Ocean Color Science Software

ocssw V2022
Go to the documentation of this file.
1  subroutine driver_mod_pr06od( )
3 !-------------------------------------------------------------------
4 !
5 !!F77
6 !
7 !!Description:
8 ! Driver program for MODIS cloud property algorithm.
9 !
10 !!Input Parameters:
11 ! None
12 !
13 !!Output Parameters:
14 ! None
15 !
16 !!Revision History:
17 ! Revision 3.0 2004/08/24 mag
18 ! the new driver
19 !
20 !!Team-unique Header:
21 ! Cloud Retrieval Group, NASA/GSFC, Code 913, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
22 !
23 !!Credit and Reference:
24 ! Programmed by:
25 ! Mark Gray (mag)
26 ! L-3 GSI
27 ! NASA/GSFC, code 913
28 ! Greenbelt, Maryland, USA
29 !
30 ! W. Robinson, SAIC -re-worked to remove work file
31 !
32 !!End
33 !---------------------------------------------------------------------
34  use names
37  use cld_tbl_names ! virtually use them all
39  implicit none
41  !.....Parameter Declarations
44  !*****************************************************
45  ! Variable Declarations
46  !*****************************************************
48  real :: statistics(7)
49  integer :: ErrorFlag
50  integer :: i
52  integer :: status
53  !
54  !
55  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------
56  ! now, this mainly sets the table names wheras the rest of the information
57  ! comes through l2gen
58  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
59  mytime = 0
60  ! WDR we have made time the input so...
62  myday = c2_g_day
63  ! derive the month - it is used - just get a rough value
64  mymonth = c2_g_day /30 + 1
65  if ( mymonth > 12 ) mymonth = 12
66  !
67  ! WDR set the cloud mask to be from the l2
68  cm_from_l2 = 1
70  ! water and ice (over land) no-wind tables
71  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice, aice_library, status )
73  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water, awater_library, status )
75  ! ice wind-dependent libs
76  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_03_m_s, alibnames_ice(1), status )
77  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_sd_03_m_s, &
78  alibnames_ice_sdev(1), status )
79  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_07_m_s, alibnames_ice(2), status )
80  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_sd_07_m_s, &
81  alibnames_ice_sdev(2), status )
82  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_15_m_s, alibnames_ice(3), status )
83  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_ice_sd_15_m_s, &
84  alibnames_ice_sdev(3), status )
86  ! water wind-dependent libs
87  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_03_m_s, alibnames_water(1), &
88  status )
89  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_sd_03_m_s, &
90  alibnames_water_sdev(1), status )
91  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_07_m_s, alibnames_water(2), &
92  status )
93  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_sd_07_m_s, &
94  alibnames_water_sdev(2), status )
95  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_15_m_s, alibnames_water(3), &
96  status )
97  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, scat_water_sd_15_m_s, &
98  alibnames_water_sdev(3), status )
100  ! single scattering / phase functions
101  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, single_scat, aphase_library, status )
103  ! transmittance coefficients
104  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, transmittance_coeffs, &
105  atransmittance_library, status )
107  ! sfc, snow albedo map
108  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, ecology_map, aecosystem_data_name, status )
109  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, snow_albedo, asnowicealbedo_data_name, &
110  status )
112  ! emissivity map
113  call get_cld_tbl( c2_sensor_id, global_emiss, aemissivity_name, status )
115  !...........Perform cloud optical properties retrieval
116  call mod_pr06od(statistics,errorflag)
120 End subroutine driver_mod_pr06od
Definition: ch_xfr.f90:1
integer c2_g_year
Definition: ch_xfr.f90:44
integer, parameter scat_water_sd_07_m_s
integer cm_from_l2
Definition: ch_xfr.f90:53
integer, parameter single_scat
subroutine mod_pr06od(statistics, errorlevel)
Definition: mod_pr06od.f90:2
character(len=1000), dimension(3) alibnames_water_sdev
Definition: names.f90:36
character(len=1000) aphase_library
Definition: names.f90:37
integer, parameter scat_ice_07_m_s
integer, parameter scat_water_03_m_s
integer, parameter scat_ice_sd_07_m_s
character(len=1000), dimension(3) alibnames_ice
Definition: names.f90:35
character(len=1000), dimension(3) alibnames_ice_sdev
Definition: names.f90:35
integer, parameter scat_ice_sd_03_m_s
integer, parameter scat_ice_15_m_s
character(len=1000) asnowicealbedo_data_name
Definition: names.f90:37
character(len=1000) aice_library
Definition: names.f90:28
integer, parameter snow_albedo
integer, parameter scat_water
integer, parameter scat_ice
integer mytime
Definition: names.f90:9
integer, parameter scat_water_sd_15_m_s
integer, parameter transmittance_coeffs
integer, parameter scat_ice_sd_15_m_s
integer c2_g_day
Definition: ch_xfr.f90:44
integer c2_sensor_id
Definition: ch_xfr.f90:48
integer, parameter scat_water_sd_03_m_s
integer myyear
Definition: names.f90:9
integer myday
Definition: names.f90:9
character(len=1000) atransmittance_library
Definition: names.f90:37
integer, parameter scat_ice_03_m_s
integer mymonth
Definition: names.f90:9
Definition: names.f90:1
character(len=500) aemissivity_name
Definition: names.f90:44
character(len=1000), dimension(3) alibnames_water
Definition: names.f90:36
character(len=1000) aecosystem_data_name
Definition: names.f90:37
integer, parameter ecology_map
integer, parameter scat_water_07_m_s
character(len=1000) awater_library
Definition: names.f90:28
subroutine driver_mod_pr06od()
integer, parameter global_emiss
integer, parameter scat_water_15_m_s