Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # encoding: utf-8
4 import os
5 import sys
6 import math
7 import time
8 import argparse
9 import numpy as np
10 import xarray as xr
11 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
12 import scipy.interpolate as interp
13 from matplotlib import *
14 from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator
15 from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
16 from datetime import datetime
18 D490 = 0
19 D550 = 1
20 D670 = 2
21 D860 = 3
22 D124 = 4
23 D164 = 5
24 D213 = 6
25 W860 = D860+2
26 NDWL = 7
27 NWS = 4
28 NSZA = 11
29 NVZA = 16
30 NRAA = 16
31 NAOT = 6
32 NBIG = 5
33 NSMALL = 4
34 D2R = np.pi/180.0
36 class dtocean(object):
38  def __init__(self, lut_filepath, mode):
39  print ("Reading Darktarget LUT: " + lut_filepath)
40  self.toas = np.zeros((NDWL,NSMALL,NAOT,NWS,NSZA,NVZA,NRAA))
41  self.toab = np.zeros((NDWL,NBIG,NAOT,NWS,NSZA,NVZA,NRAA))
42  self.toar = np.zeros((NDWL,NWS,NSZA,NVZA,NRAA))
43  self.taus = np.zeros((NDWL,NSMALL,NAOT))
44  self.taub = np.zeros((NDWL,NBIG,NAOT))
45  try:
46  self.toas=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['AINTS'].values
47  self.toab=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['AINTB'].values
48  self.toar=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['REF_RAYALL'].values
49  self.taus=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['TAUAS'].values
50  self.taub=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['TAUAB'].values
51  self.wl_pts=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['WAVE'].values
52  self.raa_pts=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['PHC'].values
53  self.vza_pts=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['THET'].values
54  self.sza_pts=xr.load_dataset(lut_filepath,group='/OCEAN_AEROSOL')['THET0'].values
55  self.taus = np.transpose(self.taus,(0,1,2))
56  self.taub = np.transpose(self.taub,(0,1,2))
57  self.toas = np.transpose(self.toas,(3,4,5,6,0,1,2))
58  self.toab = np.transpose(self.toab,(3,4,5,6,0,1,2))
59  self.toar = np.transpose(self.toar,(1,2,3,4,0))
60  self.wnd_pts = np.array([0.0, 6.0, 10.0, 16.0])
61  self.tau_pts = (self.taus[D550,0,:])
62  self.pts = (self.wnd_pts, self.sza_pts, self.vza_pts, self.raa_pts)
63  except Exception as inst:
64  print(type(inst))
65  print(inst)
66  print ("Unable to read LUT file ... exiting")
67  sys.exit()
69  self.tslut = np.zeros((NAOT,NWS,NSZA,NVZA,NRAA,NSMALL))
70  self.tblut = np.zeros((NAOT,NWS,NSZA,NVZA,NRAA,NBIG))
71  self.rfl_pts = np.linspace(0.0,0.2,NAOT)
72  self.tpts = (self.rfl_pts, self.wnd_pts, self.sza_pts, self.vza_pts, self.raa_pts)
74  try:
75  tic = time.perf_counter()
76  maxs = np.max(self.toas)
77  maxb = np.max(self.toab)
79  for iwn in range(NWS):
80  for isz in range(NSZA):
81  for ith in range(NVZA):
82  for iph in range(NRAA):
83  for ism in range(NSMALL):
84  self.tslut[:,iwn,isz,ith,iph,ism] = \
85  np.interp(self.rfl_pts,self.toas[iwn,isz,ith,iph,D860,ism,:],self.tau_pts)
86  for ism in range(NBIG):
87  self.tblut[:,iwn,isz,ith,iph,ism] = \
88  np.interp(self.rfl_pts,self.toab[iwn,isz,ith,iph,D860,ism,:],self.tau_pts)
90  toc = time.perf_counter()
92  except Exception as inst:
93  print(type(inst))
94  print(inst)
96  def proc_gran(self,rfl,sza,vza,raa,wnd):
97  xit = np.stack((wnd, sza, vza, raa),axis=-1)
98  units = np.pi/np.cos(sza*D2R)
99  shp = sza.shape
101  tstart = time.perf_counter()
102  try:
103  tic = time.perf_counter()
104  mrfls = np.multiply(interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toas, xit),np.expand_dims(units,axis=(2,3,4)))
105  mrflb = np.multiply(interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toab, xit),np.expand_dims(units,axis=(2,3,4)))
106  mrflr = np.multiply(interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toar, xit),np.expand_dims(units,axis=2))
107  toc = time.perf_counter()
108  except Exception as inst:
109  print(type(inst))
110  print(inst)
111  print('\nGeometry interpolation: ', toc-tic, 'sec, ', (toc-tic)/shp[0]/shp[1], "per pixel")
113  tauxs = np.zeros((shp[0],shp[1],NSMALL))
114  tauxb = np.zeros((shp[0],shp[1],NBIG))
115  trfls = np.zeros((shp[0],shp[1],NDWL,NSMALL))
116  trflb = np.zeros((shp[0],shp[1],NDWL,NBIG))
117  AA = np.zeros((shp[0],shp[1],NSMALL,NBIG,7,2))
118  tic = time.perf_counter()
119  for ism in range(NSMALL):
120  mrfls[:,:,:,ism,0] = mrflr
121  for ibm in range(NBIG):
122  mrflb[:,:,:,ibm,0] = mrflr
123  for iy in range(shp[0]):
124  for ix in range(shp[1]):
126  for ism in range(NSMALL):
127  tauxs[iy,ix,ism] = np.interp(rfl[iy,ix,W860], mrfls[iy,ix,D860,ism], self.taus[D550,ism])
128  for ibm in range(NBIG):
129  tauxb[iy,ix,ibm] = np.interp(rfl[iy,ix,W860], mrflb[iy,ix,D860,ibm], self.taub[D550,ibm])
131  for iwl in range(NDWL):
132  for ism in range(NSMALL):
133  trfls[iy,ix,iwl,ism] = np.interp(tauxs[iy,ix,ism],self.taus[D550,ism],mrfls[iy,ix,iwl,ism])
134  for ibm in range(NBIG):
135  trflb[iy,ix,iwl,ibm] = np.interp(tauxb[iy,ix,ibm],self.taub[D550,ibm],mrflb[iy,ix,iwl,ibm])
137  for ism in range(NSMALL):
138  for ibm in range(NBIG):
139  AA[iy,ix,ism,ibm] = np.vstack((trfls[iy,ix,:,ism],trflb[iy,ix,:,ibm])).T
141  toc = time.perf_counter()
142  print('Per-pixel interpolation: ', toc-tic, 'sec, ', (toc-tic)/shp[0]/shp[1], "per pixel")
144  tic = time.perf_counter()
145  rfle = np.expand_dims(rfl[2:],axis=(2,3,5))
146  try:
147  xm = np.clip(np.matmul(np.linalg.pinv(AA),rfle),0,1)[:,:,:,:,0]
148  mrfl = np.multiply(xm[:,:,:,:],AA[:,:,:,:,:,0]) + np.multiply((1-xm[:,:,:,:]),AA[:,:,:,:,:,1])
149  err = np.squeeze(rfle,axis=5)-mrfl
150  sse = np.linalg.norm(err[:,:,:,:,1:],axis=4)**2/(NDWL-2)
151  except Exception as inst:
152  print(type(inst))
153  print(inst)
154  toc = time.perf_counter()
155  print('FMF calculation: ', toc-tic, 'sec, ', (toc-tic)/shp[0]/shp[1], "per pixel")
156  tstop = time.perf_counter()
157  print('Total processing time: ', shp[0], 'lines, ', tstop-tstart, 'sec, ', (tstop-tstart)/shp[0]/shp[1], "per pixel")
159  rmin = sse.reshape(shp[0],shp[1],NSMALL*NBIG).argmin(axis=2)
160  im = divmod(rmin,NBIG)
161  self.type = (NBIG-1)*im[0] + im[1]
162  Y,X = np.ogrid[:shp[0],:shp[1]]
163  self.sse = sse.reshape(shp[0],shp[1],NSMALL*NBIG)[Y,X,rmin]
164  self.fmf = xm.reshape(shp[0],shp[1],NSMALL*NBIG)[Y,X,rmin]
165  self.aot = np.multiply(self.fmf,tauxs[Y,X,im[0]]) + np.multiply((1.0-self.fmf),tauxb[Y,X,im[1]])
167  return self.fmf, self.aot, self.sse, self.type
169  def process(self,rfl,sza,vza,raa,wnd):
170  xit = np.stack((wnd, sza, vza, raa))
171  units = np.pi/np.cos(sza*D2R)
172  rfld = rfl[2:]
173  mrfls = interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toas, xit, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)[0]*units
174  mrflb = interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toab, xit, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)[0]*units
175  mrflr = interp.interpn(self.pts, self.toar, xit, bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)[0]*units
177  tauxs = np.zeros(NSMALL)
178  tauxb = np.zeros(NBIG)
179  for ism in range(NSMALL):
180  mrfls[:,ism,0] = mrflr
181  tauxs[ism] = interp.interpn((mrfls[D860,ism,:],), self.taus[D550,ism,:], [rfld[D860]], bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
182  for ibm in range(NBIG):
183  mrflb[:,ibm,0] = mrflr
184  tauxb[ibm] = interp.interpn((mrflb[D860,ibm,:],), self.taub[D550,ibm,:], [rfld[D860]], bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
186  trfls = np.zeros((NDWL,NSMALL))
187  trflb = np.zeros((NDWL,NBIG))
188  for iwl in range(NDWL):
189  for ism in range(NSMALL):
190  trfls[iwl,ism] = interp.interpn((self.taus[D550,ism],), mrfls[iwl,ism], [tauxs[ism]], bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
191  for ibm in range(NBIG):
192  trflb[iwl,ibm] = interp.interpn((self.taub[D550,ibm],), mrflb[iwl,ibm], [tauxb[ibm]], bounds_error=False, fill_value=None)
194  AA = np.zeros((NSMALL,NBIG,7,2))
195  for ism in range(NSMALL):
196  for ibm in range(NBIG):
197  AA[ism,ibm] = np.vstack((trfls[:,ism],trflb[:,ibm])).T
199  try:
200  xm = np.clip(np.dot(np.linalg.pinv(AA),rfld)[:,:,0],0,1)
201  xmd = np.expand_dims(xm,axis=2)
202  mrfl = xmd*AA[:,:,:,0] + (1-xmd)*AA[:,:,:,1]
203  err = rfld-mrfl
204  sse = np.linalg.norm(err[:,:,1:],axis=2)**2/(NDWL-2)
205  except Exception as inst:
206  print(type(inst))
207  print(inst)
209  im = divmod(sse.argmin(),NBIG)
210  self.type = (NBIG-1)*im[0] + im[1]
211  self.sse = sse[im[0],im[1]]
212  self.fmf = xm[im[0],im[1]]
213  self.aot = self.fmf*tauxs[im[0]] + (1.0-self.fmf)*tauxb[im[1]]
214  self.trfls = trfls
215  self.trflb = trflb
216  self.srfl = trfls[:,im[0]]
217  self.brfl = trflb[:,im[1]]
218  self.mrfl = self.fmf*trfls[:,im[0]] + (1.0-self.fmf)*trflb[:,im[1]]
219  self.rsd = (rfld - self.mrfl)/rfld
220  self.rfl = rfld
221  self.sse = np.dot(self.rsd,self.rsd)/(NDWL-2)
223  return self.fmf, self.aot, wnd, self.sse, self.type
225  def plot(self, iy, ix):
226  plt.clf()
227  plt.grid(True)
228  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.srfl, marker='.', color='b', label='fine mode')
229  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.brfl, marker='.', color='k', label='coarse mode')
230  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.trfls, marker='', color='b', label='fine mode', linewidth=1)
231  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.trflb, marker='', color='k', label='coarse mode', linewidth=1)
232  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.rfl, marker='.', color='r', label='measured')
233  plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.mrfl, marker='.', color='g', label='modeled')
234 # plt.plot(self.wl_pts, self.rsd, marker='.', color='r', label='residual')
235  plt.xlabel('wavelength (nm)')
236  plt.ylabel('reflectance')
237  tstr = "dtocean -- y={3:}, x={4:} aot: {0:.3f} fmf: {1:.3f} sse: {2:.3}"
238  plt.title(tstr.format(self.aot, self.fmf, self.sse, iy, ix))
239  plt.legend(loc='upper right')
240  plt.show()
242  def plot_points(self):
243  fig = plt.figure()
244  ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
245  small = [0,1,2,3]
246  for s in small:
247  xs = toast[D550,s,:]
248  ys = toast[D670,s,:]
249  zs = toast[D860,s,:]
250  ax.plot(xs, ys, zs, c="b", label="small model")
251  ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c="b", marker="o")
252  big = [0,1,2,3,5]
253  for b in big:
254  xb = toabt[D550,b,:]
255  yb = toabt[D670,b,:]
256  zb = toabt[D860,b,:]
257  ax.plot(xb, yb, zb, c="r", label="big model")
258  ax.scatter(xb, yb, zb, c="r", marker="o")
259  for s in small:
260  for b in big:
261  xp = bspair[:,D550,s,b]
262  yp = bspair[:,D670,s,b]
263  zp = bspair[:,D860,s,b]
264  ax.plot(xp, yp, zp, c="g", label="big/small continuum")
266  xs = trfls[D550,:]
267  ys = trfls[D670,:]
268  zs = trfls[D860,:]
269  ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c="b", marker="o", s=50)
270  xb = trflb[D550,:]
271  yb = trflb[D670,:]
272  zb = trflb[D860,:]
273  ax.scatter(xb, yb, zb, c="r", marker="o", s=50)
274  xm = rfl[W550,row,col]
275  ym = rfl[W670,row,col]
276  zm = rfl[W860,row,col]
277  ax.scatter(xm, ym, zm, c="k", marker="o", s=50)
278  ax.set_xlabel('D550')
279  ax.set_ylabel('D670')
280  ax.set_zlabel('D860')
281  #plt.show()
283  fig = plt.figure()
284  ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
285  ws = np.arange(NDWL)
286  ts = np.arange(NAOT+1)
287  ws, ts = np.meshgrid(ws, ts)
288  ls = np.zeros((NDWL,NAOT+1))
289  lb = np.zeros((NDWL,NAOT+1))
290  ls[:,:-1] = toast[:,s,:]
291  ls[:,NAOT] = ls[:,NAOT-1]
292  ax.plot_wireframe(ws, ts, ls, color='b', label="small model")
293  lb[:,:-1] = toabt[:,b,:]
294  lb[:,NAOT] = lb[:,NAOT-1]
295  ax.plot_wireframe(ws, ts, lb, color='r', label="big model")
296  plt.show()
def plot(self, iy, ix)
Definition: dtocean.py:225
def __init__(self, lut_filepath, mode)
Definition: dtocean.py:38
def plot_points(self)
Definition: dtocean.py:242
def proc_gran(self, rfl, sza, vza, raa, wnd)
Definition: dtocean.py:96
def process(self, rfl, sza, vza, raa, wnd)
Definition: dtocean.py:169