MODIS L2 IOP Format Specifications
Format specification guide is here.
Please note that values given for attributes and scalar datasets are examples.
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dimensions (Top) |
number_of_lines | 2030 |
pixels_per_line | 1354 |
pixel_control_points | 1354 |
number_of_bands | 24 |
number_of_reflective_bands | 16 |
global attributes (Top) |
title | HMODISA Level-2 Data |
product_name | |
processing_version | 2014.0 |
equatorCrossingLongitude | 23.40131f |
orbit_number | 8836 |
history | l2gen par=/data5/sdpsoper/vdc/vpu14/workbuf/A2004001002000.L1B_LAC.param |
instrument | MODIS |
platform | Aqua |
Conventions | CF-1.6 |
Metadata_Conventions | Unidata Dataset Discovery v1.0 |
license | |
naming_authority | gov.nasa.gsfc.sci.oceandata |
id | 2014.0/L2/ |
date_created | 2015-06-10T00:16:30.000Z |
keywords_vocabulary | NASA Global Change Master Directory (GCMD) Science Keywords |
keywords | Oceans > Ocean Chemistry > Chlorophyll; Oceans > Ocean Optics > Ocean Color |
standard_name_vocabulary | NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Metadata Convention |
institution | NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, Ocean Biology Processing Group |
creator_name | NASA/GSFC/OBPG |
creator_email | |
creator_url | |
project | Ocean Biology Processing Group (NASA/GSFC/OBPG) |
publisher_name | NASA/GSFC/OBPG |
publisher_url | |
publisher_email | |
identifier_product_doi_authority | |
identifier_product_doi | 10.5067/AQUA/MODIS_OC.2014.0 |
processing_level | L2 |
cdm_data_type | swath |
equatorCrossingDateTime | 2003-12-31T23:58:42.686Z |
spatialResolution | 1 km |
time_coverage_start | 2004-01-01T00:20:06.238Z |
time_coverage_end | 2004-01-01T00:25:04.615Z |
start_center_longitude | -14.61878f |
start_center_latitude | -75.11924f |
end_center_longitude | -107.5128f |
end_center_latitude | -80.13968f |
northernmost_latitude | -67.24439f |
southernmost_latitude | -89.98983f |
easternmost_longitude | -80.09634f |
westernmost_longitude | 116.4053f |
geospatial_lat_units | degrees_north |
geospatial_lon_units | degrees_east |
geospatial_lat_max | -67.24439f |
geospatial_lat_min | -89.98983f |
geospatial_lon_max | -80.09634f |
geospatial_lon_min | 116.4053f |
startDirection | Descending |
endDirection | Ascending |
day_night_flag | Day |
earth_sun_distance_correction | 1.03422737121582 |
sensor_band_parameters (Top) Details here. |
shortname | datatype | units | long_name | standard_name | reference |
wavelength | float | nm | wavelengths | | N/A |
vcal_gain | float | | Vicarious Calibration Gain | | N/A |
vcal_offset | float | mW cm^-2 um^-1 sr^-1 | Vicarious Calibration Offset | | N/A |
F0 | float | W m^-2 um^-1 | Mean Solar Flux | | N/A |
aw | float | m^-1 | Band-pass averaged absorption coefficient for seawater | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | 1 |
bbw | float | m^-1 | Band-pass averaged backscattering coefficient for seawater | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | 2 |
k_oz | float | cm^-1 | Ozone Absorption cross-sections | | 3 |
k_no2 | float | cm^2 molecule^-1 | NO2 Absorption cross-sections | | 4 |
scan_line_attributes (Top) Details here. |
shortname | datatype | units | long_name | standard_name | reference |
Tau_r | int | | Rayleigh Optical Thickness | | 5 |
year | int | years | Scan year | | N/A |
day | int | days | Scan day of year | | N/A |
msec | byte | milliseconds | Scan time, milliseconds of day | | N/A |
detnum | byte | | Detector Number (zero-based) | | N/A |
mside | float | | Mirror Side (zero-based) | | N/A |
slon | float | degree_east | Starting Longitude | | N/A |
clon | float | degree_east | Center Longitude | | N/A |
elon | float | degree_east | Ending Longitude | | N/A |
slat | float | degree_north | Starting Latitude | | N/A |
clat | float | degree_north | Center Latitude | | N/A |
elat | float | degree_north | Ending Latitude | | N/A |
geophysical_data (Top) Details here. |
shortname | datatype | units | long_name | standard_name | reference |
csol_z | short | degree | Center Solar Zenith Angle | | N/A |
a_412_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 412 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_443_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 443 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_469_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 469 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_488_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 488 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_531_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 531 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_547_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 547 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_555_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 555 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_645_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 645 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_667_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 667 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
a_678_giop | short | m^-1 | Total absorption at 678 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_412_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 412 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_443_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_469_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 469 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_488_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 488 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_531_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 531 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_547_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 547 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_555_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 555 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_645_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 645 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_667_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 667 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
bb_678_giop | short | m^-1 | Total backscattering at 678 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water | N/A |
aph_443_giop | short | m^-1 | Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to phytoplankton | N/A |
adg_443_giop | float | m^-1 | Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model | volume absorption coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to dissolved organic matter | N/A |
adg_s_giop | short | m^-1 nm^-1 | detrital and gelbstoff absorption spectral parameter for GIOP model | | N/A |
bbp_443_giop | float | m^-1 | Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model | volume backwards scattering coefficient of radiative flux in sea water due to particles | N/A |
bbp_s_giop | float | m^-1 nm^-1 | backscattering spectral parameter for GIOP model | | N/A |
rrsdiff_giop | short | | Fractional mean Rrs difference, GIOP model | | N/A |
aph_unc_443_giop | short | m^-1 | Uncertainty in absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model | | N/A |
adg_unc_443_giop | short | m^-1 | Uncertainty in absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model | | N/A |
bbp_unc_443_giop | int | m^-1 | Uncertainty in particulate backscatter at 443 nm, GIOP model | | N/A |
navigation_data (Top) Details here. |
shortname | datatype | units | long_name | standard_name | reference |
l2_flags | float | | Level-2 Processing Flags | | N/A |
longitude | float | degree_east | Longitude | longitude | N/A |
latitude | int | degree_north | Latitude | latitude | N/A |
cntl_pt_cols | int | | Number of Pixel Control Points | | N/A |
cntl_pt_rows | float | | Number of Scan Control Points | | N/A |
Group Attributes |
gringpointlongitude | -38.45698f, 31.09325f, 170.2788f, -89.50504f |
gringpointlatitude | -67.24439f, -77.38208f, -83.85774f, -70.17398f |
gringpointsequence | 1, 2, 3, 4 |
processing_control (Top) |
software_name | l2gen |
software_version | 8.1.4-r11522 |
source | A2004001002000.L1B_LAC, A2004001002000.GEO, N200400100_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf, N200400106_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf, N200400106_MET_NCEPR2_6h.hdf, N200336500_O3_EPTOMS_24h.hdf, N200400100_O3_EPTOMS_24h.hdf, N200400100_O3_EPTOMS_24h.hdf,, xcal_modisa_axc38d, polcor_modisa_2010b, aerosol_hmodisa, modisa_ocr_vc_nn,, watermask.dat,,, N200400100_SEAICE_NSIDC_24h.hdf,, sss_climatology_woa2009.hdf, no2_climatology_v2013.hdf, alpha510_climatology.hdf, taua865_climatology.hdf, calcite_table.txt, owmc_lut.hdf |
calibration_data | A2004001002000.L1A_LAC, MYD02_Reflective_LUTs.V6.1.33.8_OC2.hdf, MYD02_Emissive_LUTs.V6.1.33.8_OC2.hdf, MYD02_QA_LUTs.V6.1.33.8_OC2.hdf |
flag_percentages (Top) |
ATMFAIL | 3.638189e-05f |
LAND | 82.69117f |
PRODWARN | 0.f |
HIGLINT | 0.f |
HILT | 96.52113f |
HISATZEN | 7.238833f |
COASTZ | 0.4231214f |
SPARE | 0.f |
STRAYLIGHT | 1.825134f |
CLDICE | 99.9642f |
TURBIDW | 0.02608582f |
HISOLZEN | 71.18031f |
LOWLW | 0.0003638189f |
CHLFAIL | 0.0002182914f |
NAVWARN | 0.f |
ABSAER | 0.f |
MAXAERITER | 0.000327437f |
MODGLINT | 0.f |
CHLWARN | 0.f |
ATMWARN | 0.01422532f |
SEAICE | 16.71497f |
NAVFAIL | 0.f |
FILTER | 0.f |
HIPOL | 0.2858526f |
PRODFAIL | 99.99448f |
Dataset Range and Scaling Attributes:
shortname | valid_min | valid_max | scale | offset | fill value |
wavelength | 0 | 1000 | | | -32767 |
vcal_gain | 0.f | 2.f | | | -32767.f |
vcal_offset | 0.f | 10.f | | | -32767.f |
F0 | 0.f | 250.f | | | -32767.f |
aw | 0.0001f | 5.f | | | -32767.f |
bbw | 5.e-06f | 1.f | | | -32767.f |
k_oz | 0.f | 0.1f | | | -32767.f |
k_no2 | 0.f | 0.1f | | | -32767.f |
Tau_r | 0.f | 0.5f | | | -32767.f |
year | 1900 | 2100 | | | -32767 |
day | 0 | 366 | | | -32767 |
msec | 0 | 86400000 | | | -32767 |
detnum | 0b | 25b | | | -1b |
mside | 0b | 1b | | | -1b |
slon | -180.f | 180.f | | | -32767.f |
clon | -180.f | 180.f | | | -32767.f |
elon | -180.f | 180.f | | | -32767.f |
slat | -90.f | 90.f | | | -32767.f |
clat | -90.f | 90.f | | | -32767.f |
elat | -90.f | 90.f | | | -32767.f |
csol_z | -90.f | 90.f | | | -32767.f |
a_412_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_443_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_469_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_488_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_531_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_547_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_555_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_645_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_667_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
a_678_giop | -24999s (0.000) | -6072s (1.893) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
bb_412_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_443_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_469_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_488_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_531_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_547_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_555_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_645_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_667_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bb_678_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
aph_443_giop | -24999s (0.000) | 25000s (5.000) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
adg_443_giop | -30000s (-0.500) | 25000s (5.000) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
adg_s_giop | 0.f | 5.f | | | -32767.f |
bbp_443_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
bbp_s_giop | -3.f | 3.f | | | -32767.f |
rrsdiff_giop | | | | | -32767.f |
aph_unc_443_giop | -24999s (0.000) | 25000s (5.000) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
adg_unc_443_giop | -24999s (0.000) | 25000s (5.000) | 0.0001f | 2.5f | -32767s |
bbp_unc_443_giop | -27999s (0.000) | -24608s (0.017) | 5.e-06f | 0.14f | -32767s |
l2_flags | -2147483648 | 2147483647 | | | |
longitude | -180.f | 180.f | | | -32767.f |
latitude | -90.f | 90.f | | | -32767.f |
cntl_pt_cols | 0 | 10000 | | | -32767 |
cntl_pt_rows | 0 | 10000 | | | -32767 |
1 (aw): Pope, R.M. and Fry, E.S., 1997, "Absorption spectrum (380-700 nm) of pure water. II. Integrating cavity measurements," Appl. Opt.,36, 8710-8723.; Kou, L., Labrie, D., Chylek, P., 1993, "Refractive indices of water and ice in the 0.65-2.5 m spectral range," Appl. Opt.,32, 3531-3540 (1993).
2 (bbw): Zhang, X., Hu, L., and He, M.-X. (2009). Scattering by pure seawater: effect of salinity, Opt. Express 17(7)
3 (k_oz): Anderson, S.M., Morton, J., and Mauersberger, K.. "Near-infrared absorption spectra of 16O3 and 18O3: Adiabatic energy of the 1A2 state?." The Journal of Chemical Physics 93.6 (1990): 3826-3832.; Anderson, Stuart M., Maeder, J., and Mauersberger, K. "Effect of isotopic substitution on the visible absorption spectrum of ozone." The Journal of chemical physics 94.10 (1991): 6351-6357;;;
4 (k_no2): K. Bogumil, et al., "Measurements of molecular absorption spectra with the SCIAMACHY pre-flight model: Instrument characterization and reference data for atmospheric remote sensing in the 230-2380 nm region," J. Photochem. Photobiol. A.: Photochem. 157, 167-184 (2003).; W. Schneider,et al., "Absorption cross-sections of NO2 in the UV and visible region (200 - 700 nm) at 298 K", J. Photochem. Photobiol. 40, 195-217 (1987)
5 (Tau_r): Bodhaine, B.A., Wood, N.B, Dutton, E.G., Slusser, J.R. (1999). On Rayleigh Optical Depth Calculations, J. Atmos. Ocean Tech., 16, 1854-1861.