The spectral response functions (SRFs) for each sensor supported by the OBPG are provided below. These SRFs are integrated with various spectral sources to generate band-averaged atmosphere and ocean optical properties, which are then used in the atmospheric correction and retrieval of ocean color products. The band-averaged quantities for each sensor, for each spectral band are also provided below, along with the spectral band center and full width at half maximum. A description of the integration method and the spectral source data is available here, and the derived spectral sources at 0.1-nm and 1-nm sampling are listed below:
All sensor spectral response functions were interpolated to 0.1nm or 1nm spectral sampling for the wavelength range 200 - 2400nm. The sampling frequency was selected based on the source resolution of the spectral response data provided for each sensor. The spectral source data at the equivalent spectral sampling was then used to derive the bandpass integrated quantities provided for each sensor below. Note that for PACE, the source data for solar irradiance and ozone absorption is from TSIS-1 and Serdyuchenko, respectively. All other sensors use Thullier and Anderson, respectively. This is reflected in the derived science data products produced by OBPG and distributed by OB.DAAC.