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Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / MODISL1DB 1.8 L1A to L1B problem (locked)
- By alexei Date 2014-04-16 18:19
Hello everyone!
We have a problem to produce L1B files after having L1A in MODISL1DB 1.8 software. there was no problem with previous versions.
here are PCF quotation from (*LogReport*) output error for that process (something with calibration fields). Did anyone faced with this. Did not find how attach files... sorry

BEGIN_PGE: Mon Apr  7 16:49:50 2014
FILE: /data/wrkspace/modis_proc/tlm/work/LogReport.P0420064AAAAAAAAAAAAAA14077155205000.L1B_LAC
LOGGING: status message logging enabled
TRACE_LEVEL: tracing disabled
PID_LOGGING: disabled

Mon Apr  7 16:49:51 2014

Could not get CPA or CPB indexes
Call to Get_Electronics_index() failed.

Thank you,
- By gfireman Date 2014-04-18 15:25
Alexey -

You can attach files only after you post the text; a button will appear below.

Are you sure the L1A and geolocation processes (l1agen_modis, geogen_modis) completed successfully?  You may want to do a "ncdump -h" on the output files to make sure.

Are you sure you installed the latest calibration tables?  There should have been a file with the suffix ".pcf" left in the processing directory; please attach that, the LogStatus file, and the full LogReport file (if there's more than you already posted.)
- By gfireman Date 2014-04-21 20:33
Thanks for the info.  Now I'm starting to suspect the geolocation processing, since the L1A file metadata does not have a valid orbit number.
Please post the GEO Log* files, and the ncdump output for the geo file.
Do all files fail L1B processing, or is it just this one?
- By alexei Date 2014-04-22 12:39
Ok, I added -  it seems bad time packets  but why? I ask producer
- By gfireman Date 2014-04-22 13:43
Indeed; all scans are incomplete.  I'd missed this from the L1A dump:
    :Number of Scans = 324 ;
    :Incomplete Scans = 324 ;
    :Missing Packets = 981960 ;

If it's only this pass that can't be processed, you can get the data from our archives.
If all passes fail, then you'll have to look further into the problem.
- By alexei Date 2014-04-22 16:02
yes - it's global problem. But producer of PDS said that this file was successfully converted with some previous IMAPP version.
Ok we will investigate "unpack" procedure... on the early of MODIS I also programmed this procedure but now slightly forgot what it was )))
Thank you.
Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / MODISL1DB 1.8 L1A to L1B problem (locked)