Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #ifndef MAPATTR_H /* avoid re-inclusion */
2 #define MAPATTR_H
4 /* Global (file-level) Attributes */
5 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
6  Mission and Documentation
7 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 #define L3M_PNAME "Product Name"
9 #define L3M_TITLE "Title"
10 #define L3M_TITLE_VAL "SeaWiFS Level-3 Standard Mapped Image"
11 #define L3M_DCENTER "Data Center"
12 #define L3M_DCENTER_VAL "NASA/GSFC SeaWiFS Data Processing Center"
13 #define L3M_STATION "Station Name"
14 #define L3M_STATION_VAL "Wallops Flight Facility"
15 #define L3M_STLAT "Station Latitude"
16 #define L3M_STLAT_VAL 37.9272
17 #define L3M_STLON "Station Longitude"
18 #define L3M_STLON_VAL -75.4753f
19 #define L3M_MISSION "Mission"
20 #define L3M_MISSION_VAL "SeaStar SeaWiFS"
21 #define L3M_MSNCHAR "Mission Characteristics"
22 #define L3M_MSNCHAR_VAL "Nominal orbit: inclination = 98.2 (Sun-synchronous); node = 12 noon local (descending); eccentricity = <0.002; altitude = 705 km; ground speed = 6.75 km/sec"
23 #define L3M_SENSOR "Sensor"
24 #define L3M_SENSOR_NAME "Sensor Name"
25 #define L3M_SENSOR_VAL "Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)"
26 #define L3M_SNSCHAR "Sensor Characteristics"
28 #define L3M_SNSCHAR_VAL "Number of bands = 8; number of active bands = 8; wavelengths per band (nm) = 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765, 865; bits per pixel = 10; instantaneous field-of-view = 1.5835 mrad; pixels per scan = 1285; scan rate = 6/sec; sample rate = 7710/sec"
30 #define L3M_PRODTYPE "Product Type"
31 #define L3M_PVERSION "Processing Version"
32 #define L3M_REPLACE "Replacement Flag"
33 #define L3M_SOFTID "Software ID"
34 #define L3M_SOFTNM "Software Name"
35 #define L3M_SOFTVER "Software Version"
36 #define L3M_PTIME "Processing Time"
37 #define L3M_INFILES "Input Files"
38 #define L3M_PROCCON "Processing Control"
39 #define L3M_PROCLOG "Processing Log"
40 #define L3M_INPARMS "Input Parameters"
41 #define L3M_FLAG_NAMES "L2 Flag Names"
42 #define L3M_FLAG_USE "L2 Flag Usage"
43 #define L3M_ENG_Q_USE "L2 Engineering Quality Usage"
44 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
45  Data Time
46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
47 #define L3M_PSYEAR "Period Start Year"
48 #define L3M_PSDAY "Period Start Day"
49 #define L3M_PEYEAR "Period End Year"
50 #define L3M_PEDAY "Period End Day"
51 #define L3M_STIME "Start Time"
52 #define L3M_ETIME "End Time"
53 #define L3M_SYEAR "Start Year"
54 #define L3M_SDAY "Start Day"
55 #define L3M_SMSEC "Start Millisec"
56 #define L3M_EYEAR "End Year"
57 #define L3M_EDAY "End Day"
58 #define L3M_EMSEC "End Millisec"
59 #define L3M_ORBIT "Orbit"
60 #define L3M_SORBIT "Start Orbit"
61 #define L3M_EORBIT "End Orbit"
62 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63  Scene Coordinates
64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
65 #define L3M_MAPPROJ "Map Projection"
66 #define L3M_MAPPROJ_VAL "Equidistant Cylindrical"
67 #define L3M_LATUNITS "Latitude Units"
68 #define L3M_LATUNITS_VAL "degrees North"
69 #define L3M_LONUNITS "Longitude Units"
70 #define L3M_LONUNITS_VAL "degrees East"
71 #define L3M_NLAT "Northernmost Latitude"
72 #define L3M_NLAT_VAL 90.0
73 #define L3M_SLAT "Southernmost Latitude"
74 #define L3M_SLAT_VAL -90.0
75 #define L3M_WLON "Westernmost Longitude"
76 #define L3M_WLON_VAL -180.0
77 #define L3M_ELON "Easternmost Longitude"
78 #define L3M_ELON_VAL 180.0
79 #define L3M_LAT_STEP "Latitude Step"
80 #define L3M_LON_STEP "Longitude Step"
81 #define L3M_SWLAT "SW Point Latitude"
82 #define L3M_SWLON "SW Point Longitude"
83 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
84  Data Description
85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
86 #define SDS_NAME "l3m_data"
87 #define LONGNAME "long_name"
88 #define LONGNAME_VAL "Level 3 Standard Mapped Image Data"
90 #define L3M_DATABINS "Data Bins"
91 #define L3M_NROWS "Number of Lines"
92 #define L3M_NCOLS "Number of Columns"
93 #define L3M_MEASURE "Measure"
94 #define L3M_PARAMETER "Parameter"
95 #define L3M_UNITS "Units"
96 #define L3M_SCALING "Scaling"
97 #define L3M_LOG_SCALE "logarithmic"
98 #define L3M_LINEAR_SCALE "linear"
99 #define L3M_SC_EQN "Scaling Equation"
100 #define L3M_LOG_EQN "Base**((Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept) = Parameter value"
101 #define L3M_LINEAR_EQN "(Slope*l3m_data) + Intercept = Parameter value"
102 #define L3M_BASE "Base"
103 #define L3M_SLOPE "Slope"
104 #define L3M_INTERCEPT "Intercept"
105 #define L3M_MIN "Data Minimum"
106 #define L3M_MAX "Data Maximum"
107 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
109 #endif /* MAPATTR_H */