Vol. 9: The Simulated SeaWiFS Data Set, Version 1

Vol. 9: The Simulated SeaWiFS Data Set, Version 1

SeaWiFS Pre-Launch Technical Report Series


Gregg, W.W., F.C. Chen, A.L. Mezaache, J.D. Chen, J.A. Whiting, 1993: The Simulated SeaWiFS Data Set, Version 1. NASA Tech. Memo. 104566, Vol. 9, S.B. Hooker and E.R. Firestone, Eds., NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, 17 pp.


Data system development activities for the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) must begin well before the scheduled 1994 launch. To assist in these activities, it is essential to develop a simulated SeaWiFS data set as soon as possible. Realism is of paramount importance in this data set, including SeaWiFS spectral bands, orbital and scanning characteristics, and known data structures. Development of the simulated data set can assist in identification of problem areas that can be addressed and solved before the actual data are received. This paper describes the creation of the first version of the simulated SeaWiFS data set. The data set includes the spectral band, orbital, and scanning characteristics of the SeaWiFS sensor and SeaStar spacecraft. The information is output in the data structure as it is stored onboard. Thus, it is a level-0 data set which can be taken from start to finish through a prototype data system. The data set is complete and correct at the time of printing, although the values in the telemetry fields are left blank. The structure of the telemetry fields, however, is incorporated. Also, no account for clouds has been included. However, this version facilitates early prototyping activities by the SeaWiFS data system, providing a realistic data set to assess performance.

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