Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
build_manifest_ocssw Namespace Reference


def doIt (cmd, logFilename, out)
def run ()


list machineInfo
string firstRunStr = " && if [ ! -d ocssw ]; then mkdir ocssw; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/share ]; then mkdir ocssw/share; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/testdata ]; then mkdir ocssw/testdata; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/var ]; then mkdir ocssw/var; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/opt ]; then mkdir ocssw/opt; fi"
string saveOcsswStr = " && rm -rf saveOcssw && mkdir saveOcssw && cd ocssw && mv share testdata var ../saveOcssw"
string restoreOcsswStr = " && rm -rf share/modis && mv ../saveOcssw/share ../saveOcssw/testdata ../saveOcssw/var ."
string saveOptStr = " && mv opt ../saveOcssw"
string restoreOptStr = " && mv ../saveOcssw/opt ."
string getOcsswStr = " && cd && rm -rf ocssw && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/obpg/ocssw.git && cd ocssw && source OCSSW_bash.env"
string getSubmodulesStr = " && git submodule init && git submodule update"
string buildOptStr = " && ./get_lib3_src.sh && cd opt/src && ./BuildIt.py && cd ../.."
string buildOcsswStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DBUILD_ALL=1 && make -j 20 install"
string getViirsStr = " && cd && rm -rf viirs_l1 && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/viirs/viirs_l1.git && cd viirs_l1"
string buildViirsStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 20 install"
string getFocsStr = " && cd && rm -rf focs && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/obpg/focs.git && cd focs"
string buildFocsStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 20 install"

Function Documentation

◆ doIt()

def build_manifest_ocssw.doIt (   cmd,

Definition at line 60 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ run()

def build_manifest_ocssw.run ( )

Definition at line 67 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

Variable Documentation

◆ buildFocsStr

string buildFocsStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 20 install"

Definition at line 57 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ buildOcsswStr

string buildOcsswStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -DBUILD_ALL=1 && make -j 20 install"

Definition at line 53 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ buildOptStr

string buildOptStr = " && ./get_lib3_src.sh && cd opt/src && ./BuildIt.py && cd ../.."

Definition at line 52 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ buildViirsStr

string buildViirsStr = " && mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make -j 20 install"

Definition at line 55 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ firstRunStr

string firstRunStr = " && if [ ! -d ocssw ]; then mkdir ocssw; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/share ]; then mkdir ocssw/share; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/testdata ]; then mkdir ocssw/testdata; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/var ]; then mkdir ocssw/var; fi && if [ ! -d ocssw/opt ]; then mkdir ocssw/opt; fi"

Definition at line 45 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ getFocsStr

string getFocsStr = " && cd && rm -rf focs && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/obpg/focs.git && cd focs"

Definition at line 56 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ getOcsswStr

string getOcsswStr = " && cd && rm -rf ocssw && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/obpg/ocssw.git && cd ocssw && source OCSSW_bash.env"

Definition at line 50 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ getSubmodulesStr

string getSubmodulesStr = " && git submodule init && git submodule update"

Definition at line 51 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ getViirsStr

string getViirsStr = " && cd && rm -rf viirs_l1 && git clone https://oceandata.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/rcs/viirs/viirs_l1.git && cd viirs_l1"

Definition at line 54 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ machineInfo

list machineInfo
Initial value:
1 = [
2  # CentOS 7
3  {
4  "name" : "linux_64",
5  "login" : "seadasdev201",
6  "initStr" : "source .bash_profile && source /opt/rh/devtoolset-7/enable",
7  "exitStr" : ""
8  },
9  # RHEL 8
10 # {
11 # "name" : "linux_64",
12 # "login" : "seadasdev301",
13 # "initStr" : "source .bash_profile",
14 # "exitStr" : ""
15 # },
16  # Ubuntu 20.04
17  {
18  "name" : "odps",
19  "login" : "analysis401",
20  "initStr" : "source .profile",
21  "exitStr" : ""
22  },
23  # macOS
24  {
25  "name" : "macosx_intel",
26  "login" : "seadas4",
27  "initStr" : "source .bash_profile",
28  "exitStr" : " && fix_mac_rpath.py"
29  },
30 ]

Definition at line 14 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ restoreOcsswStr

string restoreOcsswStr = " && rm -rf share/modis && mv ../saveOcssw/share ../saveOcssw/testdata ../saveOcssw/var ."

Definition at line 47 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ restoreOptStr

string restoreOptStr = " && mv ../saveOcssw/opt ."

Definition at line 49 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ saveOcsswStr

string saveOcsswStr = " && rm -rf saveOcssw && mkdir saveOcssw && cd ocssw && mv share testdata var ../saveOcssw"

Definition at line 46 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.

◆ saveOptStr

string saveOptStr = " && mv opt ../saveOcssw"

Definition at line 48 of file build_manifest_ocssw.py.