Vol. 8: Proceedings of the First SeaWiFS Science Team Meeting

Vol. 8: Proceedings of the First SeaWiFS Science Team Meeting

SeaWiFS Pre-Launch Technical Report Series


Hooker, S.B., W.E. Esaias, and L.A. Rexrode, 1993: Proceedings of the First SeaWiFS Science Team Meeting. NASA Tech. Memo. 104566, Vol. 8, S.B. Hooker and E.R. Firestone, Eds., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 61 pp.


The first meeting of the SeaWiFS Science Team was held January 19--22, 1993 in Annapolis, Maryland, in preparation for a launch of the SeaStar satellite carrying the SeaWiFS ocean color sensor in the October 1993 time frame. The primary goals of the meeting were: 1) to brief Science Team members, agency representatives, and international collaborators in considerable detail on the status of the mission by representatives from the SeaWiFS Project, the prime contractor Orbital Sciences Corporation (OSC), and the Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC); 2) to provide for briefings on the science investigations undertaken by Science Team members and to solicit comments and recommendations from meeting attendees for improvements; and 3) to improve coordination of research and validation activities both inter- and intra-nationally with respect to collection, validation, and application of ocean color data from the SeaWiFS mission. Following the presentations, working groups met more informally for in-depth discussions covering all aspects of the mission and underlying scientific questions. These deliberations resulted in 60 specific recommendations concerning the mission, each of which was reviewed in plenary session to develop a consensus position. The SeaWiFS Project and the Goddard DAAC have developed a list of action items based on the recommendations and will provide their response to each of the recommendations in a timely fashion.

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