The final acceptance, or rejection, of the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) will be determined by the instrument's on-orbit operation. There is, however, an extensive set of laboratory measurements describing the operating characteristics of the radiometer. Many of the requirements in the Ocean Color Data Mission (OCDM) specifications can be checked only by laboratory measurements. Here, the calibration review panel (composed of the authors of this technical memorandum) examines the laboratory characterization and calibration of SeaWiFS in the light of the OCDM performance specifications. Overall, the performance of the SeaWiFS instrument meets or exceeds the requirements of the OCDM Contract in all but a few unimportant details. The detailed results of this examination are presented here by following the outline of the specifications, as found in the Contract. The results are presented in the form of requirement and compliance pairs. These results give conclusions on many, but not all, of the performance specifications. The acceptance by this panel of the performance of SeaWiFS must only be considered as an intermediate conclusion. The ultimate acceptance (or rejection) of the SeaWiFS data set will rely on the measurements made by the instrument on orbit.