13 if "km" in resolution:
14 resvalue =
'km')) * 1000.
15 elif "m" in resolution:
16 resvalue =
17 elif "deg" in resolution:
18 resvalue =
'deg')) * 111312.
22 elif resvalue < 250.0:
24 elif resvalue < 500.0:
26 elif resvalue < 1150.0:
28 elif resvalue < 2300.0:
30 elif resvalue < 4600.0:
32 elif resvalue < 9200. :
37 if __name__ ==
39 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,description=
40 This program takes a product from a L2 file, maps it using a Plate Carree cylindrical projection,
41 and produces a gray scale PGM or color PPM file.
43 The arguments can be specified on the commandline, or put into a parameter file,
44 or the two methods can be used together, with commandline over-riding.''',add_help=
45 parser.add_argument(
'--parfile', type=str, help=
'input parameter file')
46 parser.add_argument(
'ifile', nargs=
'?', type=str, help=
'input file (L1A/B file or file with list)')
47 parser.add_argument(
'--geofile', nargs=
'?', type=str,help=
'input file geolocation file name')
48 parser.add_argument(
'--ofile', type=str, help=
'output file name; default = <ifile>.L2_MAP.<oformat extension>')
49 parser.add_argument(
'--product', type=str, help=
'product(s) to map; comma separated')
50 parser.add_argument(
'--resolution', type=str, default=
'2.0km', help=
54 #.#: resolution in meters
55 #.#km: resolution in kilometers
56 #.#deg: resolution in degrees
58 parser.add_argument(
'--oformat', choices=[
'tiff'], type=str, default=
"png", help=(
60 --------------------------------------------------------
61 netcdf4: netCDF4 file, can contain more than one product
62 hdf4: HDF4 file (old SMI format)
65 tiff: TIFF file with georeference tags
67 parser.add_argument(
'--north', type=float, help=(
'Northern most Latitude (-999=file north)'))
68 parser.add_argument(
'--south', type=float, help=(
'Southern most Latitude (-999=file south)'))
69 parser.add_argument(
'--east', type=float, help=(
'Eastern most Latitude (-999=file east)'))
70 parser.add_argument(
'--west', type=float, help=(
'Western most Latitude (-999=file west)'))
71 parser.add_argument(
'--projection', type=str,default=
'platecarree', help=
72 enter a proj.4 projection string or choose one of the following
73 predefined projections:
74 --------------------------------------------------------------
75 smi: Standard Mapped image, cylindrical projection, uses
76 central_meridian. n,s,e,w default to whole globe.
77 projection="+proj=eqc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
78 platecarree: Plate Carree image, cylindrical projection, uses
80 projection="+proj=eqc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
81 mollweide: Mollweide projection
82 projection="+proj=moll +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
83 lambert: Lambert conformal conic projection
84 projection="+proj=lcc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
85 albersconic: Albers equal-area conic projection
86 projection="+proj=aea +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
87 mercator: Mercator cylindrical map projection
88 projection="+proj=merc +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
89 ease2: Ease Grid 2 projection
90 projection="+proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +ellps=WGS84
91 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +lat_0=<central_meridian>"
92 conus: USA Contiguous Albers Equal Area-Conic projection, USGS"
93 projection="+proj=aea +lat_1=29.5 +lat_2=45.5
94 +lat_0=23.0 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0
95 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs"
97 parser.add_argument(
'--central_meridian', type=float, help=
'central meridian for projection in deg east. Only used for smi, mollweide and raw projection')
98 parser.add_argument(
'--palfile', type=str, help=
'palette filename. Default uses file for product in product.xml')
99 parser.add_argument(
'--fudge', type=float,default=1.0, help=
'fudge factor used to modify size of L3 pixels')
100 parser.add_argument(
'--threshold', type=float,default=0, help=
'minimum percentage of filled pixels before an image is generated')
101 parser.add_argument(
'--datamin', type=float, help=(
'minimum value for scaling (default from product.xml)'))
102 parser.add_argument(
'--datamax', type=float, help=(
'maximum value for scaling (default from product.xml)'))
103 parser.add_argument(
'--scaletype', choices=[
'arctan'],type=float, help=
104 data scaling type (default from product.xml)
105 ---------------------------------------------
106 linear: linear scaling
107 log: logarithmic scaling
108 arctan: arc tangent scaling
111 parser.add_argument(
'--keep-intermediates', action=
False, help=
'Do not delete the intermediate L2/L3B files produced')
112 parser.add_argument(
'count',default=0, help=
"Let's get chatty. Two -v's a better than one.")
114 args=parser.parse_args()
118 param_proc.parseParFile()
119 for param
in (param_proc.params[
120 value = param_proc.params[
121 if hasattr(args,param):
122 setattr(args,param,value)
123 elif param ==
127 parser.error(
"You must specify an input file either on the command line or in a parameter file")
130 parser.error(
"You must specify at least one product to map, either on the command line or in a parameter file")
133 extension = args.oformat
134 if extension ==
136 setattr(args,
'ofile',args.ifile +
'.L2_MAP.' + extension)
138 default_opts=[
139 l2bin_opts = [
140 l3map_opts = [
142 tmpfile = args.ifile +
149 clo.append(
150 clo.append(
"ifile=" + args.ifile)
151 clo.append(
"ofile=" + tmpfile)
152 clo.append(
153 for l2bin_opt
in l2bin_opts:
154 if getattr(args,l2bin_opt):
155 if l2bin_opt ==
156 clo.append(l2bin_opt +
"=" +
157 elif l2bin_opt ==
158 clo.append(
"l3bprod" +
"=" +
160 clo.append(l2bin_opt +
"=" +
163 print(
"l2bin parameters:")
168 subprocess.run(clo,check=
170 subprocess.run(clo,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,check=
172 print(
"Generated bin file %s" % tmpfile)
174 except subprocess.CalledProcessError
as e:
175 print(
"Process error ({0}): message:{1}".format(
str(e.returncode), e.output))
180 clo.append(
'ifile=' + tmpfile)
181 clo.append(
182 for opt
in l3map_opts:
183 if getattr(args,opt):
184 if type(getattr(args,opt))
is bool:
185 clo.append(opt +
"=1" )
186 elif opt ==
187 if args.oformat ==
188 clo.append(
"product=" + args.product)
190 clo.append(opt +
"=" +
193 print(
"l3mapgen parameters:")
196 if args.oformat ==
198 clo.append(
'ofile=' + args.ofile)
200 subprocess.run(clo,check=
202 subprocess.run(clo,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,check=
204 print(
"Generated map file %s" % args.ofile)
205 except subprocess.CalledProcessError
as e:
206 print(
"Process error ({0}): message:{1}".format(
str(e.returncode), e.output))
209 for prod
in args.product.split(
211 prod_clo.append(
"product=" + prod)
214 if len(args.product.split(
',')) > 1:
215 ofile = args.ofile.replace(args.oformat,
'') + prod +
'.' + args.oformat
217 prod_clo.append(
'ofile=' + ofile)
220 subprocess.run(prod_clo,check=
222 subprocess.run(prod_clo,stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,check=
224 print(
"Generated map file %s" % ofile)
225 except subprocess.CalledProcessError
as e:
226 print(
"Process error ({0}): message:{1}".format(
str(e.returncode), e.output))
229 if not args.keep_intermediates:
232 print(
"Deleted %s" % tmpfile)