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Up Topic SeaDAS / SeaDAS 6.x Virtual Appliance for Windows / SeaDAS VA - terminal window disappears (locked)
- By m.canto Date 2012-03-14 06:26
we are running seadas tutorials for students using the SeaDAS VA6.3. We had several instances of the terminal window and widgets disappearing from the screen - and we cannot find it anywhere on the VA desktop. Seadas is obviously still running but how do we recover the lost widgets and windows? It is frustrating as we end up restarting and having to redo the work all over again. Hopefully there is another solution other than having to restart seadas! Thanks and hope to hear soon.

- By gnwiii Date 2012-03-15 13:46
You can use <Alt-TAB> to switch to another running process.   The SeaDAS VA is lacking the task list accessory (maybe because SeaDAS generates so many tasks that it just gets cluttered), but you can enable it by "left-clicking" in the "panel" along the bottom of the screen, choosing "Add new items", and choosing the "Task List".  
- By m.canto Date 2012-04-05 04:48
Hi George,

Apologies for the very late reply, but thanks for the response. I shall take note of this for future. As simple as that! :)

- By spiering Date 2012-04-10 12:09
I had the same problem and discovered that my mouse wheel also works as a button to access the active windows.
Up Topic SeaDAS / SeaDAS 6.x Virtual Appliance for Windows / SeaDAS VA - terminal window disappears (locked)