The accurate determination of upper ocean apparent optical properties (AOPs) is essential for the vicarious calibration of the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) instrument and the validation of the derived data products. To evaluate the importance of data analysis methods upon derived AOP values, the Second Data Analysis Round Robin (DARR-00) activity was planned during the latter half of 1999 and executed during March 2000. The focus of the study was the intercomparison of several standard AOP parameters: a) the upwelled radiance immediately below the sea surface, Lu(0-,l); b) the downward irradiance immediately below the sea surface, Ed(0-,l); c) the diffuse attenuation coefficients from the upwelling radiance and the downward irradiance profiles, KL(l) and Kd(l), respectively; d) the incident solar irradiance immediately above the sea surface, Ed(0+, l); e) the remote sensing reflectance, Rrs(l); f) the normalized water-leaving radiance, [LW(l)]N; g) the upward irradiance immediately below the sea surface, Eu(0-, l), which is used with the upwelled radiance to derive the nadir Q-factor immediately below the sea surface, Qn(0-, l); and h) ancillary parameters like the solar zenith angle, q, and the total chlorophyll a concentration, CTa, derived from the optical data through statistical algorithms. In the results reported here, different methodologies from three research groups were applied to an identical set of 40 multispectral casts in order to evaluate the degree to which differences in data analysis methods influence AOP estimation, and whether any general improvements can be made. The overall results of DARR-00 are presented in Chapter 1 and the individual methods used by the three groups and their data processors are presented in Chapters 2-4.