geogen_modis Changelog
6.2.1 - 2019-06-18
- moved large static arrays off the stack
Source Changed
- CMakeLists.txt
- GEO_landsea_mask.c
- GEO_earth_location.c
- GEO_read_L1Ascan_metadata.c
- GEO_ephem_attit.c
- GEO_global_arrays.h
- GEO_locate_one_scan.c
- GEO_get_geoid.c
- GEO_interp_mirr_enc.c
- GEO_write_input_metadata.c
6.2 - 2018-04-09
- isolated MODIS extract metadata code
- removed extra libs from modis CMakeLists.txt
- Collection "6.1" of MODIS L1 processing code: l1agen_modis v6.0.6, geogen_modis v6.1.0, l1bgen_modisa v6.2.1, l1bgen_modist v6.2.2.
- Cleaned up our changes to MODIS L1 code
- Updated MODIS L1 code to be compatible with opt (aka lib3) r14227, and simplified changes wrt SDST delivery so as to make future integration easier.
- moving MODIS L1 files out of subdirectory
- Fixed geogen_modis scripts and code to run with shared libraries & new dir structure.
Source Changed
- Changelog.md
- CMakeLists.txt
- from_SDST/HISTORY.txt
- from_SDST/MOD03.mcf
- from_SDST/MOD_PR03.mk
- from_SDST/MOD_PR03.pcf
- from_SDST/MOD_PR03.pff.doc
- from_SDST/MOD_PR03_pr.txt
- from_SDST/MYD03.mcf
- from_SDST/MYD_PR03.pcf
- from_SDST/README.txt
- GEO_abs_limit_check.c
- GEO_aggregate.c
- GEO_basic.h
- GEO_check_ea_headers.c
- GEO_create_swath.c
- GEO_del_limit_check.c
- GEO_derived_products.c
- GEO_earth.h
- GEO_earth_location.c
- GEO_ellip_position.c
- GEO_ephem_attit.c
- GEO_find_next_flag.c
- GEO_geo.h
- GEO_get_bounding_coords.c
- GEO_get_ephatt_inputs.c
- GEO_get_geoid.c
- GEO_get_GRing_points.c
- GEO_get_inst_mirr_normal.c
- GEO_get_sample_time.c
- GEO_get_T_inst2ecr.c
- GEO_get_utcpole_metadata.c
- GEO_get_version_metadata.c
- GEO_get_view_vec.c
- GEO_global_arrays.h
- GEO_hires.c
- GEO_initialize_product.c
- GEO_input.h
- GEO_inst.h
- GEO_interp_ECR.c
- GEO_interp_mirr_ang.c
- GEO_interp_mirr_enc.c
- GEO_landsea_mask.c
- GEO_locate_one_granule.c
- GEO_locate_one_scan.c
- GEO_location_main.c
- GEO_main_func.h
- GEO_main.h
- GEO_maneuver.c
- GEO_mat_vec_mul3.c
- GEO_output.h
- GEO_parameters.h
- GEO_poly_coef1.c
- GEO_poly_fit.c
- GEO_prepare_l1a_data.c
- GEO_prepare_mirr_data.c
- GEO_product.h
- GEO_read_L1AECS_metadata.c
- GEO_read_L1Apacket_data.c
- GEO_read_L1Ascan_metadata.c
- GEO_read_L1Aspecific_metadata.c
- GEO_read_L1Atemp_data.c
- GEO_read_param_file.c
- GEO_solar_and_lunar_vectors.c
- GEO_terrain_correct.c
- GEO_update_L1A_metadata.c
- GEO_util.h
- GEO_validate_derived_products.c
- GEO_validate_earth_location.c
- GEO_validation.h
- GEO_vec_length3.c
- GEO_vec_mul3.c
- GEO_vec_prod3.c
- GEO_vec_unit3.c
- GEO_write_ECS_metadata.c
- GEO_write_geospecific_metadata.c
- GEO_write_granule_metadata.c
- GEO_write_input_metadata.c
- GEO_write_one_scan.c
- GEO_write_parameters.c
- GEO_write_scan_data.c
- GEO_write_scan_metadata.c
- imsl_d_lin_sol_gen.c
- imsl_d_spline_interp.c
- imsl_d_spline_value.c
- imsl_error.c
- imsl_wrap.h
- L1a_data.h
- MOD03.mcf
- MODIS_35251.t
- MOD_PR03.mk
- MOD_PR03.pcf
- MOD_PR03.pff.doc
- MOD_PR03_pr.txt
- MYD03.mcf
- MYD_PR03.pcf
- PGS_MODIS_35251.h
- pseudo_imsl.h
- README.txt
- version.h
<VERSION> - 2015-03-12
- Changelog.md