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- By saiavaihola Date 2019-04-16 21:57
Hi all, pls forgive wrong sub heading to ask this question.

I have chl satellite data (monthly averaged L2) of my ocean geo. region.  I also have tuna catch data with latitude and longitude points (all in the ocean region of my chl satellite data).  My task is to extract chl values to corresponding lat/lon points of my fish data.  I'm using python to do this.

Everything works fine except;
1. am getting multiple values of chl instead of one.
2. keep getting this value error: total size of new array must be unchanged.

I suspect it is coming from the difference in array shape.  My array shape is [1443,1110) ie lat_dim 1443 and lon_dim 1110. 
When I do data.shape it gives [4800690] instead of the data shape above as they are equivalent in 1443*1110.

Do I need to reshape further the data array? I have tutorial files and they are perfect these data shapes equivalent to each other.

Appreciate any comments and help.