Go to the documentation of this file.
97 float add_ws_noise; // wind speed uncertainty, -1=none =0 => use ws_unc as 2*stdev for gaussian noise; >0 => use add_ws_noise as stdev for gaussian noise
253 int32_t xcalbox; /* Pixel size of the central box in the L1 scene (e.g. 5 pixels around MOBY) to be extracted into xcalfile, default=0-whole L1 */
254 int32_t xcalboxcenter[2]; /* Centeral [ipix, iscan] of the box in the L1 scene, default =[0,0] - center of the L1 scene */
255 int32_t xcalpervalid; /* Minimum percent of valid cross-calibration pixels within the box or the L1 scene */
Definition: input_s.h:8