Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
color_dtdb.py File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.




def rgb2ycbcr (r, g, b)
def ycbcr2rgb (y, cb, cr)
def rgb2yuv (r, g, b)
def yuv2rgb (y, u, v)
def rgb2ycbcr2 (r, g, b)
def ycbcr2rgb2 (y, pb, pr)
def histeq (im, nbr_bins=256)
def pseudocolor (val, minval, maxval)
def plot_scalar_array (ds_str, title_str, mina, maxa)
def plot_rgb ()


int W410 = 0
int W445 = 1
int W490 = 2
int W550 = 3
int W670 = 4
int W865 = 5
int W1240 = 6
int W1610 = 7
int W2250 = 8
int NWL = 9
list wlstr = ["410","445","490","550","670","865","1240","1610","2250"]
float Kb = 0.114
float Kr = 0.299
 RGB2YCbCr = np.array([[0.257, 0.504, 0.098],[-0.148, -0.291, 0.439],[0.439, -0.368, -0.071]])
 YCbCr2RGB = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 1.596],[1.0, -0.392, -0.813],[1.0, 2.017, 0.0]])
 RGB2YUV = np.array([[0.299, 0.587, 0.114],[-0.14713, -0.28886, 0.436],[0.615, -0.51499, -0.10001]])
 YUV2RGB = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 1.13983],[1.0, -0.39465, -0.58060],[1.0, 2.03211, 0.0]])
 args = sys.argv
 dtdb_dirpath = args[1]
 dataset = args[2]
string colors = "123"
int bc = np.int(args[3][0])-1
int gc = np.int(args[3][1])-1
int rc = np.int(args[3][2])-1
string logfile = ""
string command = "date > " + logfile
 result = os.system(command)
 dtdb_dircontents = os.listdir(dtdb_dirpath)
string filepath = dtdb_dirpath + "/" + x
string image_path = dtdb_dirpath + "/IMAGES"
string outfilename = x + "_" + dname + ".png"
string path = image_path + "_" + dname
string outpath = path + "/" + outfilename
string title_str = ' Angstrom Exponent'
string ds_str = 'ae'
float maxa = 2.0
float mina = 0.0
string image_path1 = image_path + "/histograms"
string outfilename1 = x + "_hist_410.png"
string outpath1 = image_path1 + "/" + outfilename1
string image_path2 = image_path + "/maps"
string outfilename2 = x + "_map.png"
string outpath2 = image_path2 + "/" + outfilename2
list ct = [3200,3200]
list st = [0,0]
int refwl = W865
int refbs = W410
int nbins = 100
int hmin = 0
int hmax = 10
float max0 = 0.0
float min0 = -2.0
float max1 = 2.5
float min1 = -0.5
 hist = np.zeros((NWL, nbins, nbins))
 cmap = cm.get_cmap('turbo')
 fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(16,10))
 fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(16,8))
def irgb = plot_rgb()
 ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(2,4,1)
 rfl0 = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations')['rhot_'+wlstr[refwl]].values[st[0]:st[0]+ct[0],st[1]:st[1]+ct[1]]
 lrfl0 = np.log10(np.clip(rfl0, a_min=0.0001, a_max=1.0))
 rflbs = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations')['rhot_'+wlstr[refbs]].values[st[0]:st[0]+ct[0],st[1]:st[1]+ct[1]]
 lrflbs = np.log10(np.clip(rflbs, a_min=0.0001, a_max=1.0))
 ml = mpl.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=None, cmap=cmap)
 aec = ml.to_rgba(lrfl0, alpha=None)
int wl1 = 1
int wl2 = 1
bool bwl2 = False
 rfl1 = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations')['rhot_'+wlstr[wl]].values[st[0]:st[0]+ct[0],st[1]:st[1]+ct[1]]
 lrfl1 = lrflbs - np.log10(np.clip(rfl1, a_min=0.0001, a_max=1.0))
 ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(2,4,wl1)
 cp1 = ax1.contourf(xpos0/2, ypos0/2, np.clip(hist[wl].T, a_min=hmin, a_max=hmax), levels=100, cmap=cmap)
bool bticks = True
 loc = plt.LinearLocator(11)
 tvals = loc.tick_values(hmin, hmax)
 cb_ax = fig1.add_axes([0.93, 0.1, 0.02, 0.8])
 bluec = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations',mask_and_scale=True)['rhot_490'].values
 greenc = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations',mask_and_scale=True)['rhot_550'].values
 redc = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/observations',mask_and_scale=True)['rhot_670'].values
 ocean = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/geophysical_data')['AOT_ocean']
 land = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/geophysical_data')['AOT_land']
 cldmsk = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/meteorology')['cloud_mask']
 cldtst = xr.load_dataset(filepath,group='/quality')['cloud_test']
 nomask = np.zeros_like(cldmsk, dtype=np.int16)
 ro = np.clip(np.nan_to_num(redc),0,10.0)
 go = np.clip(np.nan_to_num(greenc),0,10.0)
 bo = np.clip(np.nan_to_num(bluec),0,10.0)
 y = y/np.max(y)
 mino_all = min(np.min(ro), np.min(go), np.min(bo))
float maxo_all = max(np.max(ro), np.max(go), np.max(bo)) + 0.001
float gamma = 1.0
float ga = np.ones_like(ro)*gamma
 rg = np.power(ro, ga)
 gg = np.power(go, ga)
 bg = np.power(bo, ga)
 yg = np.power(yh, ga)
 ys = np.divide(yg,y)
int scale = 255
 im_red = im.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(rg,0,1.0)*scale))
 im_green = im.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(gg,0,1.0)*scale))
 im_blue = im.fromarray(np.uint8(np.clip(bg,0,1.0)*scale))
 im_rgb = im.merge("RGB", (im_red, im_green, im_blue))
 set = dataset.partition("/")