #endif /* ANCNRT_PROTO_H */
int32_t setupGrid(int32_t fid, char *grpname)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:51
int32_t day
int32_t SDSinFile(char *sdsname, char *longname, char *units, char *datafmt, int32_t datatype, int32_t sdfid, int32_t rank, int32_t *shape, void *data, int32_t gridid)
void shift_180(float *in, int npix, int nlin, float fact, float *out)
Definition: ancnrt.c:668
int addAttr(int32_t sdsid, char *dataattr, int32_t datatype, char *dataunit)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:222
int readgrib2(char *file, int npix, int nlin, int rgmode, float *data)
Definition: readgrib.c:77
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] resolving MODxl01751 Changed to validate LUT version against a value retrieved from the resolving MODxl02056 Changed to calculate Solar Diffuser angles without adjustment for estimated post launch changes in the MODIS orientation relative to incidentally resolving defects MODxl01766 Also resolves MODxl01947 Changed to ignore fill values in SCI_ABNORM and SCI_STATE rather than treating them as resolving MODxl01780 Changed to use spacecraft ancillary data to recognise when the mirror encoder data is being set by side A or side B and to change calculations accordingly This removes the need for seperate LUTs for Side A and Side B data it makes the new LUTs incompatible with older versions of the and vice versa Also resolves MODxl01685 A more robust GRing algorithm is being which will create a non default GRing anytime there s even a single geolocated pixel in a granule Removed obsolete messages from seed as required for compatibility with version of the SDP toolkit Corrected test output file names to end in out
Definition: HISTORY.txt:422
int32_t rewrtsds(int32_t sdsid, int32_t *shape, void *data)
README for MOD_PR02AQUA(AQUA) Version to set to For disabling creating and output data sets when in night mode
Definition: README.txt:96
int pwarning(char *string)
Definition: pexit.c:21
int32_t gridToGrid(int32_t outergridid, int32_t innergridid)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:71
int nlin
Definition: get_cmp.c:28
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude resolving resolving GSFcd00179 Corrected handling of fill values for[Sensor|Solar][Zenith|Azimuth] resolving MODxl01751 Changed to validate LUT version against a value retrieved from the resolving MODxl02056 Changed to calculate Solar Diffuser angles without adjustment for estimated post launch changes in the MODIS orientation relative to incidentally resolving defects MODxl01766 Also resolves MODxl01947 Changed to ignore fill values in SCI_ABNORM and SCI_STATE rather than treating them as resolving MODxl01780 Changed to use spacecraft ancillary data to recognise when the mirror encoder data is being set by side A or side B and to change calculations accordingly This removes the need for seperate LUTs for Side A and Side B data it makes the new LUTs incompatible with older versions of the and vice versa Also resolves MODxl01685 A more robust GRing algorithm is being which will create a non default GRing anytime there s even a single geolocated pixel in a granule Removed obsolete messages from seed file
Definition: HISTORY.txt:413
subroutine julday(YYMMDD, JDAY)
Definition: julday.f:2
void rdgrid_()
int32_t findGeomId(int32_t fid, char *geomname)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:162
int wrtattr(int32_t dfile, struct annotation *annot, int numannarr)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:631
int count_annot(char *filename)
Definition: countann.c:11
int32_t linkGeom(int32_t gridid, int32_t geomid)
subroutine fact
Definition: tmd.lp.f:1161
char filename[FILENAME_MAX]
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:122
int32_t wrtsds(int32_t sdfid, int rank, int32_t *shape, int32_t datatype, char *datalabel, void *data)
no change in intended resolving MODur00064 Corrected handling of bad ephemeris attitude data
Definition: HISTORY.txt:356
int deattachHDFgrid(int32_t gridid)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:267
int grib2_t(char *grib2_t_str, int *year, int *doy, int *hour, int *npix, int *nlin, int *h_fcst)
Definition: readgrib.c:158
int closeHDFstructs(int32_t sdfid, int32_t fid)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:281
void pexit(char *string)
Definition: pexit.c:10
int32_t writeGeom(int32_t fid, int32_t gridid, char *geomname, int32_t bin_meth, int32_t registration, float vsize, float hsize, float max_north, float max_south, float max_west, float max_east)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:92
int readgrib2_3d(char *file, char *grib2_t_str, int npix, int nlin, float *data, int nprfl, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour)
Definition: readgrib.c:267
Extra metadata that will be written to the HDF4 file l2prod rank
struct annotation * annot
int32_t detachGeom(int32_t geomid)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:205
void gregor_(int *julday, int *year, int *month, int *day)
int setSDSref(int32_t sdsid, int32_t gridid)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:245
int rdsds(char *filename, char *vgname, char *sdsname, int32_t *dimsizes, void *inData)
int npix
Definition: get_cmp.c:27
int startHDF(char *outfile, int32_t *sdfid, int32_t *fid, int32_t mode)
Definition: ANCroutines.c:27