Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /********************************************************************
2  * *
3  * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 *
4  * Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia *
5  * *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as *
8  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *
9  * the License, or (at your option) any later version. *
10  * *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be *
12  * useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
14  * PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. *
15  * *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public *
17  * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free *
18  * Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, *
19  * MA 02111-1307 USA *
20  * *
21  ********************************************************************
22  * *
23  * merge multiple PDS files into one file *
24  * *
25  * 12/12/2007 S. W. Maier start of work *
26  * 12/12/2007 S. W. Maier initial version *
27  * 25/12/2007 S. W. Maier added start and end date parameters *
28  * 10/06/2008 S. W. Maier increased data buffer and test for *
29  * packet size before reading *
30  * 10/10/2008 S. W. Maier increased data buffer *
31  * *
32  ********************************************************************
33  * *
34  * usage: pdsmerge start_date end_date APID <input 1> [<input 2> *
35  * [...]] output *
36  * *
37  ********************************************************************
38  * *
39  * to do: *
40  * - support other sensors *
41  * *
42  * known issues: *
43  * - doesn't take into account leap seconds *
44  * *
45  ********************************************************************
46  * *
47  * build: cc pdsmerge.c -lm -o pdsmerge *
48  * *
49  ********************************************************************/
51 #include <stdio.h>
52 #include <stdlib.h>
53 #include <math.h>
54 #include <string.h>
57 /********************************************************************
58  * *
59  * defines *
60  * *
61  ********************************************************************/
62 /* name */
63 #define NAME "pdsmerge"
64 /* version */
65 #define VERSION 1
66 /* revision */
67 #define REVISION 3
68 /* usage */
69 #define USAGE "start_date end_date APID <input 1> [<input 2> [...]] output\nstart_date/end_date: YYYY/MM/DD,hh:mm:ss or -"
70 /* primary header size */
71 #define PRI_HDR_SIZE 6
72 /* MODIS secondary header size */
73 #define MODIS_HDR_SIZE 12
74 /* data buffer size */
75 #define DATA_SIZE 100000
76 /* Julian Day of MODIS reference date (01/01/1958)*/
77 #define MODIS_REF_DATE 2436205.0
80 /********************************************************************
81  * *
82  * structure definitions *
83  * *
84  ********************************************************************/
86 /* primary header */
87 struct pri_hdr {
88  int flag;
89  int version;
90  int type;
91  int sec_hdr_flag;
92  int apid;
93  int seq_flags;
94  int pkt_count;
95  int pkt_length;
96 };
98 /* MODIS header */
99 struct modis_hdr {
100  int days;
101  unsigned long int millisec;
102  int microsec;
103  int ql;
104  int pkt_type;
105  int scan_count;
106  int mirror_side;
107  int src1;
108  int src2;
109  int conf;
110  int sci_state;
111  int sci_abnorm;
112  int checksum;
113 };
116 /********************************************************************
117  * *
118  * function declarations *
119  * *
120  ********************************************************************/
121 int ReadPriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf);
122 int WritePriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf);
123 int DecodePriHdr(unsigned char *buf, struct pri_hdr *hdr);
124 int DecodeMODISHdr(unsigned char *buf, int len,
125  struct modis_hdr *hdr);
126 void julday(int minute, int hour, int day, int month, int year,
127  double *jul);
128 void caldat(int *minute, int *hour, int *day, int *month, int *year,
129  double jul);
130 int CalcChecksum12(unsigned char *buf, int n);
132 /********************************************************************
133  * *
134  * main function *
135  * *
136  ********************************************************************/
137 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
138  /* pointer to input file pointer array */
139  FILE **fin;
140  /* output file pointer */
141  FILE *fout;
142  /* pointer to primary header structure pointer array */
143  struct pri_hdr **hdr;
144  /* pointer to MODIS header structure pointer array */
145  struct modis_hdr **mhdr;
146  /* pointer to header buffer pointer array */
147  unsigned char **buf_hdr;
148  /* pointer to data buffer pointer array */
149  unsigned char **buf_data;
150  /* number of input files */
151  int n;
152  /* APID */
153  int apid;
154  /* checksum */
155  int chksum;
156  /* input stream with oldest packet */
157  int oldest;
158  /* flag for valid packet available */
159  int valpkt;
160  /* counter */
161  int i;
162  /* error code */
163  int error;
164  /* date/time */
165  int year, month, day, hour, min, sec;
166  /* start date/time */
167  int startday;
168  unsigned long startmillisec;
169  /* end date/time */
170  int endday;
171  unsigned long endmillisec;
172  /* buffer */
173  double x;
174  /* last packet date/time/pktcount */
175  int lastdays = 0, lastmicrosec = 0, lastpktcount = 0;
176  unsigned long int lastmillisec = 0;
177  /* packet difference */
178  int pktdiff;
181  /* print version information */
182  fprintf(stderr, "%s V%d.%d ("__DATE__")\n",
185  /* check number of arguments */
186  if (argc < 6) {
187  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
188  return (20);
189  }
191  /* determine number of input files */
192  n = argc - 5;
194  /* get start date */
195  if (strcmp(argv[1], "-") == 0) {
196  startday = 0;
197  startmillisec = 0;
198  } else {
199  if (sscanf(argv[1], " %d/%d/%d,%d:%d:%d",
200  &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) != 6) {
201  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
202  return (20);
203  }
204  if ((year < 1958) ||
205  (month < 1) || (month > 12) ||
206  (day < 1) || (day > 31) ||
207  (hour < 0) || (hour > 23) ||
208  (min < 0) || (min > 59) ||
209  (sec < 0) || (sec > 59)) {
210  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
211  return (10);
212  }
213  julday(0, 0, day, month, year, &x);
214  startday = (int) (x - MODIS_REF_DATE);
215  startmillisec =
216  (unsigned long) hour * 60L * 60L * 1000L +
217  (unsigned long) min * 60L * 1000L +
218  (unsigned long) sec * 1000L;
219  }
221  /* get end date */
222  if (strcmp(argv[2], "-") == 0) {
223  endday = 4000000;
224  endmillisec = 90000000L;
225  } else {
226  if (sscanf(argv[2], " %d/%d/%d,%d:%d:%d",
227  &year, &month, &day, &hour, &min, &sec) != 6) {
228  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
229  return (20);
230  }
231  if ((year < 1958) ||
232  (month < 1) || (month > 12) ||
233  (day < 1) || (day > 31) ||
234  (hour < 0) || (hour > 23) ||
235  (min < 0) || (min > 59) ||
236  (sec < 0) || (sec > 59)) {
237  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
238  return (10);
239  }
240  julday(0, 0, day, month, year, &x);
241  endday = (int) (x - MODIS_REF_DATE);
242  endmillisec =
243  (unsigned long) hour * 60L * 60L * 1000L +
244  (unsigned long) min * 60L * 1000L +
245  (unsigned long) sec * 1000L;
246  }
248  /* check if end date/time is after start date/time */
249  if ((endday < startday) ||
250  ((endday == startday) && (endmillisec <= startmillisec))) {
251  fprintf(stderr, "USAGE: %s %s\n", NAME, USAGE);
252  return (10);
253  }
255  /* get APID */
256  apid = atoi(argv[3]);
257  if ((apid < 64) || (apid > 127)) {
258  fprintf(stderr, "only APID 64 to 127 supported\n");
259  return (10);
260  }
262  /* allocate pointer memory */
263  if (!(fin = malloc(sizeof (FILE *) * n))) {
264  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
265  return (10);
266  }
267  if (!(hdr = malloc(sizeof (struct pri_hdr *) * n))) {
268  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
269  return (10);
270  }
271  if (!(mhdr = malloc(sizeof (struct modis_hdr *) * n))) {
272  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
273  return (10);
274  }
275  if (!(buf_hdr = malloc(sizeof (unsigned char *) * n))) {
276  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
277  return (10);
278  }
279  if (!(buf_data = malloc(sizeof (unsigned char *) * n))) {
280  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
281  return (10);
282  }
284  /* allocate data memory */
285  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
286  if (!(hdr[i] = malloc(sizeof (struct pri_hdr)))) {
287  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
288  return (10);
289  }
290  hdr[i]->flag = 0;
291  if (!(mhdr[i] = malloc(sizeof (struct modis_hdr)))) {
292  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
293  return (10);
294  }
295  if (!(buf_hdr[i] = malloc(sizeof (unsigned char) * PRI_HDR_SIZE))) {
296  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
297  return (10);
298  }
299  if (!(buf_data[i] = malloc(sizeof (unsigned char) * DATA_SIZE))) {
300  fprintf(stderr, "not enough memory\n");
301  return (10);
302  }
303  }
305  /* open input files */
306  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
307  if (!(fin[i] = fopen(argv[i + 4], "rb"))) {
308  fprintf(stderr, "can't open input file (%s)\n", argv[i + 4]);
309  return (10);
310  }
311  }
313  /* open output file */
314  if (!(fout = fopen(argv[n + 4], "wb"))) {
315  fprintf(stderr, "can't create output file (%s)\n", argv[n + 4]);
316  return (10);
317  }
319  /* main loop */
320  for (;;) {
321  /* for each input file */
322  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
323  /* do until we have a valid packet or we have reached EOF */
324  for (; hdr[i]->flag == 0;) {
325  /* read primary header */
326  if (ReadPriHdr(fin[i], buf_hdr[i])) {
327  /* end of file? */
328  if (feof(fin[i])) {
329  hdr[i]->flag = -1;
330  break;
331  } else {
332  fprintf(stderr,
333  "error reading input file (%s)\n",
334  argv[i + 4]);
335  return (5);
336  }
337  }
339  /* decode primary header */
340  switch (error = DecodePriHdr(buf_hdr[i], hdr[i])) {
341  case 0:
342  break;
343  case -1:
344  fprintf(stderr,
345  "unsupported packet version (%d) in input file "
346  "(%s): "
347  "file might be corrupted, trying to resyncronise\n",
348  hdr[i]->version,
349  argv[i + 4]);
351  /* read data block */
352  if (hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1 > DATA_SIZE) {
353  fprintf(stderr,
354  "buffer overflow (%d), "
355  "please contact developer\n",
356  hdr[i]->pkt_length);
357  return (20);
358  }
359  if (fread(buf_data[i], hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1, 1, fin[i]) !=
360  1) {
361  fprintf(stderr,
362  "error reading input file (%s)\n",
363  argv[i + 4]);
364  return (5);
365  }
366  continue;
367  default:
368  fprintf(stderr,
369  "unknown error (%d) while decoding primary "
370  "header\n",
371  error);
372  return (5);
373  }
375  /* read data block */
376  if (hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1 > DATA_SIZE) {
377  fprintf(stderr,
378  "buffer overflow (%d), "
379  "please contact developer\n",
380  hdr[i]->pkt_length);
381  return (20);
382  }
383  if (fread(buf_data[i], hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1, 1, fin[i]) !=
384  1) {
385  fprintf(stderr,
386  "error reading input file (%s)\n",
387  argv[i + 4]);
388  return (5);
389  }
391  /* is it a packet we need? */
392  if (hdr[i]->apid != apid)
393  continue;
395  /* decode MODIS header */
396  DecodeMODISHdr(buf_data[i],
397  hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1,
398  mhdr[i]);
400  /* calculate checksum */
401  chksum =
402  CalcChecksum12(&(buf_data[i][MODIS_HDR_SIZE]),
403  (hdr[i]->pkt_length + 1 - MODIS_HDR_SIZE) /
404  1.5 - 1);
406  /* invalid packet? */
407  if (chksum != mhdr[i]->checksum)
408  continue;
410  /* before startdate? */
411  if ((mhdr[i]->days < startday) ||
412  ((mhdr[i]->days == startday) &&
413  (mhdr[i]->millisec < startmillisec)))
414  continue;
416  /* after enddate? */
417  if ((mhdr[i]->days > endday) ||
418  ((mhdr[i]->days == endday) &&
419  (mhdr[i]->millisec >= endmillisec)))
420  continue;
422  /* set valid packet flag */
423  hdr[i]->flag = 1;
424  }
425  }
427  /* find the oldest packet */
428  for (i = 0, valpkt = 0; i < n; i++) {
429  /* invalid packet? */
430  if (hdr[i]->flag != 1)
431  continue;
433  /* first valid packet? */
434  if (valpkt == 0) {
435  /* set oldest to this this packet */
436  oldest = i;
438  /* set flag for valid packet available */
439  valpkt = 1;
441  /* next stream */
442  continue;
443  }
445  /* test days */
446  if (mhdr[i]->days < mhdr[oldest]->days) {
447  oldest = i;
448  continue;
449  }
450  if (mhdr[i]->days > mhdr[oldest]->days) {
451  continue;
452  }
454  /* test milliseconds */
455  if (mhdr[i]->millisec < mhdr[oldest]->millisec) {
456  oldest = i;
457  continue;
458  }
459  if (mhdr[i]->millisec > mhdr[oldest]->millisec) {
460  continue;
461  }
463  /* test microseconds */
464  if (mhdr[i]->microsec < mhdr[oldest]->microsec) {
465  oldest = i;
466  continue;
467  }
468  if (mhdr[i]->microsec > mhdr[oldest]->microsec) {
469  continue;
470  }
472  /* test packet count */
473  pktdiff = hdr[i]->pkt_count - hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
474  if (pktdiff < -8191) pktdiff += 16384;
475  if (pktdiff > 8191) pktdiff -= 16384;
476  if (pktdiff < 0) {
477  oldest = i;
478  continue;
479  }
480  if (pktdiff > 0) {
481  continue;
482  }
484  /* identical packets, flag packet from stream i invalid */
485  hdr[i]->flag = 0;
486  }
488  /* no valid packet available? */
489  if (valpkt == 0)
490  break;
492  /* avoid duplicated and old packets */
493  if (mhdr[oldest]->days < lastdays) {
494  hdr[oldest]->flag = 0;
495  lastdays = mhdr[oldest]->days;
496  lastmillisec = mhdr[oldest]->millisec;
497  lastmicrosec = mhdr[oldest]->microsec;
498  lastpktcount = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
499  continue;
500  }
501  if (mhdr[oldest]->days == lastdays) {
502  if (mhdr[oldest]->millisec < lastmillisec) {
503  hdr[oldest]->flag = 0;
504  lastdays = mhdr[oldest]->days;
505  lastmillisec = mhdr[oldest]->millisec;
506  lastmicrosec = mhdr[oldest]->microsec;
507  lastpktcount = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
508  continue;
509  }
510  if (mhdr[oldest]->millisec == lastmillisec) {
511  if (mhdr[oldest]->microsec < lastmicrosec) {
512  hdr[oldest]->flag = 0;
513  lastdays = mhdr[oldest]->days;
514  lastmillisec = mhdr[oldest]->millisec;
515  lastmicrosec = mhdr[oldest]->microsec;
516  lastpktcount = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
517  continue;
518  }
519  if (mhdr[oldest]->microsec == lastmicrosec) {
520  pktdiff = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count - lastpktcount;
521  if (pktdiff < -8191) pktdiff += 16384;
522  if (pktdiff > 8191) pktdiff -= 16384;
523  if (pktdiff <= 0) {
524  hdr[oldest]->flag = 0;
525  lastdays = mhdr[oldest]->days;
526  lastmillisec = mhdr[oldest]->millisec;
527  lastmicrosec = mhdr[oldest]->microsec;
528  lastpktcount = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
529  continue;
530  /* }*/
531  }
532  }
533  }
534  }
536  /* store packet date/time/sample/pktcount */
537  lastdays = mhdr[oldest]->days;
538  lastmillisec = mhdr[oldest]->millisec;
539  lastmicrosec = mhdr[oldest]->microsec;
540  lastpktcount = hdr[oldest]->pkt_count;
542  /* write packet to output file */
543  if (WritePriHdr(fout, buf_hdr[oldest])) {
544  fprintf(stderr,
545  "error writing to output file (%s)\n",
546  argv[n + 4]);
547  return (5);
548  }
549  if (fwrite(buf_data[oldest],
550  hdr[oldest]->pkt_length + 1,
551  1, fout) != 1) {
552  fprintf(stderr,
553  "error writing to output file (%s)\n",
554  argv[n + 4]);
555  return (5);
556  }
558  /* flag packet from stream oldest invalid */
559  hdr[oldest]->flag = 0;
560  }
562  /* close output file */
563  fclose(fout);
565  /* close input files */
566  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
567  fclose(fin[i]);
568  }
570  /* free memory */
571  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
572  free(buf_data[i]);
573  free(buf_hdr[i]);
574  free(mhdr[i]);
575  free(hdr[i]);
576  }
577  free(buf_data);
578  free(buf_hdr);
579  free(mhdr);
580  free(hdr);
581  free(fin);
583  /* Ja das war's. Der Pop-Shop ist zu Ende */
584  return (0);
585 }
587 /********************************************************************
588  * *
589  * read primary header from file *
590  * *
591  * f: file pointer *
592  * buf: pointer to buffer *
593  * *
594  * result: 0 - ok *
595  * -1 - read error *
596  * *
597  ********************************************************************/
598 int ReadPriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf) {
599  /* read header */
600  if (fread(buf, PRI_HDR_SIZE, 1, f) != 1)
601  return (-1);
603  /* ois rodger */
604  return (0);
605 }
607 /********************************************************************
608  * *
609  * write primary header to file *
610  * *
611  * f: file pointer *
612  * buf: pointer to buffer *
613  * *
614  * result: 0 - ok *
615  * -1 - write error *
616  * *
617  ********************************************************************/
618 int WritePriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf) {
619  /* read header */
620  if (fwrite(buf, PRI_HDR_SIZE, 1, f) != 1)
621  return (-1);
623  /* ois rodger */
624  return (0);
625 }
627 /********************************************************************
628  * *
629  * decode primary header *
630  * *
631  * buf: pointer to buffer *
632  * hdr: pointer to header structure *
633  * *
634  * result: 0 - ok *
635  * -1 - decode error (version not supported) *
636  * *
637  ********************************************************************/
638 int DecodePriHdr(unsigned char *buf, struct pri_hdr *hdr) {
639  /* version */
640  hdr->version = (buf[0] & 0xE0) >> 5;
642  /* version supported? */
643  if (hdr->version != 0)
644  return (-1);
646  /* type */
647  hdr->type = (buf[0] & 0x10) >> 4;
649  /* secondary header flag */
650  hdr->sec_hdr_flag = (buf[0] & 0x08) >> 3;
652  /* APID */
653  hdr->apid = (((int) (buf[0] & 0x07)) << 8) + buf[1];
655  /* sequence flags */
656  hdr->seq_flags = (buf[2] & 0xC0) >> 6;
658  /* packet count per APID */
659  hdr->pkt_count = (((int) (buf[2] & 0x3F)) << 8) + buf[3];
661  /* packet length (length - 1) */
662  hdr->pkt_length = (((int) buf[4]) << 8) + buf[5];
664  /* okeydokey */
665  return (0);
666 }
668 /********************************************************************
669  * *
670  * decode MODIS header *
671  * *
672  * buf: pointer to buffer *
673  * len: data lengh *
674  * hdr: pointer to header structure *
675  * *
676  * result: 0 - ok *
677  * -1 - decode error *
678  * -2 - decode error *
679  * *
680  ********************************************************************/
681 int DecodeMODISHdr(unsigned char *buf, int len,
682  struct modis_hdr *hdr) {
683  /* days since 01/01/1958 */
684  hdr->days =
685  (((int) buf[0]) << 8) +
686  (((int) buf[1]));
688  /* milliseconds of day */
689  hdr->millisec =
690  (((unsigned long int) buf[2]) << 24) +
691  (((unsigned long int) buf[3]) << 16) +
692  (((unsigned long int) buf[4]) << 8) +
693  (((unsigned long int) buf[5]));
695  /* microseconds of milliseconds */
696  hdr->microsec =
697  (((int) buf[6]) << 8) +
698  (((int) buf[7]));
700  /* quicklook flag */
701  hdr->ql = (buf[8] & 0x80) >> 7;
703  /* packet type */
704  hdr->pkt_type = (buf[8] & 0x70) >> 4;
706  /* scan count */
707  hdr->scan_count = (buf[8] & 0x0E) >> 1;
709  /* mirror side */
710  hdr->mirror_side = (buf[8] & 1);
712  /* source identification (0 = earth, 1 = calibration) */
713  hdr->src1 = (buf[9] & 0x80) >> 7;
715  /* source identification (0 = eng., 1 to 1354 = sample count) */
716  hdr->src2 =
717  (((int) buf[9] & 0x7F) << 4) +
718  (((int) buf[10] & 0xF0) >> 4);
720  /* FPA/AEM config */
721  hdr->conf =
722  (((int) buf[10] & 0x0F) << 6) +
723  (((int) buf[11] & 0xFC) >> 2);
725  /* sci state */
726  hdr->sci_state = (((int) buf[11] & 0x02) >> 1);
728  /* sci abnorm */
729  hdr->sci_abnorm = (((int) buf[11] & 0x01));
731  /* check sum */
732  hdr->checksum =
733  (((int) buf[len - 2] & 0x0F) << 8) +
734  (((int) buf[len - 1]));
736  return 0;
737 }
739 /********************************************************************
740  * *
741  * convert calendar date to julian day *
742  * *
743  * minute: minute of time to convert *
744  * hour: hour of time to convert *
745  * day: day of date to convert *
746  * month: month of date to convert *
747  * year: year of date to convert *
748  * jul: pointer to store julian day *
749  * *
750  * result: none *
751  * *
752  ********************************************************************/
753 void julday(int minute, int hour, int day, int month, int year,
754  double *jul) {
755  /* julian day as long */
756  long ljul;
757  /* helping variables */
758  int ja, jy, jm;
761  jy = year;
763  if (jy < 0)
764  ++jy;
765  if (month > 2) {
766  jm = month + 1;
767  } else {
768  --jy;
769  jm = month + 13;
770  }
771  ljul = (long) (floor(365.25 * jy) + floor(30.6001 * jm) + day +
772  1720995);
773  if (day + 31L * (month + 12L * year) >= (15 + 31L * (10 + 12L * 1582))) {
774  ja = (int) (0.01 * jy);
775  ljul += 2 - ja + (int) (0.25 * ja);
776  }
778  *jul =
779  (double) ljul +
780  (double) hour / 24.0 +
781  (double) minute / 1440.0 +
782  0.000001; /* add about 0.1s to avoid precision problems */
783 }
785 /********************************************************************
786  * *
787  * convert julian day to calendar date *
788  * *
789  * minute: pointer to store minute *
790  * hour: pointer to store hour *
791  * day: pointer to store day *
792  * month: pointer to store month *
793  * year: pointer to store year *
794  * jul: julian day *
795  * *
796  * result: none *
797  * *
798  ********************************************************************/
799 void caldat(int *minute, int *hour, int *day, int *month, int *year,
800  double jul) {
801  /* julian day as long */
802  long ljul;
803  /* helping variables */
804  long ja, jalpha, jb, jc, jd, je;
807  ljul = (long) floor(jul);
808  jul -= (double) ljul;
809  *hour = (int) (floor(jul * 24.0));
810  jul -= (double) *hour / 24.0;
811  *minute = (int) (floor(jul * 1440.0));
813  if (ljul >= 2299161) {
814  jalpha = (long) (((float) (ljul - 1867216) - 0.25) / 36524.25);
815  ja = ljul + 1 + jalpha - (long) (0.25 * jalpha);
816  } else
817  ja = ljul;
818  jb = ja + 1524;
819  jc = (long) (6680.0 + ((float) (jb - 2439870) - 122.1) / 365.25);
820  jd = (long) (365 * jc + (0.25 * jc));
821  je = (long) ((jb - jd) / 30.6001);
822  *day = jb - jd - (long) (30.6001 * je);
823  *month = je - 1;
824  if (*month > 12)
825  *month -= 12;
826  *year = jc - 4715;
827  if (*month > 2)
828  --(*year);
829  if (*year <= 0)
830  --(*year);
831 }
833 /********************************************************************
834  * *
835  * calculate 12bit checksum *
836  * *
837  * buf: pointer to data buffer *
838  * n: number of bytes in buffer *
839  * *
840  * result: checksum *
841  * *
842  ********************************************************************/
843 int CalcChecksum12(unsigned char *buf, int n) {
844  /* counter */
845  int i;
846  /* data value */
847  unsigned long x;
848  /* checksum */
849  unsigned long s = 0;
852  /* main loop */
853  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
854  /* get 1. value */
855  x =
856  (((unsigned long) buf[(int) (1.5 * i)]) << 4) +
857  (((unsigned long) buf[(int) (1.5 * i) + 1] & 0xF0) >> 4);
859  /* add to checksum */
860  s = s + x;
862  /* increase counter */
863  i++;
865  /* do we have a second value */
866  if (i >= n)
867  break;
869  /* get 2. value */
870  x =
871  (((unsigned long) buf[(int) (1.5 * (i - 1)) + 1] & 0x0F) << 8) +
872  (((unsigned long) buf[(int) (1.5 * (i - 1)) + 2]));
874  /* add to checksum */
875  s = s + x;
876  }
879  s = s >> 4;
880  s = s & 0xFFF;
882  /* return checksum */
883  return (s);
884 }
unsigned long int millisec
Definition: pdsinfo.c:109
int apid
Definition: pdsinfo.c:94
int version
Definition: pdsinfo.c:91
int src2
Definition: pdsinfo.c:116
int flag
Definition: pdsmerge.c:92
int32_t day
#define L(lambda, T)
Definition: PreprocessP.h:185
#define NAME
Definition: pdsmerge.c:63
int sci_abnorm
Definition: pdsinfo.c:119
These are used to scale the SD before writing it to the HDF4 file The default is and which means the product is not scaled at all Since the product is usually stored as a float inside of this is a way to write the float out as a integer l2prod min
int sci_state
Definition: pdsinfo.c:118
function jd(i, j, k)
Definition: jd.f:2
int microsec
Definition: pdsinfo.c:110
int CalcChecksum12(unsigned char *buf, int n)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:843
int ql
Definition: pdsinfo.c:111
int sec_hdr_flag
Definition: pdsinfo.c:93
int type
Definition: pdsinfo.c:92
Definition: pdsmerge.c:77
int ReadPriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:598
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: pdsmerge.c:137
Definition: pdsmerge.c:73
int jb
Definition: atrem_corl1.h:227
#define PRI_HDR_SIZE
Definition: pdsmerge.c:71
int pkt_count
Definition: pdsinfo.c:96
a context in which it is NOT documented to do so subscript error
Definition: HISTORY.txt:53
#define DATA_SIZE
Definition: pdsmerge.c:75
double precision function f(R1)
Definition: tmd.lp.f:1454
int DecodePriHdr(unsigned char *buf, struct pri_hdr *hdr)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:638
#define VERSION
Definition: pdsmerge.c:65
int conf
Definition: pdsinfo.c:117
Definition: jd.py:1
int checksum
Definition: pdsinfo.c:120
float ja
Definition: atrem_cor.h:114
integer, parameter double
int days
Definition: pdsinfo.c:108
int DecodeMODISHdr(unsigned char *buf, int len, struct modis_hdr *hdr)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:681
#define USAGE
Definition: pdsmerge.c:69
void caldat(int *minute, int *hour, int *day, int *month, int *year, double jul)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:799
int src1
Definition: pdsinfo.c:115
int pkt_length
Definition: pdsinfo.c:97
data_t s[NROOTS]
Definition: decode_rs.h:75
int seq_flags
Definition: pdsinfo.c:95
int i
Definition: decode_rs.h:71
int WritePriHdr(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:618
#define REVISION
Definition: pdsmerge.c:67
int mirror_side
Definition: pdsinfo.c:114
int scan_count
Definition: pdsinfo.c:113
Definition: setup.py:15
void julday(int minute, int hour, int day, int month, int year, double *jul)
Definition: pdsmerge.c:753
int pkt_type
Definition: pdsinfo.c:112