Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine acflxlvl(bufx,sumgxx)
2 c compute actinic flux at all the lavels in the atmosphere
3 c include the common statements.....................................
4  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
5  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
6  real*8 bufx(4,50,46)
7 c
8 c***********************************************************************
9 c
10  anophi=dfloat(nophi)
11  sumg = 0.0d0
12  do j = 1,nmum1
13  psumg = 0.0d0
14  do k = 1,2
15  psumg=bufx(k,j,1)+bufx(k,j,jpart)+psumg
16  do i=2,nophi/2
17  psumg=psumg+2.0d0*bufx(k,j,i)
18  enddo
19  enddo
20  dmuxx=dabs(dcmu(j))
21  prodxx1=(dmuxx*2.0*pi)/anophi
22  prodxx=psumg*prodxx1
23  sumg=sumg+prodxx
24 c write(*,600)j,sumg,prodxx,prodxx1,psumg,dmuxx,anophi
25 600 format(i3,1x,1p6e11.3)
26  enddo
27  sumgxx=sumg
28 c write(*,*)'sumgxx',sumgxx
29 c
30  return
31  end
32 c***********************************************************************
#define real
Definition: DbAlgOcean.cpp:26
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23
subroutine acflxlvl(bufx, sumgxx)
Definition: acflxlvl.f:2