Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine outmds_trans
2 c
3 c write the output data set
4 c
5 c**********************************************************************
6 c
7 c include the common blocks
8 c
9  implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z)
10  include 'afrt_rt2.cmn'
11 c
12 c**********************************************************************
13 c
14 c
15  do m=1,4
16  do j=1,jpart
17  do i=1,nx-1
18  k=(m-1)*jpart*(nx-1)+(j-1)*(nx-1)+i
19  if(m.eq.1)then
20  bfr2(k)=(fioup(1,i,j)+fioup(2,i,j))
21  bfr3(k)=(fioup_btm(1,i,j)+fioup_btm(2,i,j))
22  endif
23  if(m.eq.2)then
24  bfr2(k)=(fioup(1,i,j)-fioup(2,i,j))
25  bfr3(k)=(fioup_btm(1,i,j)-fioup_btm(2,i,j))
26  endif
27  if(m.gt.2)then
28  bfr2(k)=fioup(m,i,j)
29  bfr3(k)=fioup_btm(m,i,j)
30  endif
31  enddo
32  enddo
33  enddo
34 c
35 c
36 c write(6,*)'fioup_btm'
37 c do i=1,nx-1,5
38 c call radnce(pi,conv,cosmu,the,fioup_btm,i,jpart,jphi)
39 c enddo
40 c
41  nd=(nx-1)*jpart*4
42 c
43  bfr2(nd+1)=rmuo
44  bfr2(nd+2)=1.0
45  bfr2(nd+3)=amufac
46  bfr2(nd+4)=temp1(nolyr+1)
47  bfr2(nd+5)=temp2(1)
48  if(iref.eq.1 .or. iref.eq.2 .or. iref.eq.3)then
49  bfr2(nd+6)=calb
50  bfr2(nd+7)=albwl(ksza)
51  bfr2(nd+8)=albtdr(ksza)
52  bfr2(nd+9)=albtdf(ksza)
53  bfr2(nd+10)=albtrf(ksza)
54  bfr2(nd+11)=albrdr(ksza)
55  endif
56 c
57  do i=1,11
58  bfr3(nd+i)=-777.0
59  enddo
60 c
61 c
62  krecz=(nsza-1)*2+1
63  if(kzz.eq.2)then
64  krecz=2*nthe0+1
65  endif
66 c
67  do i=1,1915
68  ebfr2(i)=bfr2(i)
69  ebfr3(i)=bfr3(i)
70  enddo
71 c
72  krecz1=krecz+1
73  krecz2=krecz+2
74  write(24,rec=krecz1)ebfr2
75  write(24,rec=krecz2)ebfr3
76  return
77  end
78 c***********************************************************************
subroutine outmds_trans
Definition: outmds_trans.f:2