Vol. 21: The Eighth SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-8), Sep - Dec 2001

Vol. 21: The Eighth SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-8), Sep - Dec 2001

SeaWiFS Post-Launch Technical Report Series


Zibordi, G., D. D'Alimonte, D. van der Linde, J-F. Berthon, S.B. Hooker, J.L. Mueller, G. Lazin, and S. McLean, 2002: The Eighth SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-8), Sep - Dec 2001. NASA Tech. Memo. 2003--206892, Vol. 21, S.B. Hooker and E.R. Firestone, Eds., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 39 pp.


This report documents the scientific activities during the eighth SeaWiFS Intercalibration Round-Robin Experiment (SIRREX-8) held at the Center for Hydro-Optics and Remote Sensing (CHORS), the Joint Research Centre (JRC), and Satlantic, Inc. The objectives of SIRREX-8 were to a) quantify the uncertainties associated with measuring the immersion factor with a standard protocol, b) establish if instrument-to-instrument variability prevents the assignment of a set of immersion factors for an entire series of sensors, c) compare average immersion factors obtained from sample OCI-200 radiometers with those provided by Satlantic for the same series of instruments, and d) measure the cosine response of one sensor at CHORS and Satlantic. An overview of SIRREX-8 is given in Chapt. 1, the immersion factor methods used by the participating laboratories are presented in Chapts. 2--4, and the data processing code is documented in Chapt. 5. The cosine response methods and results are presented in Chapt. 6, along with an analysis of the data. A synthesis of the immersion factor results is presented in Chapt. 7 and includes a discussion and conclusion of the effort with respect to the objectives.

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