nccmp Changelog
2.1.1 - 2018-03-09
- Used valgrind to kill memory leaks and deleted unused variables.
- implemented OBPG standard code formatting
- fixed nccmp for the mac
- Added previously unsupported type, uint, and some enhanced messages
- Merge branch 'nccmp_usertype' into develop
- Added code for regular (non-tolerance) compare
- Adding compound types to nccmp
- fixed nccmp destination, fixed base destination
Source Changed
- Changelog.md
- CMakeLists.txt
- common.h
- nccmp.c
- nccmp.cpp
- nccmp.h
- nccmp.hpp
- nccmp_user_type.c
- nccmp_user_type.h
- ncinfo.c
- ncinfo.h
- opt.c
- opt.h
- strlist.c
- strlist.h
- xmalloc.c
- xmalloc.h
2.1.0 - 2015-03-18
Added function to recursively compare subgroups within groups Also automatically set -m when -g opt specified on command line.
Source Changed
2.0.1 - 2015-03-12
- Changelog.md
2.0.0 - 2015-03-16
Converted program to C++ in order to convert macros to templates for easier debugging. Added nanequal to bring code closer to public version Added options:
-C <n> Output only the first n error messages -n Do not use default tolerance of 0.00001% (-T) for floats and doubles -N Nans are equal
Source Changed
deleted code
- nccmp.c
- nccmp.h
added code
modified code
- opt.c
- opt.h