This is the complete list of members for OutFile_png, including all inherited members.
addProduct(productInfo_t *productInfo) | OutFile | virtual |
addProductNonDisplay(productInfo_t *productInfo) | OutFile | protectedvirtual |
ArcTan enum value | OutFile | |
badPixelValue | OutFile | protectedstatic |
blue | OutFile | protected |
ByteDS enum value | OutFile | |
close() | OutFile_png | virtual |
ColorIndex enum value | OutFile | |
ColorType enum name | OutFile | |
colorType | OutFile | protected |
currentLine | OutFile | protected |
DataStorage enum name | OutFile | |
deflate | OutFile | protected |
DoubleDS enum value | OutFile | |
fileMaxVal | OutFile | protected |
fileMinVal | OutFile | protected |
fileName | OutFile | protected |
fillPix enum value | OutFile | |
fillPixel(int32_t x) | OutFile | virtual |
FloatDS enum value | OutFile | |
fullLatLon | OutFile | protected |
getDeflate() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getFileMaxVal() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getFileMinVal() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getFileName() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getHeight() const | OutFile | virtual |
getMaxValue(int32_t prod=0) | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getMetadata() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getMinValue(int32_t prod=0) | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getNumFilledPixels() | OutFile | virtual |
getNumProducts() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getPercentFilledPixels() | OutFile | virtual |
getQualityName() | OutFile | inline |
getQualityProcessing() | OutFile | virtual |
getResolution() | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
getScaleTypeString(int32_t prod=0) | OutFile | virtual |
getWidth() const | OutFile | virtual |
Grayscale enum value | OutFile | |
green | OutFile | protected |
height | OutFile | protected |
IntDS enum value | OutFile | |
landPix enum value | OutFile | |
landPixel(int32_t x) | OutFile | virtual |
landPixelValue | OutFile | protectedstatic |
latData | OutFile | protected |
LatLon1D enum value | OutFile | |
LatLon2D enum value | OutFile | |
LatLonOff enum value | OutFile | |
LatLonType enum name | OutFile | |
Linear enum value | OutFile | |
Log enum value | OutFile | |
lonData | OutFile | protected |
mapProjection | OutFile | protected |
metaData | OutFile | protected |
missingPixel(int32_t x) | OutFile | virtual |
open() | OutFile_png | virtual |
OutFile() | OutFile | protected |
OutFile_png(bool color) | OutFile_png | |
pixscale | OutFile | protected |
PixValues enum name | OutFile | |
productStuff | OutFile | protected |
proj4String | OutFile | protected |
qualityData | OutFile | protected |
qualityName | OutFile | protected |
qualityUnused | OutFile | protectedstatic |
red | OutFile | protected |
resetFileMinMax() | OutFile | virtual |
resolution | OutFile | protected |
RGB enum value | OutFile | |
rgb_land | OutFile | protected |
samplesperpixel | OutFile | protected |
ScaleType enum name | OutFile | |
setDeflate(int val) | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
setFileName(std::string fileName) | OutFile | virtual |
setFullLatLon(bool val) | OutFile | inline |
setLandRGB(const char *rgb_land_string) | OutFile | virtual |
setLatLon(double *lat, double *lon) | OutFile | virtual |
setMapProjection(std::string projection) | OutFile | virtual |
setMetaData(meta_l3bType *metaData) | OutFile | virtual |
setNumFilledPixels(int32_t num) | OutFile | virtual |
setPalette(const char *paletteName, bool applyMask) | OutFile | virtual |
setPixel(int32_t x, double val, int32_t prod=0) | OutFile | virtual |
setPixelRGB(int32_t x, float red, float green, float blue) | OutFile | virtual |
setProj4Info(std::string projStr, double minX, double maxY) | OutFile | |
setQuality(int32_t x, uint8_t val) | OutFile | virtual |
setQualityName(std::string qualName) | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
setQualityProcessing(bool val) | OutFile | virtual |
setResolution(std::string resolutionStr) | OutFile | virtual |
setResolution(double resolution) | OutFile | inlinevirtual |
setSize(int32_t width, int32_t height) | OutFile_png | virtual |
setTransparency() | OutFile | virtual |
ShortDS enum value | OutFile | |
tiepoints | OutFile | protected |
transparent | OutFile | protected |
UByteDS enum value | OutFile | |
UIntDS enum value | OutFile | |
UShortDS enum value | OutFile | |
width | OutFile | protected |
writeLine() | OutFile_png | virtual |
~OutFile() | OutFile | virtual |
~OutFile_png() | OutFile_png | virtual |