Vol. 23: Tower-Perturbation Measurements in Above-Water Radiometry

Vol. 23: Tower-Perturbation Measurements in Above-Water Radiometry

SeaWiFS Post-Launch Technical Report Series


Hooker, S.B., G. Zibordi, J-F. Berthon, D. D'Alimonte, D. van der Linde, and J.W. Brown, 2003: Tower-Perturbation Measurements in Above-Water Radiometry. NASA Tech. Memo. 2003--206892, Vol. 23, S.B. Hooker and E.R. Firestone, Eds., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 35 pp.


This report documents the scientific activities which took place during June 2001 and June 2002 on the Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower (AAOT) in the northern Adriatic Sea. The primary objective of these field campaigns was to quantify the effect of platform perturbations (principally reflections of sunlight onto the sea surface) on above-water measurements of water-leaving radiances. The deployment goals documented in this report were to: a) collect an extensive and simultaneous set of above- and in-water optical measurements under predominantly clear-sky conditions; b) establish the vertical properties of the water column using a variety of ancillary measurements, many of which were taken coincidently with the optical measurements; and c) determine the bulk properties of the environment using a diversity of atmospheric, biogeochemical, and meteorological techniques. A preliminary assessment of the data collected during the two field campaigns shows the perturbation in above-water radiometry caused by a large offshore structure is very similar to that caused by a large research vessel.

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