Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine tiltcomp( nlines, tlm, timref, time, gaclac, navqc,
2  1 tiltpr, tiltfl )
4 c $Header$
5 c $Log$
6 c
7 c tiltcomp( nlines, tlm, gaclac, navqc, tiltpr, tiltfl )
8 c
9 c Purpose: process tilt angle data to a line-by-line array
10 c
11 c Calling Arguments:
12 c
13 c Name Type I/O Description
14 c -------- ---- --- -----------
15 c nlines I*4 I number of scan lines covered
16 c tlm struct I telemetry structure containing tilt info
17 c timref R*8 I size 3 reference time at start line
18 c of data: year, day, sec
19 c time R*8 I array of time in seconds relative to
20 c timref for every scan line
21 c gaclac I*4 I flag for GAC or LAC data. If LAC
22 c data, a time exists for each scan
23 c line, else only once every 5 lines
24 c navqc struct I navigation quality control info
25 c tiltpr R*4 O size nlines processed tilt data
26 c for each line and for two tilt measurements
27 c tiltfl I*4 O flags for goodness of tilts 0 - good,
28 c 1 - bad
29 c
30 c By: W. Robinson, GSC, 13 Apr 93
31 c
32 c Notes:
33 c
34 c Modification History:
35 c
36 c Fixed error in last call to runfit3t. F. S. Patt, January 12, 1995.
37 c
38 c Fixed error in indexing of smoothed tilt angles. F.S. Patt, Oct. 31, 1997
39 c
40 c Fixed bug in initializing counter for end-of-scene processing. F. S. Patt,
41 c SAIC GSC, May 21, 1998.
42 c
43 c Added a consistency check on the tilt angles during tilt changes; include
44 c a final limit check on tilt angles to catch processing problems.
45 c F. S. Patt, SAIC GSC, August 4, 1998.
48  implicit none
49 #include "tlm_str.fin"
50 #include "navqc_s.fin"
51  type(tlm_struct) :: tlm
52  type(navqc_struct) :: navqc
53 c
54  integer*4 gaclac, nlines, tiltfl(nlines)
55 c
56  integer*4 nper, ilin, j, k, i1, in(4), ntilt, n1, n2, tfl(100)
57  integer*4 nskip, iret, nfit, jp, sgn
58  real*8 timref(3),time(nlines)
59  real*4 tiltpr(nlines)
60  real*4 tout(100),tlcl(100),tdif(100),tdlim(2),tldif,tlim(2)
61  logical gottwo
62  data nfit/9/,nskip/2/,tdif/100*0.0/,tdlim/-1.,10./,tlim/-20.,20./
63 c
64 c
65 c initialize output arrays for processed tilt
66 c
67  nper = 1
68  if( gaclac .eq. 1 ) nper = 5
69 c
70  do ilin = 1, nlines
71  tiltpr(ilin) = 0
72  tiltfl(ilin) = 1
73  end do
74 c
75 c First transfer the tilt info
76 c
77  do ilin = 1, tlm%ntlm
79  do j = 1, nper
81 c
82  tiltfl((ilin - 1) * nper + j ) = tlm%tilt(1)%flag(j,ilin)
83 c tiltfl(2,(ilin - 1) * nper + j ) = tlm%tilt(2)%flag(j,ilin)
84 c
85  tiltpr((ilin - 1) * nper + j ) = tlm%tilt(1)%ang(j,ilin)
86 c tiltpr(2,(ilin - 1) * nper + j ) = tlm%tilt(2)%ang(j,ilin)
87  end do
88  end do
90 c Add consistency check at some future date
91 c call tiltcnst(
93 c Now fill in missing values
95 c do itilt=1,2
96  ilin = 1
97  i1 = 1
99 c Initialize by finding first 4 static tilt times
100  do k=1,4
101  call fndflg(tiltfl(1),nlines,i1,in(k))
102 c If end of range encountered, process data and exit
103  if (in(k).eq.-1) then
105 c If 0 or 1 static values, attempt smoothing
106  if (k.lt.3) then
107  print *,'Insufficient static tilt data samples'
108  print *,' Smoothing attempted'
109  do j=1,nlines
110  if (tiltfl(j).eq.2) tiltfl(j) = 0
111  end do
112  ntilt = nlines
113  call runfit3t(nfit,nskip,tlcl,tiltpr(1),ntilt,1,tiltfl(1),
114  * 1,time(1),tdif,tout,tfl,iret)
115  do j=1,nlines
116  tiltpr(j) = tout(j)
117  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j)
118  end do
119  go to 990
121 c Else if 2 static values, process data
122  else if (k.eq.3) then
123  in(3) = in(2)
124  end if
125  end if
126  i1 = in(k) + 1
127  end do
129 c Now handle cases of non-static tilt at start of interval
130 c Change tilt change data flags to be used in smoothing
131  n2 = 0
132  n1 = 0
133  do j=1,in(3)-1
134  if (tiltfl(j).eq.2) then
135  tiltfl(j) = 0
136  n2 = n2 + 1
137  if (j.lt.in(1)) n1 = n1 + 1
138  end if
139  end do
141 c Try to perform smoothing
142  ntilt = in(3)
143  call runfit3t(nfit,nskip,tlcl,tiltpr(1),ntilt,1,tiltfl(1),
144  * 1,time(1),tdif,tout,tfl,iret)
146 c Fill in values before first pointer if necessary
147  if (in(1).gt.1) then
148  if ((n1.gt.0).and.(iret.eq.0)) then
149  do j=1,in(1)-1
150  tiltpr(j) = tout(j)
151  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j)
152  end do
153  else
154  do j=1,in(1)-1
155  tiltpr(j) = tiltpr(in(1))
156  tiltfl(j) = tiltfl(in(1))
157  end do
158  end if
159  end if
161 c Fill in values between first and second pointers
162  if (in(2).gt.(in(1)+1)) then
163  if (tiltpr(in(2)).eq.tiltpr(in(1))) then
164  do j=in(1)+1,in(2)-1
165  tiltpr(j) = tiltpr(in(1))
166  tiltfl(j) = tiltfl(in(1))
167  end do
168  else
169  do j=in(1)+1,in(2)-1
170  tiltpr(j) = tout(j)
171  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j)
172  end do
173  end if
174  end if
177 c Now fill remaining array locations with good values
178  dowhile(in(4).ne.-1)
180 c Check for tilt change between second and third pointers
181  if (tiltpr(in(3)).eq.tiltpr(in(2))) then
182  if (in(3).gt.(in(2)+1)) then
183  do j=in(2)+1,in(3)-1
184  tiltpr(j) = tiltpr(in(2))
185  tiltfl(j) = tiltfl(in(2))
186  end do
187  end if
189 c Else smooth and load tilt change data
190  else
192 c Perform consistency check on tilt angles
193  gottwo = .false.
194  jp = in(2)
195  sgn = sign(1.0,(tiltpr(in(3)) - tiltpr(in(2))))
196  do j=in(2)+1,in(3)-1
197  if (tiltfl(j).eq.2) then
198  if (time(j).ne.time(jp)) then
199  tldif = sgn*(tiltpr(j) - tiltpr(jp)) /
200  * (time(j)-time(jp))
201  if ((tldif.lt.tdlim(1)).or.(tldif.gt.tdlim(2))) then
202  if (.not.gottwo) tiltfl(jp) = 1
203  gottwo = .false.
204  else
205  tiltfl(j) = 0
206  gottwo = .true.
207  end if
208  jp = j
209  else
210  tiltfl(j) = 1
211  end if
212  end if
213  end do
214  if (.not.gottwo) tiltfl(jp) = 1
215  ntilt = in(3) - in(2) + 1
216  call runfit3t(nfit,nskip,tlcl,tiltpr(in(2)),ntilt,1,
217  1 tiltfl(in(2)),1,time(in(2)),tdif,tout,tfl,iret)
218  do j=in(2)+1,in(3)-1
219  tiltpr(j) = tout(j-in(2)+1)
220  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j-in(2)+1)
221  end do
222  end if
224 c Find next static value and shift pointers
225  do j=1,3
226  in(j) = in(j+1)
227  end do
228  i1 = in(3) + 1
229  call fndflg(tiltfl(1),nlines,i1,in(4))
231 c End of main processing loop
232  end do
234 c Now process data at end of interval
235 c Change tilt change data flags to be used in smoothing
236  n1 = 0
237  n2 = 0
238  do j=in(2),nlines
239  if (tiltfl(j).eq.2) then
240  tiltfl(j) = 0
241  n2 = n2 + 1
242  if (j.gt.in(3)) n1 = n1 + 1
243  end if
244  end do
246 c Try to perform smoothing
247  ntilt = nlines - in(1) + 1
248  call runfit3t(nfit,nskip,tlcl,tiltpr(in(1)),ntilt,1,
249  1 tiltfl(in(1)),1,time(in(1)),tdif,tout,tfl,iret)
251 c Fill in values between second and third pointers
252  if (in(3).gt.(in(2)+1)) then
253  if (tiltpr(in(3)).eq.tiltpr(in(2))) then
254  do j=in(2)+1,in(3)-1
255  tiltpr(j) = tiltpr(in(2))
256  tiltfl(j) = tiltfl(in(2))
257  end do
258  else
259  do j=in(2)+1,in(3)-1
260  tiltpr(j) = tout(j-in(1)+1)
261  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j-in(1)+1)
262  end do
263  end if
264  end if
266 c Fill in values after third pointer if necessary
267  if (in(3).lt.nlines) then
268  if ((n1.gt.0).and.(iret.eq.0)) then
269  do j=in(3)+1,nlines
270  tiltpr(j) = tout(j-in(1)+1)
271  tiltfl(j) = 2 - tfl(j-in(1)+1)
272  end do
273  else
274  do j=in(3)+1,nlines
275  tiltpr(j) = tiltpr(in(3))
276  tiltfl(j) = tiltfl(in(3))
277  end do
278  end if
279  end if
281 c
282 c and end
283 c
284  990 continue
286  do j=1,nlines
287 c Perform final check to limit tilt angles to +/- 20 degrees
288  if (tiltpr(j).gt.tlim(2)) then
289  tiltpr(j) = tlim(2)
290  tiltfl(j) = 1
291  else if (tiltpr(j).lt.tlim(1)) then
292  tiltpr(j) = tlim(1)
293  tiltfl(j) = 1
294  end if
296 c print *,tiltpr(j),tiltfl(j)
297  end do
299  return
300  end
#define sign(x)
Definition: misc.h:95
#define real
Definition: DbAlgOcean.cpp:26
subroutine fndflg(flag, nflag, istndx, next)
Definition: fndflg.f:2
subroutine tiltcomp(nlines, tlm, timref, time, gaclac, navqc, tiltpr, tiltfl)
Definition: tiltcomp.f:3
subroutine runfit3t(nfpts, nskip, measlcl, meas, nmeas, nquant, flag, nper, time, timdif, measout, flgout, iret)
Definition: runfit3t.f:3