Search and Order of Ocean Color Data
Search and Order of Ocean Color Data

Search and Order of Ocean Color Data


In the Beginning...

The launch of the Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) aboard the Nimbus-7 spacecraft in the fall of 1978 ushered in the age of satellite ocean color measurement. During those early days one probably needed to be on the Nimbus Experiment Team with a requested target in mind in order to obtain a particular ocean color scene.

CZCS lasarfax image
Figure 1: CZCS laserfax sheet

handwritten request for level-1 processing of CZCS data
Figure 2: CZCS processing request

As the mission progressed a paper archive of low quality, black and white CZCS scenes began to accumulate. These laserfaxes (Figure 1), as they were known, were kept in a filing cabinet in the basement of a building at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The Nimbus-7 mission operations folks would annotate these laserfaxes in the margin to indicate which portions of the data should be queued for further processing, but, due in part to the low quality of the images, significant numbers of cloud free areas of interest were often overlooked. If a researcher wanted to work with CZCS data for a region that was not initially selected for processing, they would have to make their way down to the basement of Building 3/14 at NASA/Goddard, find the appropriate file cabinet that contained the near real-times for the period of time that they were interested in and if they were lucky, had great eyesight and lots of stamina, they could go back through the laserfax files and highlight additional 2 minute blocks of scan lines to be processed (Figure 1 and 2).

Marginal improvement

CZCS level-1 transparency
Figure 3: CZCS level-1 transparency

Scenes that received further processing were stored on magnetic tape and photographically recorded and archived in transparency form (Figure 3). If a researcher wished to search the archive, they could come to Goddard and spend an afternoon or longer at a light table flipping through stacks of these transparencies in hopes of finding a scene that:

Those of us who got to experience many of these joys of data discovery decided that there had to be a better way.

Enter the Panasonic TQ-2000 series optical disc recorders and players.

three views of a Panasonic TQ-2026F optical disc recorder
Figure 4: Three views of a Panasonic TQ-2026F optical disc recorder

Panasonic optical memory disc
Figure 5: Panasonic optical memory disc and carrying case

sample browse image from original CZCS browser
Figure 6: Sample CZCS browse image

By 1989, the entire digital archive of CZCS scenes (some 66,000 or so) had been migrated from 9-track tape to more recent, random access storage technology, and the majority of the scenes had been processed to derive sea surface chlorophyll fields that could be represented as pseudo-color images. We used a Panasonic TQ-2026F to record all of those images onto three Panasonic TQ-FH224 optical memory discs as individual NTSC frames. The Panasonic players could be commanded by computer via an RS-232 cable to seek to a specific frame, so we kept a record of that frame number along with the date and time that the scene was collected and the two latitudes and two longitudes that hemmed it in. Now, ocean color users in possesion of a computer, a Panasonic player, two monitors, and copies of the three CZCS browse discs could run a program that we wrote, enter four bounding coordinates and a date range, and be presented with a sequence of images whose bounding boxes overlapped their own search area. They could very rapidly step through the matching image frames displayed on their TV screens with single key strokes at their computer to indicate which scenes were clear or otherwise interesting enough to merit addition to their order list. Completion of a browse session resulted in a list of scene identifiers that could be sent to the archive at NASA for filling.

New Sensor, New Tools

During the mid 1990's we began to develop ideas for a new type of ocean color browse tool. Two developments, in particular, led us to change the way that we implemented geographical searches and the way we presented search results to interested users.

diagram of box around a SeaWiFS swath
Figure 7: A typical SeaWiFS GAC swath is enclosed in a red rectangle defined by the scene's northern and southernmost latitudes and western and easternmost longitudes. A search for data in the East China Sea (green rectangle) would return this scene as a match using those metadata even though the data do not come within 5000 kilometers of the green rectangle. If the search were based on shared quadsphere bins (light green, magenta, and orange outlines), there would be no match.

Note that the SeaWiFS swath is divided into two groups of quadsphere bins (magenta and orange) along the 180-degree meridian. This reflects the fact that the swath contributes to two different geographically determined data days.

The first development was that plans for a sensor called SeaWiFS [which in 1989 had been deemed unviable (EOS Vol. 70 No. 23)] had been reconstituted. The new sensor would collect global ocean color data that were to be stored in granules that emcompassed the better part of the daylit side of each orbit. Drawing a rectangle around such a swath on a cylindrical projection of the Earth would also include large areas not covered by the swath (Figure 7). Geographic searches of the sort used earlier for the smaller postage-stamp- sized CZCS swaths would therefore not be effective. A new approach was needed.

screen shot of NCSA Mosaic
Figure 8: Screen shot of NCSA Mosaic

The second development was the advent of the World Wide Web and programs such as Mosaic from the National Center for Supercomputing Applications that allowed users on one side of the globe to easily acquire data from computers on the other by simply following hyperlinks. Here was a technology that could eliminate the need for users to own special hardware and optical discs of browse images such as we had employed for CZCS.

The Current Ocean Color Browse Interface

Appearance and Purpose

Our current ocean color/temperature browser is web based and looks something like what you see on the right to the user. It is accessible to the World Wide Web community via the URL, https://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.govNo Remote Path MatchNo Remote Path Match/cgi/browse.pl, and its use is described in detail on web pages reached through the "Help" button. The fundamental purpose of the current browser is the same as that of the earlier CZCS browser; indeed, it is the same as the purpose of the still earlier laserfax archive, to wit, to allow the user to find scenes in which all or parts of her region of interest are free of elements (most often clouds) that obscure the features she is looking for. As a secondary benefit, the looked-for features are themselves sometimes visible in the browse images.

The interface pictured at right allows the user to select one or more time periods of interest by clicking on hyperlinks in a calendar or by selecting date ranges from pull-down menus. Geographical regions of interest can be selected from a list, via a click on a map, or by typing in sets of bounding coordinates. Programs running on our webserver encode the user's regions of interest as a list of quadsphere bin numbers (see below) which is then passed via a temporary database table and an SQL query to our MySQL database engine along with the user's specified time ranges. Thumbnail images of the scenes selected by the query get displayed on the user's computer along with hyperlinks to the full data files should the user wish to download any of them directly.

The Quadsphere

One day, a few years before SeaWiFS launched, I was contemplating ways of getting from a point on a map to a list of satellite scenes that included that point when I overheard Fred Patt discussing an equal area binning scheme called the quadrilateralized spherical projection or quadsphere. Fred came to our group from the Cosmic Background Explorer Project where that projection was used while looking away from Earth. His description of the quadsphere follows.

diagram of the globe with level-6 quadsphere bins overlaid Figure 10: This diagram shows quadsphere level-6 bin boundaries drawn on a semi-transparent globe with the inscribed cube visible inside. The outlines for quadsphere bin faces 0 through 5 are colored red, green, blue, cyan, yellow, and magenta, respectively. The expanded section shows the numbering of the bins that overlay Iceland.

The Earth's surface is projected onto the faces of an inscribed cube using a curvilinear projection which preserves area. The sphere is divided into six equal areas which correspond to the faces of the cube. The vertices of the cube correspond to the cartesian coordinates defined by |x|=|y|=|z| on the unit sphere. The cube is oriented with one face normal to the North Pole and one face centered on the Greenwich meridian.

The faces of the cube are divided into square bins, where the number of bins along each edge is a power of 2, selected to produce the desired bin size. Thus the number of bins on each face is 2**(2*N), where N is the binning level, and the total number of bins is 6*2**(2*N). For example, a level of 10 gives 1024x1024 bins on each face and 6291456 (6*2**20) total bins, and on the Earth's surface the bins are 81 km**2 in size.

The bins are numbered serially, and the bin numbers are determined as follows. The total number of bits required for the bin numbers at level N is 2*N+3, where the 3 MSBs are used for the face numbers and the remaining bits are used to number the bins within each face. The faces are numbered 0-5 with 0 being the North face, 1 through 4 being equatorial with 1 corresponding to Greenwich, and 5 being South. Thus at level 10, face 0 has bin numbers 0-1048575, face 1 has numbers 1048576-2097151, etc.

Within each face the bins are numbered serially from one corner (the convention is to start at the "lower left") to the opposite corner, with the ordering such that each pair of bits corresponds to a level of bin resolution. This ordering in effect is a two-dimensional binary tree, which is referred to as the quad-tree. The conversion between bin numbers and coordinates is straightforward. The maximum practical bin level is 14, which uses 31 bits in a 32-bit integer and results in a bin size of 0.32 km**2.

The quad sphere limits the allowable bin sizes by requiring the bin dimenension of the cube face to be a power of 2, due to the binary indexing scheme. The advantage is that the bin numbering allows the resolution to be changed (by factors of two) simply by adding or deleting LSBs. This is particularly useful if it is desired to increase the bin size, for example to compare maps with different resolutions. This is performed simply by dividing the bin numbers by four for each factor of two increase in bin size.

The quad sphere faces can be displayed individually without remapping, with moderate distortion in the corners of the faces.

The quad sphere has an advantage in that the binary numbering scheme allows contiguous subsets of bins (either whole faces or quadrants of faces) to be accessed by simply specifying a range of bin numbers.

Choosing a Bin Size

This, I thought, could be an elegant way of parcelling up the Earth's surface into small, numbered areas that I could then associate with satellite scenes and regions of interest.

comparison of area coverage using different quadsphere binning levels Figure 11: As the quadsphere bin level increases, the area of individual bins decreases, and the number of bins covering the same area increases. Representation of the desired region of interest (the island of Madagascar in this example) also becomes more accurate as the bin level increases.

All I would need to do would be to pick a binning level that was: For the initial browser implementation, I picked binning level 7 because those bin areas were comparable to the areas of the pixels in the 512 by 256 pixel global map on the search page of the browser (see the top panel of Figure 9). When we switched from a flat-file implementation of the metadata to a MySQL relational database, we decided to use binning level 6 to lessen the load on the database server since more and more scenes from several different sensors were swelling our data archive and hence our metadata holdings.

Generating Browse Metadata

The typical MODIS scene overlays about 260 level-6 quadsphere bins; a typical SeaWiFS GAC swath overlays an average of around 1400 bins. The program that determines which bin numbers to associate with each scene gets all of its information from small browse files that are generated by the OBPG data system. In fact, all of the metadata used by the browse interface that I am describing come from these browse files which contain enough information to determine the location of each pixel in the subsampled browse scene.

The steps to determine which quadsphere bins overlay a given scene are as follows.

  1. Read or compute the center latitude and longitude of each browse pixel. Some browse files contain pixel latitudes and longitudes that can be read directly. Others -- older SeaWiFS browse files in particular -- contain sensor position and attitude data from which the pixel coordinates can be computed.
  2. Filter out or replace any bad coordinates.
  3. Some scenes, especially SeaWiFS MLAC, contain discontinuous sets of scan lines. Split these into distinct groups wherever the midpoints of adjacent scan lines are separated by more than 120 kilometers on the Earth's surface.
  4. Extract the outline coordinates of each group of scan lines -- further splitting along the terminator for those groups that span the day/night dividing line. (The sun's position, which in turn determines the terminator position, is determined from an estimate of the start time of each group of scan lines.)
  5. Divide the resulting outlines still further if they span the meridian that marks the geographical boundary of a data day. (For daytime outlines that boundary is the 180-degree meridian; for nighttime outlines it is the prime or 0-degree meridian.)
  6. Scan-convert each outline into the quadsphere bins that it encloses. (Scan-conversion is a heavily used technique from the computer graphics world for filling in polygonal areas that are defined by lists of vertices.)
  7. Add scene identifying information (sensor, start time, data day, data type) to the metadata indexed by each quadsphere bin overlain by the scene.

Using the Metadata to Locate Scenes

So, satellite data comes into our archive and gets processed. For each scene, at least one browse file is generated from which metadata are extracted. These metadata are inserted into tables in an ever-growing relational database (currently, a MySQL implementation). Between this database and the user sits the ocean color browse interface pictured above (Figure 9). When a user executes a search by clicking on the map or the Find swaths button, the browser code queries the database using the user's search parameters and returns the requested satellite scenes.

We have restructured our database tables a bit since I wrote what follows and since I created the figure below. The quadsphere table has gained a sen_id (sensor identifier) field which points to a record in a new sensors table that contains more information about the missions that we support. The start_time, station, width, height, sensor, and hide fields have moved out of the granules table into a scene_info table and have been linked with additional foreign keys. The basic idea of the search is still the same, however. Norman Kuring

The diagram below illustrates a sample query in which a user is looking for Aqua-MODIS scenes that overlay the predefined Iceland region.

The first database table shown in the upper left is called granules, and it contains the following basic scene information.

an index that relates a row in the granules table to rows in other tables
the start time of the scene given as the number of seconds elapsed since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UT
the data day (see the next section) of the scene expressed as the number of days elapsed since January 1, 1970; note that the date encoded in the data_day field will occasionally differ by one day from the date encoded in the start_time field; note also that scenes which span the geographical data day boundary will have two rows in the granules table with the same start_time but data days that differ by one.
this field has the name that it does for historical reasons; it contains data type information (e.g. LAC, GAC, MLAC) used to build the scene's filename.
width and height
the dimensions in pixels of the browse images for this scene; keeping this information in the database speeds the loading of web pages because browse image dimensions can be sent to the web client before the images themselves have even started to download.
a one character code indicating the sensor (e.g. C for CZCS, S for SeaWiFS, A for Aqua-MODIS, T for Terra-MODIS, O for OCTS, etc.)
determines the public accessibility of the scene

The quadsphere table contains the geographical coverage of each granule by associating each file_id in the granules table with a set of level-6 quadsphere bin numbers (quad_id) each of which refers to a unique georaphical area.

The quadregion table stores, again via level-6 quadsphere bin numbers (quad_id), the geographical coverage of predefined regions such as Iceland. The Iceland region comprises 14 bins and is shown in the figure below and in Figure 10.

The query and results shown in the lower left portion of the diagram below show how the aforementioned three tables can be joined to return a set of rows that contain the information needed to identify each paticular scene. (The scene start times are translated in green to a more human-readable form.) By using the group by clause in the query, the browse code can help the user to further restrict her search, say, to include only scenes that overlay all of the Iceland region. Such scenes would have a value of 14 in the count(g.file_id) column. Scenes that contained at least 50% of the Iceland region would have values of 7 or greater in this column. Five of the scenes selected by the query that do overlay all 14 Iceland quadsphere bins have been mapped and displayed along the right side of the diagram showing their relationship to the Iceland region.

diagram of scene/search-area intersections

All geographic searches are implemented in this way via quadsphere bin numbers whether the lists of bins come from predefined regions or from user clicks on the world map (Figure 9) or from latitudes and longitudes typed in by the user. Temporal searches make use of the data_day field in the granules table to exclude scenes that are outside the user's specified date ranges.

The Data Day