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Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / real-time AQUA MODIS processing (locked)
- By jasmine Date 2005-09-16 17:24
I would like to process real-time AQUA MODIS data, but am encountering issues with the required attitude and ephemeris files.
I am using GBAD to produce the required files (the ftp'd files are an hour behind), but creating the filenames with the appropriate timestamps (so that the SeaDAS code will find them) is a little messy.  The piece of code I'm referring to is seadas/etc/modis_predicted_atteph.csh, which looks for attitude and ephemeris files after nudging the start and stop times by 120 seconds at each end.  Or am I going about this the wrong way?  I'm tempted to edit the code to allow me to pass in the filenames!

Are there plans to incorporate GBAD (or the equivalent) in a future release/update? 
Alternatively, could flags be added to modis_l1agen to allow the user to specify the attitude and ephemeris files to be used (so the filenames wouldn't be an issue)?

Everything else seems to be working great :)  No problems with TERRA MODIS processing in real-time, and AQUA MODIS processing works fine as long as it's not real-time.

- By mike Date 2005-09-16 17:50 Edited 2008-01-07 19:54
Wow.. first post! congrats...

We've made many improvements to all of the SeaDAS MODIS DB components over the last couple of months. Accepting att/eph filenames as command line arguments for GEO processing is one of them. Send me an email (mike at and I'll hook you up with a new script so you don't have to rebuild any wheels...
- By mike Date 2005-09-28 18:00
This new attitude/ephemeris feature is included in MODISL1DB 1.0.
Up Topic SeaDAS / MODIS Direct Broadcast Support / real-time AQUA MODIS processing (locked)