Go to the documentation of this file.
136 subroutine rayget(lun,theta,theta0,phi0,phi1,phi2,tau,isflag)
141 integer,
parameter :: N_AMSIZ = 384
145 integer,
parameter :: M_M = 41
146 integer,
parameter :: N_N = 45
147 integer,
parameter :: C_H = 2
153 real*4 phi0(m_m,n_n,c_h)
154 real*4 phi1(m_m,n_n,c_h)
155 real*4 phi2(m_m,n_n,c_h)
157 integer*4 isflag(c_h)
159 character*(80) msgbuf
161 character*(n_amsiz) filenm
162 character*7 files(c_h)
168 10
169 20
173 files(1) =
174 files(2) =
176 call getenv(
'OCDATAROOT', caldir)
177 flen = lenstr(caldir)
178 if (flen .eq. 0)
180 &
'-E- RAYGETPOL: Environment variable OCDATAROOT undefined'
191 filenm = caldir(1:flen)//
192 write(*,*)
'Loading '//filenm(1:lenstr(filenm))
193 open(unit=lun,file=filenm,status=
195 if (isflag(k) .eq. 0)
199 read(lun,20) theta0(i),tau(i,k)
200 read(lun,10) (phi0(j,i,k),j=1,m_m)
203 read(lun,10) (phi1(j,i,k),j=1,m_m)
204 read(lun,10) (phi2(j,i,k),j=1,m_m)
212 &
'-E- RAYGETPOL: No data found for ', filenm
subroutine rayget(lun, theta, theta0, phi0, phi1, phi2, tau, isflag)