Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
modis_surface_nc4.f95 File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.


module  modis_surface


integer function, public load_terrainflg_tables (tflg_file, season)
integer function, public load_seasonal_desert (file)
integer function, public load_brdf (brdffile)
subroutine, public unload_brdf (status)
integer function, public get_brdfcorr_sr (lat, lon, ra, sa, vza, amf, elev, month, ndvi, stdv, gzone, lc_type, bgaod, sr412, sr470, sr650, use_alternate_brdf, debug)
real function, public get_aot500 (lat, lon, elev, sa, season, ndvi, gzone, lc_type, stdv02, aot412_91, aot412_93, aot412_94, aot412_96, aot412_995, aot470_91, aot470_92, aot470_93, aot470_94, aot470_95, aot470_96, aot470_995, aot412_91_dust, aot412_93_dust, aot412_94_dust, aot412_96_dust, aot412_995_dust, aot470_91_dust, aot470_92_dust, aot470_93_dust, aot470_94_dust, aot470_95_dust, aot470_96_dust, aot470_995_dust, ae, status, debug)
integer function, public set_limits (locedge, lat, long)
integer function, public set_limits6 (locedge, lat, long)
integer function, public load_hdfler (lut_file, season)
integer function, public load_swir_coeffs (file, season)
real function, dimension(3), public get_swir_coeffs412 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, dimension(3), public get_swir_coeffs470 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_swir_stderr412 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_swir_stderr470 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, dimension(2), public get_swir_range (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_ler865 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_ler412 (latidx, lonidx, NDVI, scatAngle, relaz)
real function, public get_ler470 (latidx, lonidx, NDVI, scatAngle, relaz)
real function, public get_ler650 (latidx, lonidx, NDVI, scatAngle, relaz)
integer function readswir2 (start, edge, stride, sds_name, grp_id, outref)
integer function readswir3 (start3, edges3, stride3, sds_name, grp_id, outref)
integer function, public latlon_to_index_ler (lat, lon, ilat, ilon)
real function, public get_viirs_ler412 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_viirs_ler488 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_viirs_ler670 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_modis_ler412 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_modis_ler470 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_modis_ler650 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_modis_ler865 (latidx, lonidx)
real function, public get_viirs_modisbrdf_ler412 (ilat, ilon, ndvi, sa, ra)
real function, public get_viirs_modisbrdf_ler488 (ilat, ilon, ndvi, sa, ra)
real function, public get_viirs_modisbrdf_ler670 (ilat, ilon, ndvi, sa, ra)
integer function, public get_geographic_zone (lat, lon, status)
integer function, public get_sfc_elev_std (lat, lon, status)
real function, public get_background_aod (lat, lon, season, status)


integer, dimension(3600, 1800), public terrain_flag_new
real, dimension(3600, 1800), public terrain_flag
real, dimension(3600, 1800), public sfc_elev_std