Go to the documentation of this file.
64 data wantgac /.false./
65 data wantlac /.false./
70 write(*,
'Enter input L0 file name: '
72 open(mnflun,file=mnffile,access=
73 . recl=512/frec,err=900)
78 write(*,
'Output TLM type (GAC, LAC, BOTH): '
81 if (
type .eq.
'GAC' .or. type .eq.
86 write(*,
'Enter output GAC TLM file name: '
88 open(gtelun,file=gtefile,access=
89 . status=
93 if (
type .eq.
'LAC' .or. type .eq.
98 write(*,
'Enter output LAC TLM file name: '
100 open(ltelun,file=ltefile,access=
101 . status=
104 if (.not. wantgac .and. .not. wantlac)
105 write(*,*)
'Error: no output will be generated for type=',
112 read(mnflun, rec=1, err=900) hdr
117 status =
getmnf( mnflun, mnfcnt, mnf, mnflen)
123 dowhile( status .eq. 0 )
128 if ( wantgac .and. mnf(idbyte) .eq. gacid )
133 status =
136 elseif ( wantlac .and. mnf(idbyte) .ne. gacid )
141 status =
149 status =
getmnf( mnflun, mnfcnt, mnf, mnflen)
152 if (mod(mnfcnt,1000) .eq. 0)
153 write(*,*)
'Processing minor frame ',mnfcnt
159 write(*,*)
'Total minor frames: ',mnfcnt-1
160 write(*,*)
'GAC frames: ',gaccnt
161 write(*,*)
'LAC frames: ',laccnt
170 900
'Error opening input file: ',mnffile
172 901
'Error opening output file: ',gtefile
174 902
'Error opening output file: ',ltefile
184 integer*2 function getmnf(lun,mnfcnt,mnf,mnflen)
205 read(lun,rec=mnfcnt*nbuf+i+1,err=10) buf
207 mnf( (i-1)*buflen + j ) = buf(j)
226 integer*2 function puttlm(lun,cnt,tlm,tlmlen)
248 buf(j) = tlm( (i-1)*buflen + j )
250 write(lun,rec=cnt*nbuf+i,err=10) buf
276 integer*2 function mkgactlm(lun,cnt,mnf)
306 integer*2 map( 3, nflds )
317 data firstcall /.true./
326 if ( firstcall )
343 tlm( tlmoffset + j ) = mnf( mnfoffset + j )
371 integer*2 function mklactlm(lun,cnt,mnf)
401 integer*2 map( 3, nflds )
408 data firstcall /.true./
417 if ( firstcall )
433 tlm( tlmoffset + j ) = mnf( mnfoffset + j )
integer *2 function getmnf(lun, mnfcnt, mnf, mnflen)
integer *2 function mklactlm(lun, cnt, mnf)
README for MOD_PR03(V6.1.0) 2. POINTS OF CONTACT it can be either SDP Toolkit or MODIS Packet for Terra input files The orbit validation configuration parameter(LUN 600281) must be either "TRUE" or "FALSE". It needs to be "FALSE" when running in Near Real Time mode
integer *2 function mkgactlm(lun, cnt, mnf)
integer *2 function puttlm(lun, cnt, tlm, tlmlen)