How to place a bulk data order through the OceanColor Web
How to place a bulk data order through the OceanColor Web
The following examples all assume that you are starting the search and
order process from
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Order all the MODIS/AQUA files collected today.
The first page that comes up shows the complete mission record
for MODIS/Aqua chlorophyll.
Click the "number" that represents today's date, in the
calendar below the
world map.
At the present time, MODIS/Aqua
data are collected, processed and available on the web for browse
and distribution generally within 9-12 hours after acquisition by the
Wait for new web page to load.
Click the "Find
swaths" button.
Wait for new web page to load.
Click the
Wait for new web page to load.
Enter your email address and select the types of data you wish
to order by checking off the appropriate boxes. You may also control
the degree of email handshaking during the staging of your order by
unchecking one or more of the boxes at the bottom of the list.
This page also allows you to reduce the volume of your order
through the specification of geographical boundaries which will
be used to exclude scans and pixels from the swaths in your search
results during the file staging process.
For large, orbit-long swaths such as SeaWiFS GAC and MLAC, the
data volume reduction afforded by this subsetting during staging
can be considerable.
Now click the "Review order" button.
Wait for new web page to load. Be patient. This will take longer
for larger orders.
If everything on the new page is as you expect, then click the
"Submit order" button and wait for further instructions
from the SeaWiFS Data Processing System.
Note that you can order all the Aqua data for
ANY time period
by using the various calendar options to select the time period of
interest from daily to the entire mission (replacing step 2 above).
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Order all MODIS (Aqua) scenes for the entire mission that cover Bermuda.
The first page that comes up shows the complete mission record for MODIS/Aqua chlorophyll.
You can either locate Bermuda with your mouse on the map
and click (which will take you to step 4) or scroll down
the list of regions
and highlight Bermuda by clicking on it.
Click the "Find swaths" button.
Wait for new web page to load.
Click the
The rest of the steps are the same as in the first example.
Large orders will be staged for downloading in sections. You will be
allowed a set time to download each subset of your order. You may
extend the time that the files are available or curtail it if you
have finished downloading one subset and are ready for the next.
Instructions detailing how to do this are provided in the email
notifications that you receive when each segment of your order
is ready for downloading.
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Order all SeaWiFS MLAC data that overlie a part of the Black Sea.
Select the time period of interest first by the various calendar options.
Next, uncheck the "Aqua" option and check the "MLAC"
Click in the Black Sea on the global map.
Wait for new web page to load.
If a new page does not load, you may want
to click the "Reconfigure page" button to see whether there are
in fact any MLAC pixels in the part of the map you clicked on during
the time period you have selected. The "Reconfigure page"
step is not strictly necessary to begin your search, but it can be helpful
in that it provides visual clues as to which parts of the world the
data cover.
Click the
The rest of the steps are the same as in the first example.
Note that some of the selected SeaWiFS MLAC scenes may not be in
the public domain because they are less than five years old.
Page last updated 1 November 2007