libgenutils Changelog
<VERSION> - 2019
- changed alloc_2d to allocate2d so the order of the arguments matches the order of accessing the array.
argpar 2.1.1 - 2018-07-27
- More thoroughly stripped leading/trailing quotes/spaces from key and value from par files
<VERSION> - 2018-04-10
- Created script to generate alloc_2d and ran it.
- Added tests, reorganized alloc2d
- argpar features added, small changes elsewhere
- Moved olog into its proper home.
- added a switch to turn off the par file option
- implemented OBPG standard code formatting.
- get ready for shared libs
- removed roxml
- Added small libraries formerly part of val-extract
- made clo ignore dashes on the begining of an option key
- Removed dashes from common options in order to be compatible with gnu style Dashes are stripped on the command line.
- Fixed addAlias to check if NOT option exists.
- Added par option to clo library
- removed dependancy on timeutils
Source Changed
- alloc_2d.c
- alloc_2d.h
- alloc_2d.pl
- allocateMemory.c
- argpar.c
- argpar.h
- argpar-help.c
- argpar-json.c
- Changelog.md
- clo.c
- clo.h
- CMakeLists.txt
- endianess.c
- fileFormatUtils.c
- filesize.c
- fread_swap.c
- genutils_globals.c
- genutils.h
- getlut_file.c
- isValidInt.c
- lenstr.f
- lowcase.c
- lspline.c
- nr_spline.c
- olog/buffer.c
- olog/buffer.h
- olog.c
- olog/file.c
- olog/file.h
- olog.h
- olog_loader.c
- olog/loader.h
- olog-main.c
- olog/stream.c
- olog/streamf.c
- olog/streamf.h
- olog/stream.h
- parse_file_name.c
- passthebuck.h
- phash.c
- phash.h
- pqueue.h
- pqueue-ll.c
- shash.c
- shash.h
- swapc_bytes.c
- table_io.cpp
- table_io.h
- table_io_wrapper.h
- trimBlanks.c
- upcase.c
- vincenty.c
- vincenty.h
- xmlUtils.c
- xmlUtils.h
<VERSION> - 2015-03-12
- Changelog.md