Based on the 1st International IOP Algorithm Workshop in 2008, a baseline configuration for the GIOP modeling framework was put forward as a starting point for further development. In addition, a number of alternatives configurations were defined or discussed. Here, we look at the sensitivity of the SeaWiFS global time-series to individual changes in the GIOP model configuration relative to the baseline (denoted here as SGIOP02).
Change function for relating AOPs to IOPs to Gordon 1988 quadratic (SGIOP05)
Change aph* to fixed shape from Maritorena et al. 2002 (SGIOP03)
Change aph* to fixed shape from Ciotti et al. 2002/2006 with size-fraction of 0.5 (SGIOP04)
Change bbp* to dynamic exponent derived from Loisel & Stramski 2000 (SGIOP07)
Change adg* to exponential with fixed exponent of 0.014 (SGIOP08)
Change adg* to exponential with dynamic exponent from Lee et al. 2002 (SGIOP09)