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Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / Data gaps coming from Level-0 receiving station data (locked)
- By Stock5884 Date 2013-12-13 03:19
At the PAGASA receiving station here in the Philippines, there is a problem with missing data areas that show up in the level-1B data after using SeaDAS to process the level-0 data. I used the python scripts to create the level-1B data files.  When I use SeaDAS and NASA MODIS level-0 file to create the level-1B and level-2 data for similar time periods, the data gaps do not appear.  The PAGASA receiving station states that the data gaps are from radio interference.  Is there some advice or algorithm that I can use to minimize or remove the data gaps?  Attached is a level-2 SST image that shows the missing data stripes.  The lines are from the gaps using the SST quality data equal to 4.  The University of the Philippines would like to use the PAGASA receiving station data to create NRT maps for better forecasting.
- By seanbailey Date 2013-12-13 18:00

Not sure there is much we can do to "fix" the situation...such is life with direct broadcast.  If there is a poor signal, data
can get lost or corrupted in transmission to the ground.  There are no  tools to recover data, so the gaps will exist in
downstream products.  The data that are there should be fine.  The bad data are, as you noted, appropriately flagged so
downstream products can ignore them (if they know to do so).

Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / Data gaps coming from Level-0 receiving station data (locked)