VcstMath Member List
This is the complete list of members for VcstMath, including all inherited members.
applyScalar(const double aScalar, double aVector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
applyScalarQuat(const double aScalar, double aQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calcQuatMag(const double aQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateCross(const double aUvector[VEC_SIZE], const double aVvector[VEC_SIZE], double anOutVector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateDeterminant(const double matA[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateDot(const double aUvector[VEC_SIZE], const double aVvector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateDotQuat(const double aUquat[QUAT_SIZE], const double aVquat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateMag(const double aVector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
calculateUnitVector(const double aVector[VEC_SIZE], double unitVector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
cofactorMatrix(const double matA[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], double cof[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
conjugateQuat(const double aQuat[QUAT_SIZE], double outQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
inverseMatrix(const double matA[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], double matR[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
matrixMultiply(const double aM1[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], const double aM2[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], double outMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
matrixMultiply(const int dimM, const int dimN, const int dimP, const double *aMByN, const double *aNByP, double *outMatrix) | VcstMath | static |
matrixVectorProduct(const double aMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], const double aVector[VEC_SIZE], double outVec[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
normalizeQuat(double aQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
printMatrixCOut(const double aMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
printQuaternionCOut(const double aQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
printVectorCOut(const double aVector[VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
quatMultiply(const double q1[QUAT_SIZE], const double q2[QUAT_SIZE], double outQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
quatMultiplyMatrix(const double q1[QUAT_SIZE], const double q2[QUAT_SIZE], double outQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
rotationMatrix(const double angle, const short axis, double outMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
transposeMatrix(const double inMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE], double outMatrix[VEC_SIZE][VEC_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |
transposeQuat(const double inQuat[QUAT_SIZE], double outQuat[QUAT_SIZE]) | VcstMath | static |