Go to the source code of this file.
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,description=,add_help=True) |
| type |
| str |
| help |
| default |
| action |
| False |
| prodGroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() |
| choices |
| float |
| True |
| args = parser.parse_args() |
list | sanitize = ['ifile','ofile','logfile','geofile','parfile','product','resolution'] |
| value = getattr(args,arg) |
list | levels = [logging.ERROR, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG] |
| verbosity = max(0, min(args.verbose, len(levels)-1)) |
| filename |
| format |
| level |
| param_proc = ParamProcessing(parfile=args.parfile) |
| ifile |
| extension = args.oformat |
list | geo_opts = ["north", "south", "east", "west"] |
list | l2bin_opts = ["resolution"] |
list | l3map_opts |
string | tmpfile_l2gen = "mapgen_l2gen_list.txt" |
string | tmpfile_l2bin = "mapgen_tmp.l2bin.nc" |
string | msg = "Parameters passed to or assumed by mapgen:\n" |
| k |
| key |
| v |
| ftype = None |
list | ifiles = [] |
list | geofiles = [] |
| ifile_list = lstfile.readlines() |
dictionary | clo = {} |
| l2filelst = open(tmpfile_l2gen,'w') |
| l1file = l1file.strip() |
string | ofile = "{filebase}_{cnt:02}.nc".format(filebase=tmpfile_l2gen.replace('_list.txt',''),cnt=i+1) |
| l2f = l2f.strip() |