Go to the documentation of this file. 1 subroutine get_ut1(iyr,iday,ut1c,ier)
24 real*4 tmp1,tmp2,tmp3,tmp4
25 integer*4 iyr,iday,ier
26 integer*4 jd,jdayt,jdayin/0/
27 character*80 utcpolnm,hdr1
29 character*1 tab1,tab2,tab3,tab4,tab5
32 utcpolnm =
33 call filenv (utcpolnm,utcpolnm)
35 open (19, file=utcpolnm, status=
'old', err=999)
36 read (19, 1001, err=999) hdr1
38 read (19, 1002, err=999)
43 jdayt =
jd(iyr,1,iday) - 2400000
48 do while (jdayin.ne.jdayt)
49 read (19, 1200,
end=998) jdayin,tab1,tmp1,tab2,tmp2
50 * ,tab3,tmp3,tab4,tmp4,tab5,utin
51 1200
format (i5,2(a1,f9.6,a1,f8.6),a1,f9.6)
53 print *,
'utcpole.dat file record', jdayin, utin
60 998 print *,
'End of utcpole file', jdayin, jdayt
64 999 print *,
'Error accessing utcpole file'
subroutine filenv(infil, outfil)