Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine actfgrc
2 c
3 c apply geometric correction to the actinic flux values
4 c stored in buffers: acflvl1 and acflvl2
5 c
6 c**********************************************************************
7 c
8  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
9  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
10 c
11 c**********************************************************************
12 c
13  m1=jpass-2
14  m2=jpass-1
15  m3=jpass
16 c
17  if(kzz.eq.1)then
18  do i=1,(nolyr+1)
19  call geom(acflvl1(m1,i),acflvl1(m2,i),acflvl1(m3,i),
20  1 crr1,acfg1(ksza,i))
21 c write(*,120)kzz,i,acflvl1(m1,i),acflvl1(m2,i),acflvl1(m3,i),
22 c 1 crr1,acfg1(ksza,i)
23 120 format(2i3,1x,1p5e11.3)
24 c turn off the geometric correction
25 c acfg1(ksza,i)=acflvl1(m3,i)
26  enddo
27  endif
28  if(kzz.eq.2)then
29  do i=1,(nolyr+1)
30  call geom(acflvl2(m1,i),acflvl2(m2,i),acflvl2(m3,i),
31  1 crr2,acfg2(i))
32 c turn off the geometric correction
33 c acfg2(i)=acflvl2(m3,i)
34  enddo
35  endif
36 c
37 c write(*,*)'geo corr. done'
38 c
39  return
40  end
41 c************************************************************************
subroutine actfgrc
Definition: actfgrc.f:2