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Up Topic SeaDAS / SeaDAS 6.x Virtual Appliance for Windows / SeaDAS shared folder not operational, user puzzled (locked)
- By ryanv Date 2011-06-13 17:48
I just replaced SeaDAS v6.1 with v6.2, and cannot seem to get the shared folder operational again. It appears not to exist at all within the virtual machine. I tried creating a symbolic link as suggested on other posts, but the system tells me there is no folder. I created a shared folder within the Seadas directory and tried again. I tried to generate a test file, and found it within the VM, but not in my windows share folder. I made sure the shared folder was enabled in the drop down menu, and made sure the path was correct. I have a SeaDAS shared folder on my desktop, but it is a non-accessible folder and has no contents. I think there is something obvious I'm missing here, but I am very new to the Linux and I'm not sure what it is. Thanks for the help!

- By gnwiii Date 2011-06-15 15:52
The trouble with menus is that it is hard to post what you see to the forum.  Using command-line tools will let you generate
text that can easily be posted here, and you will need them to install updates or support for additional sensors, etc.

Spend a couple hours with a basic linux tutorial and you will find it much easier to use and maintain SeaDAS.  Good tutorials can be a bit hard to track down with all the SEO nonsense these days, but <> is a good place to start.
<> discusses the 'df' command which may help you find the shared folder.

The "mount" command should list the "physical" disks (/dev/sd...) a bunch of "none" lines, and shared folder as
.host:/.. on ... type vmhgfs
Up Topic SeaDAS / SeaDAS 6.x Virtual Appliance for Windows / SeaDAS shared folder not operational, user puzzled (locked)