Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 '''
2 * NAME: merge_afrt.py
3 *
4 * DESCRIPTION: Executable program to merge afrt (radiative
5 * transfer) NetCDF4 files
7 * USAGE: python merge_afrt.py -p [PCF file path] -wl [wavelength range]
8  -sd [particle model range] -tau [optical depth range]
9  -wnd [wind speed range]
11 * Created on October 09, 2018
13 * Author: Samuel Anderson
14 '''
16 import os
17 import sys
18 import subprocess
19 from datetime import datetime as dt
20 import optparse as optparse
21 import logging
22 LOG = logging.getLogger('afrt')
23 import numpy as np
24 import tables
31 def main():
33  args = sys.argv
35  description = '''Merge AFRT NetCDF output files.'''
36  usage = "usage: python merge_afrt.py -d [dir] -wl [wavelength id range] -sd [model id range] -tau [tau id range] -wnd [wnd id range] -o [output directory] [options]"
37  version = "v1"
39  parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description,usage=usage,version=version)
41  # Mandatory arguments
42  mandatoryGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Mandatory Arguments",
43  "At a minimum these arguments must be specified")
45  parser.add_option_group(mandatoryGroup)
47  mandatoryGroup.add_option('-d','--idir',
48  action="store",
49  dest="idir" ,
50  type="string",
51  help="The input directory")
53  # Optional arguments
54  optionalGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Extra Options",
55  "These options may be used to customize behavior of this program.")
57  optionalGroup.add_option('-f','--fname',
58  action="store",
59  dest="fname" ,
60  type="string",
61  help="File name of intermediate product names")
63  optionalGroup.add_option('-l','--wl',
64  action="store",
65  dest="wl" ,
66  type="int",
67  nargs=2,
68  help="Range of wavelength indices")
70  optionalGroup.add_option('-s','--sd',
71  action="store",
72  dest="sd" ,
73  type="int",
74  nargs=2,
75  help="Range of particle model indices")
77  optionalGroup.add_option('-t','--tau',
78  action="store",
79  dest="tau" ,
80  type="int",
81  nargs=2,
82  help="Range of optical depth indices")
84  optionalGroup.add_option('-w','--wnd',
85  action="store",
86  dest="wnd" ,
87  type="int",
88  nargs=2,
89  help="Range of wind speed indices")
91  optionalGroup.add_option('-o','--odir',
92  action="store",
93  dest="odir" ,
94  type="string",
95  help="The output directory")
97  parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose',
98  dest='verbosity',
99  action="count",
100  default=0,
101  help='each occurrence increases verbosity 1 level from ERROR: -v=WARNING -vv=INFO -vvv=DEBUG')
103  parser.add_option_group(optionalGroup)
105  # Parse the arguments from the command line
106  (opt, args) = parser.parse_args()
108  # Set up the logging levels
109  levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.WARN, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG]
110  logging.basicConfig(level = levels[opt.verbosity])
112  # Check that all of the mandatory options are given. If one or more
113  # are missing, print error message and exit...
114  mandatories = []
115  mand_errors = []
116  isMissingMand = False
117  for m,m_err in zip(mandatories,mand_errors):
118  if not opt.__dict__[m]:
119  isMissingMand = True
120  if isMissingMand :
121  parser.error("Incomplete mandatory arguments, aborting...")
122  return
124  # Check for mutually exclusive options
125  LOG.info('Merging radiative transfer tables in %s' % (opt.odir) )
127  if os.path.isdir(opt.odir):
128  o_path = opt.odir
129  elif os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(opt.odir)):
130  o_path = opt.odir
131  os.mkdir(o_path)
132  else:
133  print ("Output path invalid")
134  return
135  if not os.path.isdir(opt.idir):
136  os.mkdir(opt.idir)
137  os.chdir(opt.idir)
138  if opt.fname:
139  with open(opt.fname) as fp:
140  contents = fp.readlines()
141  for fn in contents:
142  fn = fn.lstrip()
143  fn = fn.strip("\n")
144  command = "wget -N --content-disposition https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi/gethiddenfile/" + fn
145  print (command)
146  subprocess.run(command, shell=True)
147  valid_files = []
148  listing = os.listdir(opt.idir)
149  listing.sort()
150  for x in listing:
151  if x[0] == ".":
152  continue
153  fpath = opt.idir + "/" + x
154  if not os.path.isfile(fpath):
155  continue
156  if not tables.is_hdf5_file(fpath):
157  continue
158  if not (x.find("RT") >= 0):
159  continue
160  try:
161  h5file = tables.open_file(fpath, "r")
162  toa = h5file.get_node('/', "TOA_RADIANCE")
163  shp = toa.shape
164  wl = h5file.get_node('/', "wavelength_index")
165  if wl[0]<opt.wl[0] or wl[1]>opt.wl[1]:
166  h5file.close()
167  continue
168  sd = h5file.get_node('/', "model_index")
169  if sd[0]<opt.sd[0] or sd[1]>opt.sd[1]:
170  h5file.close()
171  continue
172  tau = h5file.get_node('/', "tau_index")
173  if tau[0]<opt.tau[0] or tau[1]>opt.tau[1]:
174  h5file.close()
175  continue
176  wnd = h5file.get_node('/', "wind_index")
177  if wnd[0]<opt.wnd[0] or wnd[1]>opt.wnd[1]:
178  h5file.close()
179  continue
180  valid_files.append(fpath)
181  h5file.close()
182  stitle = x[0:3]
183  except:
184  h5file.close()
185  continue
186  if len(valid_files) == 0:
187  print( "Exiting...no valid files in input directory.")
188  return
190  sdd = opt.sd[1]-opt.sd[0]+1
191  wld = opt.wl[1]-opt.wl[0]+1
192  taud = opt.tau[1]-opt.tau[0]+1
193  wndd = opt.wnd[1]-opt.wnd[0]+1
194  szad = shp[4]
195  thed = shp[5]
196  phid = shp[6]
197  stkd = shp[7]
199  stitle = "RT00"
200  rstr = "_MD%(s0)d-%(s1)d_WL%(l0)d-%(l1)d_TA%(t0)d-%(t1)d_WD%(w0)d-%(w1)d" % \
201  {"s0":opt.sd[0],"s1":opt.sd[1],"l0":opt.wl[0],"l1":opt.wl[1],"t0":opt.tau[0],"t1":opt.tau[1],"w0":opt.wnd[0],"w1":opt.wnd[1]}
203  ofilepath = opt.odir + "/" + stitle + rstr
204  of = tables.open_file(ofilepath, "w", "Output of AF Radiative Transfer.")
205  atom = tables.Float64Atom()
206  BOA_RADIANCE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'BOA_RADIANCE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad,thed,phid,stkd), "")
207  BOA_DIFFUSE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'BOA_DIFFUSE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
208  BOA_DIRECT_a = of.create_carray("/", 'BOA_DIRECT', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
209  HEM_REFLECTANCE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'HEM_REFLECTANCE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
210  SBAR_a = of.create_carray("/", 'SBAR', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
211  TAU_AEROSOL_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TAU_AEROSOL', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd), "")
212  TAU_H2O_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TAU_H2O', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd), "")
213  TAU_OZONE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TAU_OZONE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd), "")
214  TAU_RAYLEIGH_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TAU_RAYLEIGH', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd), "")
215  TAU_TOTAL_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TAU_TOTAL', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd), "")
216  TOA_RADIANCE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TOA_RADIANCE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad,thed,phid,stkd), "")
217  TOA_DIFFUSE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TOA_DIFFUSE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
218 # TRANSMITTANCE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'TRANSMITTANCE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
219  FTW_DIRECT_OCEAN_a = of.create_carray("/", 'FTW_DIRECT_OCEAN', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
220  FTW_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_a = of.create_carray("/", 'FTW_DIFFUSE_OCEAN', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
221  FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_BELOW_a = of.create_carray("/", 'FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_BELOW', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
222  FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_ABOVE_a = of.create_carray("/", 'FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_ABOVE', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
223  HEM_TRANS_REF_a = of.create_carray("/", 'HEM_TRANS_REF', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
224  HEM_REFL_REF_a = of.create_carray("/", 'HEM_REFL_REF', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
225  HEM_DIRECT_REF_a = of.create_carray("/", 'HEM_DIRECT_REF', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
226  HEM_DIFFUSE_REF_a = of.create_carray("/", 'HEM_DIFFUSE_REF', atom, (sdd,wld,taud,wndd,szad), "")
227  SZA_a = of.create_carray("/", 'SZA', atom, (szad,), "")
228  PHI_a = of.create_carray("/", 'PHI', atom, (phid,), "")
229  THETA_a = of.create_carray("/", 'THETA', atom, (thed,), "")
230  AOT_550_a = of.create_carray("/", 'AOT_550', atom, (taud,), "")
231  WAVELENGTH_a = of.create_carray("/", 'WAVELENGTH', atom, (wld,), "")
232  WIND_SPEED_a = of.create_carray("/", 'WIND_SPEED', atom, (wndd,), "")
233  atom = tables.Int32Atom()
234  wavelength_index_a = of.create_carray("/", 'wavelength_index', atom, (2,), "")
235  model_index_a = of.create_carray("/", 'model_index', atom, (2,), "")
236  tau_index_a = of.create_carray("/", 'tau_index', atom, (2,), "")
237  wind_index_a = of.create_carray("/", 'wind_index', atom, (2,), "")
239  l = np.zeros((2,))
240  s = np.zeros((2,))
241  t = np.zeros((2,))
242  w = np.zeros((2,))
243  for fpath in valid_files:
244  try:
245  ifile = tables.open_file(fpath, "r")
246  l[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "wavelength_index")[:]
247  s[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "model_index")[:]
248  t[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "tau_index")[:]
249  w[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "wind_index")[:]
250  l[0]-=1
251  s[0]-=1
252  t[0]-=1
253  w[0]-=1
254  BOA_RADIANCE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1],:,:,:,:] = \
255  ifile.get_node("/", "BOA_RADIANCE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:,:,:,:]
256  BOA_DIFFUSE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
257  ifile.get_node("/", "BOA_DIFFUSE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
258  BOA_DIRECT_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
259  ifile.get_node("/", "BOA_DIRECT")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
260  HEM_REFLECTANCE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
261  ifile.get_node("/", "HEM_REFLECTANCE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
262  SBAR_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1],:] = \
263  ifile.get_node("/", "SBAR")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
264  TAU_AEROSOL_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]] = \
265  ifile.get_node("/", "TAU_AEROSOL")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0]]
266  TAU_H2O_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]] = \
267  ifile.get_node("/", "TAU_H2O")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0]]
268  TAU_OZONE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]] = \
269  ifile.get_node("/", "TAU_OZONE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0]]
270  TAU_RAYLEIGH_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]] = \
271  ifile.get_node("/", "TAU_RAYLEIGH")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0]]
272  TAU_TOTAL_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]] = \
273  ifile.get_node("/", "TAU_TOTAL")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0]]
274  TOA_RADIANCE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1],:,:,:,:] = \
275  ifile.get_node("/", "TOA_RADIANCE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:,:,:,:]
276  TOA_DIFFUSE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1],:] = \
277  ifile.get_node("/", "TOA_DIFFUSE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
278 # TRANSMITTANCE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1],:] = \
279 # ifile.get_node("/", "TRANSMITTANCE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
280  FTW_DIRECT_OCEAN_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
281  ifile.get_node("/", "FTW_DIRECT_OCEAN")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
282  FTW_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
283  ifile.get_node("/", "FTW_DIFFUSE_OCEAN")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
284  FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_BELOW_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
285  ifile.get_node("/", "FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_BELOW")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
286  FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_ABOVE_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
287  ifile.get_node("/", "FTW_UP_DIFFUSE_OCEAN_ABOVE")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
288  HEM_TRANS_REF_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
289  ifile.get_node("/", "HEM_TRANS_REF")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
290  HEM_REFL_REF_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
291  ifile.get_node("/", "HEM_REFL_REF")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
292  HEM_DIRECT_REF_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
293  ifile.get_node("/", "HEM_DIRECT_REF")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
294  HEM_DIFFUSE_REF_a[s[0]:s[1],l[0]:l[1],t[0]:t[1],w[0]:w[1]:] = \
295  ifile.get_node("/", "HEM_DIFFUSE_REF")[0:s[1]-s[0],0:l[1]-l[0],0:t[1]-t[0],0:w[1]-w[0],:]
296  SZA_a[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "SZA")[:]
297  PHI_a[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "PHI")[:]
298  THETA_a[:] = ifile.get_node("/", "THETA")[:]
299  AOT_550_a[t[0]:t[1]] = ifile.get_node("/", "AOT")[:]
300  WAVELENGTH_a[l[0]:l[1]] = ifile.get_node("/", "WAVELENGTH")[:]
301  WIND_SPEED_a[w[0]:w[1]] = ifile.get_node("/", "WIND_SPEED")[:]
302  ifile.close()
303  of.flush()
304  except:
305  ifile.close()
306  continue
308  wavelength_index_a[:] = opt.wl[:]
309  model_index_a[:] = opt.sd[:]
310  tau_index_a[:] = opt.tau[:]
311  wind_index_a[:] = opt.wnd[:]
312  of.flush()
313  of.close()
315  print("Merge complete at " + ofilepath)
316  LOG.info('Exiting...')
317  return 0
319 if __name__=='__main__':
320  sys.exit(main())
def main()
Main Function #.
Definition: merge_afrt.py:31