Ben G Kopec, Eric S Klein, Gene C Feldman, Shawn Pedron, Hannah Bailey, Douglas Causey, Alun Hubbard, Hannu Marttila, Jeffrey M Welker. 2022. "Tracing the drivers and impacts of amplified Arctic water cycle with coupled water vapor and seawater isotopic measurements." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Pages C15E-0633, 2022
Shawn Pedron, Zachary C Redman, Ben G Kopec, Eric S Klein, Gene C Feldman, Claudia I Czimczik, Jeffrey M Welker. 2022. "Western Greenland Ice-Land-Ocean Interactions: Near-Shore DOC 14C Ages and DOM Composition Along Eastern Baffin Bay." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Pages C42C-1040, 2022
Shubha Sathyendranath, Robert JW Brewin, Carsten Brockmann, Vanda Brotas, Ben Calton, Andrei Chuprin, Paolo Cipollini, André B Couto, James Dingle, Roland Doerffer, Craig Donlon, Mark Dowell, Alex Farman, Mike Grant, Steve Groom, Andrew Horseman, Thomas Jackson, Hajo Krasemann, Samantha Lavender, Victor Martinez-Vicente, Constant Mazeran, Frédéric Mélin, Timothy S Moore, Dagmar Müller, Peter Regner, Shovonlal Roy, Chris J Steele, François Steinmetz, John Swinton, Malcolm Taberner, Adam Thompson, André Valente, Marco Zühlke, Vittorio E Brando, Hui Feng, Gene Feldman, Bryan A Franz, Robert Frouin, Richard W Gould Jr, Stanford B Hooker, Mati Kahru, Susanne Kratzer, B Greg Mitchell, Frank E Muller-Karger, Heidi M Sosik, Kenneth J Voss, Jeremy Werdell, Trevor Platt. 2019. "An ocean-colour time series for use in climate studies: the experience of the ocean-colour climate change initiative (OC-CCI)" Sensors, V19 (19), 2019
Alan Holmes, John M Morrison, Gene Feldman, Fred Patt, Shihyan Lee. 2018. "Hawkeye ocean color instrument: performance summary." SPIE, CubeSats and NanoSats for Remote Sensing II, Volume 10769, Pages 87-101,2018
Shihyan Lee, Alan Holmes, Gerhard Meister, Frederick S Patt, Gene Feldman. 2018. "Hawkeye radiometric calibration methodology." SPIE, CubeSats and NanoSats for Remote Sensing II, Volume 10764, Pages 86-100, 2018
Alan Holmes, John M Morrison, Gene Feldman, Fred Patt. 2018. "HawkEye Ocean Color Instrument—Performance Summary (Invited Presentation)." 98th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2018
Abigail Ganopol, Marcelo Oglietti, A Ambrosino, F Patt, A Scott, L Hong, G Feldman. 2017. "Lessons Learned: An Effective Approach to Avoid Repeating the Same Old Mistakes." Journal of Aerospace Information Systems, V14, Issue 9, pages 483-492, 2017
John M Morrison, Hazel Jeffrey, Hessel Gorter, Pamela Anderson, Craig Clark, Alan Holmes, Gene C Feldman, Frederick S Patt. 2015. "SeaHawk: an advanced CubeSat mission for sustained ocean colour monitoring." SPIE, Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XX, Volume 1000, pages 309-319, 2015
McKinna, L. I., P. Fearns, S. Weeks, J. Werdell, M. Reichstetter, B. A. Franz, D. M. Shea, and G. C. Feldman. 2015. "A semianalytical ocean color inversion algorithm with explicit water column depth and substrate reflectance parameterization." Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans, 120 (3): 1741-1770, 2015
Christoph A Rohner, Scarla J Weeks, Anthony J Richardson, Simon J Pierce, Marites M Magno-Canto, Gene Carl Feldman, Geremy Cliff, Michael J Roberts. 2014. "Oceanographic influences on a global whale shark hotspot in southern Mozambique." PeerJ PrePrints, Issue:e661v1, 2014
McKinna, L. I., P. J. Werdell, P. R. Fearns, S. J. Weeks, M. Reichstetter, B. A. Franz, S. W. Bailey, D. M. Shea, and G. Feldman. 2014. "SWIM: a semi-analytical ocean color inversion algorithm for optically shallow waters." Proc. Ocean Optics XXII, 2014
Siegel, D. A., B. Behrenfeld, S. Maritorena, C. McClain, D. Antoine, S. Bailey, P. Bontempi, E. Boss, H. Dierssen, S. Doney, R. Eplee, R. Evans, G. Feldman, E. Fields, B. Franz, N. Kuring, C. Mengelt, R. Nelson, F. Patt, W. Robinson, J. Sarmiento, C. Swan, P. Werdell, T. Westberry, J. Wilding, and J. Yoder. 2013. "Regional to global assessments of phytoplankton dynamics from the SeaWiFS mission." Remote Sensing of Environment 135 77-91, 2013
P. Jeremy Werdell, Bryan A. Franz,1 Sean W. Bailey, Gene C. Feldman, Emmanuel Boss, Vittorio E. Brando, Mark Dowell, Takafumi Hirata, Samantha J. Lavender, ZhongPing Lee, Hubert Loisel, Stephane Maritorena, Fréderic Mélin, Timothy S. Moore, Timothy J. Smyth, David Antoine, Emmanuel Devred, Odile Hembise Fanton d'Andon and Antoine Mangin, 2013 "Generalized ocean color inversion model for retrieving marine inherent optical properties" Vol. 52, No. 10, Applied Optics, 2013
GS Lagerloef, H Kao, FJ Wentz, David M Le Vine, Simon H Yueh, Gene C Feldman. 2012. "Highlights of the First 15 Months of Aquarius Salinity Measurements." AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, Volume 2012, Pages OS11H-01, 2012
Scarla Weeks, P. Jeremy Werdell, Britta Schaffelke, Marites Canto, Zhongping Lee, John G. Wilding and Gene C. Feldman, 2012 "Satellite-Derived Photic Depth on the Great Barrier Reef: Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Water Clarity", Remote Sens. 2012, 4, 3781-3795, 2012
M. J. Behrenfeld, T. K. Westberry, E. S. Boss, R. T. O'Malley, D. A. Siegel, J. D. Wiggert, B. A. Franz, C. R. McClain, G. C. Feldman, S. C. Doney, J. K. Moore7, G. Dall'Olmo, A. J. Milligan, I. Lima, and N. Mahowald, "Satellite-detected fluorescence reveals global physiology of ocean phytoplankton", Biogeosciences, 6, 779-794, 2009
P. Jeremy Werdell; Sean W Bailey; Bryan A Franz; Lawrence W Harding Jr.; Gene C Feldman; Charles R McClain,"Regional and seasonal variability of chlorophyll-a in Chesapeake Bay as observed by SeaWiFS and MODIS-Aqua" Remote Sensing of the Environment, 2009
Blake A. Schaeffer, John M. Morrison, Daniel Kamykowski, Gene C. Feldman, Lian Xie, Yanyun Liu, William Sweet, Anita McCulloch, Stuart Banks,"Phytoplankton biomass distribution and identification of productive habitats within the Galapagos Marine Reserve by MODIS, a surface acquisition system, and in-situ measurements Remote Sensing of Environment, Volume 112, Issue 6, Pages 3044-3054 , 2008
Weeks, S.J., Anthony, K.R.N., Bakun, A., Feldman, G.C., and O. Hoegh-Guldberg, "Improved predictions of coral bleaching using seasonal baselines and higher spatial resolution", Limnol. Oceanogra. 53(4), 2008.
G. Lagerloef, F.R. Colomb, D. Le Vine, F. Wentz, S. Yueh, C. Ruf, J. Lilly, J. Gunn, Y. Chao, A. deCharon, G. Feldman, and C. Swift, "The Aquarius/SAC-D Mission: Designed to Meet the Salinity Remote-Sensing Challenge" Oceanography, Vol 21, No. 1, 2008
Cara Wilson, Jesus Morales, Shailesh Nayak, Ichio Asanuma, Gene Feldman. 2008. "Ocean-colour radiometry and fisheries", Why ocean colour? The societal benefits of ocean-colour technology (pp.47-58), 2008
Mc Clain, C. R., and G. Feldman. 2007. "The Ocean Biosphere." Our Changing Planet: The View from Space and Here 176-180, 2007
Werdell, P.J., Franz, B.A., Bailey, S.W., Harding, L.W., and Gene C. Feldman. Approach for the long-term spatial and temporal evaluation of ocean color satellite data products in a coastal environment. Proceedings of SPIE, 6680, pp 12, 2007
Behrenfeld, M.J., Robert T. O'Malley, David A. Siegel, Charles R. McClain, Jorge L. Sarmiento, Gene Carl Feldman, Allen J. Milligan, Paul G. Falkowski, Ricardo M. Letelier and Emmanuel S. Boss, "Climate-driven trends in contemporary ocean productivity", Nature 444, 752-755, 2006
McClain, C., Hooker, S., Feldman, G., and P. Bontempi. "Satellite Data for Ocean Biology, Biogeochemistry, and Climate Research". EOS, 87 (34):337-343, 2006
Meister, G., Kwiatkowska, E., Franz, B., Patt, F., Feldman, G.C. and C. R. McClain."Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer ocean color polarization correction". Applied Optics. Vol. 44, No. 26, 2005
Franz, B., Werdell, J., Meister, G., Bailey, S., Eplee, R., Feldman, G., Kwiatkowska, E., McClain, C., Patt, F. and D. Thomas. The Continuity of Ocean Color Measurements from SeaWiFS to MODIS. Earth Observing Systems X, SPIE, Volume 5882, 2005
Gene Carl Feldman. 2005. "Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS)",Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia, 2005
McClain, C.R., Feldman, G.C., and Stanford B. Hooker . An overview of the SeaWiFS project and strategies for producing a climate research quality global ocean bio-optical time series. Deep Sea Research II, 51, 5-42, 2004
Robinson, J., Andrefouet, S., Gebelein, J., Spraggins, A., Noordeloos, M., Green, E., Burke, L., Feldman, G., Kuring, N., Stumpf, R., Holderied, K. and F. Muller-Karger. "Partnerships for Global Coral Reef Mapping and Data Distribution" Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. 2004
P.J. Werdell, S. Bailey, G. Fargion, C. Pietras, K. Knobelspiesse, G. Feldman, and C. McClain, "Unique data repository facilitates ocean color satellite validation", EOS Transactions AGU 84(38), 379, 2003
Andrefouet, S., Robinson, J., Hu, H., Feldman, G., Salvat, B., Payri, C. and F. Muller-Karger."Influence of the spatial resolution of SeaWiFS, Landsat-7, SPOT and International Space Station data on estimates of landscape parameters of Pacific Ocean atolls". Can. J. Remote Sensing, 29(2):1-9, 2003
Franz, B. A., F. Patt, R. A. Barnes, R. E. Eplee Jr, J. E. O'Reilly, W. Robinson, G. C. Feldman, S. W. Bailey, J. Gales, J. Werdell, M. Wang, R. Frouin, R. P. Stumpf, R. A. Arnone, R. W. Gould Jr, P. M. Martinolich, V. Ransibrahmanakul, and J. A. Yoder. 2003. "Algorithm Updates for the Fourth SeaWiFS Data Reprocessing" NASA/TM 2003-206892 22: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 74 pp., 2003
Behrenfeld, M.J., Randerson, J.T., McClain, C.R., Feldman, G.C., Los, S.O., Tucker, C.J., Falkowski, P.G., Field, C.B., Frouin, R., Esaias, W.E., Kolber, D.D. and N.H. Pollack, 2001 "Biospheric Primary Production During an ENSO Transition". Science, March 30, 2001 including the cover illustration, 2001
Husar, R.B., Tratt, D.M., Schichtel, B.A., Falke, S.R., Li, F., Jaffe, D., Gassó, S., Gill, T., Laulainen, N.S., Lu, F., Reheis, M.C., Chun, Y., Westphal, D., Holben, B.N., Gueymard, C., McKendry, I., Kuring, N., Feldman, G.C., McClain, C., Frouin, R.J., Merrill, J., DuBois, D., Vignola, F., Murayama, T., Nickovic, S., Wilson, W.E., Sassen, K., Sugimoto, N. and Malm, W.C. "Asian dust events of April 1998". J. Geophys. Res. 106(16):18317-18330. 2001
Palacios, D.M., K.A. Forney, and G.C. Feldman. Featured contribution in "The Ocean Color Spectrum". Backscatter (Alliance for Marine Remote Sensing), 12(1):31-33. 2001
Chavez, F.P., Strutton, P.G., Friederich, G.E., Feely, R.A., Feldman, G.C., Foley, D. and M.J. McPhaden, "Biological and chemical response of the equatorial Pacific Ocean to the 1997-98 El Nino", Science, Dec. 10, 1999 and cover illustration, 2001
Robinson, J. A., G. C. Feldman, N. Kuring, B. Franz, E. Green, M. Noordeloos, and R. P. Stumpf., "Data fusion in coral reef mapping: working at multiple scales with SeaWiFS and astronaut photograph, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Remote Sensing for Marine and Coastal Environments, Vol. 2, pp. 473-483, 2000
Stumpf, R., Feldman, G., Kuring, N., Franz, B., Green, E. and J. Robinson, "SeaWiFS Spies Reefs" Reef Encounter", Vol 26., 1999
Valenti, G., McClain, C.R., Feldman, G.C., and Rodrigo Bustamante, "SeaWiFS Captures El Nino / La Nina Transition", Backscatter, May Issue p. 31-33. 1999
Gradwohl, Judith and Gene C. Feldman, "Going Electonic: A Case Study of 'Ocean Planet' and its On-line Counterpart" in The Virtual and the Real: Media and the Museum, American Association of Museums. 1998
McClain, C.R., M.L. Cleave, G.C. Feldman, W.W. Gregg, S.B. Hooker and N. Kuring, "Science Quality SeaWiFS Data for Global Biosphere Research", Sea Technology, Volume 39 Number 9, 1998
Gregg, W.W., W.E. Esaias, G.C. Feldman, R. Frouin, S.B. Hooker , C.R. McClain and R.H. Woodward, "Coverage Opportunities for Global Ocean Color in a Multimission Era", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 36 Number 5. 1998
Halpern, David and Gene C. Feldman, "Annual and Interannual Variations of Phytoplankton Pigment Concentration and Upwelling Along the Pacific Equator", JGR-Oceans: CZCS Retrospective, 1994
Yoder, J., C.R. McClain, G.C. Feldman and W.E. Esaias, "Annual Cycles of Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Concentrations in the Global Ocean: A Satellite View", Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Volume 7, No. 1, p. 181-193, 1993
Esaias, Wayne E. and Gene C. Feldman, " The SeaWiFS Ocean Color Mission", Space Technology International. 1993
Tran, A. V., E. Smith, J. Hyon, R.Evans, O.Brown and G. Feldman, "Satellite-Derived Multichannel Sea Surface Temperature and Phytoplankton Pigment Concentration Data: A CD-ROM Set Containing Monthly Mean Distributions of the Global Oceans", Jet Propulsion Laboratory, JPL D-10351, 1993
Harris, Graham, G.C. Feldman and F.B. Griffiths, "Global Oceanic Production and Climate Change" in Ocean Colour: Theory and Applications in a Decade of CZCS Experience, editors V. Barale and P. Schlittenhardt, Euro Courses: Remote Sensing,Volume 3, p. 237-270, 1993
McClain, C.R., G.C.Feldman, W.E.Esaias, "Oceanic Biological Productivity" in Atlas of Satellite Observations Related to Global Change, editors, R.Gurney, J.Foster, C. Parkinson, Cambridge Univ. Press, PP. 251-263, 1993
Feldman, G.C., J. W. Murray, M. Leinen, "Use of the Coastal Zone Color Scanner for EqPac Planning", Oceanography, Vol. 5, No. 3 p 143-145, 1992
Hooker, S.B., W.E. Esaias, G.C. Feldman, W.W. Gregg, and C.R. McClain "SeaWiFS Technical Report Series. Volume 1: An Overview of SeaWiFS and Ocean Color.", NASA Tech. Memo. 104566, Vol. 1, S.B. Hooker and E.R. Firestone, Eds., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 28p. 1992
Balch, B., Evans, R., Brown, J., Feldman, G., McClain, C., and W. Esaias. "The Remote Sensing of Ocean Primary Productivity - Use of a New Data Compilation to Test Satellite Algorithms", Journal of Geophysical Research-OCEANS, Volume 97, number C2, p 2279-2293, 1992
Lewis, M., M. E. Carr, G. Feldman, W.Esaias, C. McClain. "Influence of penetrating solar radiation on the heat budget of the equatorial Pacific Ocean", NATURE, Vol. 347, No. 6293, pp. 543-545, 1990
McClain, C.R., W.E.Esaias, G.C.Feldman, J.Elrod, D.Endres, J.Firestone, M.Darzi, R.Evans, J.Brown, "Physical and Biological Processes in the North Atlantic during the FGGE Year" Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 95, No. C10, PP. 18,027-18,048, 1990
Deuser,W.G., F.E.Muller-Karger, R.H.Evans, O.B.Brown, W.E.Esaias and G.C.Feldman, "Surface Ocean Color and Deep Ocean Carbon Flux: How Close a Connection. Deep Sea Research, Vol 37 No. 8, PP. 1331-1343, 1990
Feldman,G.C., N.A. Kuring, C. Ng, W.E. Esaias, C.R. McClain and J.A. Elrod, N.Maynard, D.Endres, R. Evans, J.Brown, S.Walsh, M. Carle, G. Podesta "Ocean Color: Availability of the Global Data Set" EOS 70: 634-641. 1989
Feldman,G.C. "Ocean Colors Imaged from Space Track the Distribution of Marine Phytoplankton" Earth in Space Vol.2 No. 2:5-7, 1989
Oakes, A. G; Han, D; Kyle, H. L; Feldman, G. C; Fleig, A. J.; Hurley, E. and B. Kaufman, Nimbus-7 Data Product Summary, NASA Reference Publication 1215, 101p., 1989
Yoder, J.A., Esaias, W.E., Feldman, G.C., and C.R. McClain, "Satellite Ocean Color - Status Report" Oceanography 1(1):18-20. 1988
McCarthy, J.J., P.G. Brewer, and G. Feldman. "Global Ocean Flux." Oceanus 29: 16-26. 1986/87
Esaias, W.E., G.C. Feldman, C.R. McClain and J.A. Elrod. "Monthly satellite-derived phytoplankton pigment distribution for the North Atlantic Ocean Basin." EOS 67: 835-837. 1986
Feldman, G.C. "Variability of the productive habitat in the eastern equatorial Pacific." EOS, 67(9):106-8. 1986
Feldman, G.C. "Patterns of phytoplankton production around the Galapagos Islands." In Tidal Mixing and Plankton Dynamics, Lecture Notes on Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol. 17, eds. M. Bowman, C. Yentsch, and W. Peterson, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 77-106. 1986
Feldman, G.C. "Satellites, seabirds and seals." In El Nino in the Galapagos Islands: The 1982-1983 Event, eds., G. Robinson and E.M. del Pino.Quito, Ecuador: Charles Darwin Foundation, 1985
Feldman, G.C. "Satellite Observations of Phytoplankton Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific" Dissertation, Marine Sciences Research Center, SUNY/Stony Brook, 1985
Feldman, G.C.; Clark, D.; and Halpern, D. "Satellite color observations of the phytoplankton distribution in the eastern Equatorial Pacific during the1982-83 El Nino." Science 226:1069-71. 1984
Feldman, G.C. and Craig S. Rose "Trawl survey of groundfish resources in the Gulf of Alaska, Summer 1978" U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS F/NWC-13, 44 p., 1981. 1978
Gulbrandsen, O., Vesi, Luatua T. and G.C. Feldman Fish Marketing Scheme for Upolu, Western Samoa Fisheries Division Report, Apia, Western Samoa, 1977
Feldman, G.C."Expansion of Pond Culture Facilities for the Baitfish Project, Western Samoa", 1977
Feldman, G.C. "A Design for a Water Circulation System Utilizing Tidal Operated Valves for the Baitfish Project, Western Samoa",1976
Feldman, G.C. "A Design for an Automatic Feeding System for the Bait fish Project, Western Samoa", 1976
Feldman, G.C. "Report on the Design and Construction of a Pilot Scale Baitfish Culture Facility for Western Samoa", 1976
Feldman, G.C. "Design for an Outboard Engine Workshops Savaii,Western Samoa", 1975
Feldman, G.C. "Report on the Design of a Baitfish Culture Facility for Western Samoa:Initial project design", 1975
Feldman, G.C. "Sea Turtle Conservation in Western Samoa", 1974