Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine outactfy(tmf1)
2 c
3 c subroutine outactfy outputs the actinic flux at all the levels
4 c of the atmosphere (non-lambertian surfaces)
5 c***********************************************************************
6 c.....include the common blocks
7  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
8  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
9  real*8 tma(nsz),tmb(nsz),tmc(nsz),tmfd(nsz),tmfu(nsz),tmf1(nsz,nlyr)
10 c***********************************************************************
11 c
12  lsza=bfr1(35)+0.001
13  do i=1,lsza,1
14  m=msza(i)
15  tma(i)=the0in(m)
16  tmb(i)=fdirc(m)/pi
17  tmc(i)=sbarz(m)
18  tmfd(i)=fdown(m)/pi
19  tmfu(i)=fup(m)/pi
20  do j=1,nolyr+1
21  tmf1(i,j)=acfg1(m,j)
22  enddo
23  enddo
24 c
25  ff0=1.0d0
26  write(30,502)wvlth*1.0e+4
27  write(30,503)ff0
28  write(30,504)(tma(i),i=1,lsza)
29  write(30,506)(tmb(i),i=1,lsza)
30  write(30,508)(tmfd(i),i=1,lsza)
31  write(30,511)
32  do k=1,nolyr+1
33  write(30,514)k,ht(k),pl(k),taupl(k),(tmf1(i,k),i=1,lsza)
34  enddo
35 c
36 502 format('wavelength(um)',t20,1pe11.3)
37 503 format('solar flux(top)',t20,1pe11.3)
38 504 format('sza',t22,25(f4.1,7x))
39 506 format('f(dir)',t20,1p25e11.3)
40 508 format('f(diff)',t20,1p25e11.3)
41 511 format(t1,'lvl',t7,'height',t18,'pressure',t29,
42  1 'tot. opt.',t40,'act_flx'/
43  2 t1,'no.',t8,'(km)',t19,'(atm.)',t29,'thickness')
44 514 format(i3,1x,1p28e11.3)
45 c
46  return
47  end
48 c***********************************************************************
#define real
Definition: DbAlgOcean.cpp:26
subroutine outactfy(tmf1)
Definition: outactfy.f:2
#define pi
Definition: vincenty.c:23